I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 1121: 1121 The Start Of Zombies Attack!

Despite having all these thoughts, I didnt hurry up and crush their plans.

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After all, I got the feeling that they were preparing something huge and not just simply bringing up their toys to threaten me.

The quest will start soon, so its better for you to prepare, the leading angel said with a mocking expression on his face.

It was as if he got everything under his control and I got nothing to do. For a second there I wanted to go and slap him on the face to wipe out such a smug smile.

But I controlled myself. They werent enough to get me enraged or annoyed. In my eyes, they were just mere flies.

[Get ready for the battle] I ignored these unwelcome guests while sending such messages to everyone.

[Our forces are in place] Isac sent, [But there are still considerable amount of forces inside that world of yours]

[Thats true] it seemed like Lily was with Isac, [we only brought out one fourth of our entire forces]

[Thats enough for now] I knew my forces were vast and theyd take longer to gather around. But the amount appearing here was enough to control the entire situation over my kingdom.

I waited while looking from time to time at the grand army of angels here. For a reason, they kept themselves visible as if they were doing this on purpose.

I didnt mind that. The moment they tried to intervene would be the end of their arrogant behaviour.

As I got time before the start of the next quest, I started to examine my biggest asset; soul count.

After two and half years training in seclusion, and after the grand battles between my forces and monsters, the number of souls stored inside my class skyrocketed.

Before this, having a few millions was good and tens of millions was great. I recalled that before entering such a long period of training the number was almost over one hundred million.

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However the number appearing in front of me wasnt in millions, but billions. It was shocking to see such a number, however this all made sense.

If not for the time difference inside the second Earth, it would have been higher than that I said in amusement while looking at the grand figure of slightly over twenty billion soul count.

I started to calculate the amount of fallen gods Id form using all these souls. Each fallen god required around fifty thousand souls to be safely created.

It was enough to summon close to one million fallen gods. As for dragons and other warriors, they could be ten fold than this.

Even if such a number looked small, the effect of it was crazy. This was the brutalest weapon I ever had so far. And I could gather up one million of it It was insane!

Up till now the number of fallen gods I summoned didnt exceed one thousand. As for dragons, they were in tens of thousands.

This was enough to make my personal army scary in the eyes of my enemies. Then how about showing a force that was hundreds of times in size? It was enough to give these arrogant angels a run for their money.

But I didnt plan to use all of these souls on summoning dragons and fallen gods. I might just push my class up first after dealing with the large number of star weapons in the sky.

I was curious about what benefits Id get after evolving my class for a couple of grades.

[The fifth quest is issued to you by the angels]

At last Its here finally I took a deep breath before reading the rest of the notification.

[The swarm of zombies: A deadly tsunami of such plaque is appearing out of nowhere! There is no place to hide, nowhere to run, and you have to show up your strength and fight back.

Quest description: you are the owner of a kingdom, a mighty ruler that never appeared before in the world. Your kingdom used a kingdom heart and controlled a large amount of land.

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Your responsibility as a ruler is to ensure the safety of your people against the invasion of the zombies. Fail and your people will die, your land will be lost, and your kingdom will be destroyed.

Zombies can invade lands, establish their territories, and give birth to much more of their kin. You cant allow that to happen!

The current progress: 0%

The current territory size affected: 100%

The current zombie lands: 0%

Quest duration: two months time.

Quest conditions: at the end of two months time, maintain eighty percent of your lands intact and under your control. The total number of zombie lands cant be over 10% of your total land size. Exterminating more zombies outside your land will give you bonus lands as trophies.

Remarks: you cant think of running, there is no where to go!]

At last! I looked over the interface message before the next moment a mighty and ear deafening roar came from one direction.

I turned and saw a thick red cloud appearing out from the ground. It looked like an explosion of red light had just erupted there. And then the entire world shook and more of these clouds appeared.

Here it came The first wave of zombies!

[Its on Dont lower your guard and kill those appearing first] I hurriedly sent this warning to others before calling out my entire warriors and formed a grand army underneath me.

Just at this moment I saw many new faces. Monsters appeared in the middle of my grand army of warriors. And that meant the den out there worked.

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I didnt feel the addition of warriors to my inventory. The process seemed smooth and without any notification.

Scatter! The first order I gave was for my grand army of warriors to scatter.

I was already hovering over the capital. And a general look over the capital was enough to tell anyone how hard it would be for these zombies to cause trouble here.

However I knew how deadly these zombies were. They didnt just come out in small numbers. Instead they appeared in waves, enough to cover up earth and drown the ground.

And the next moment I saw what others didnt expect.

The amount of red fog appeared first, accompanied by roars and howls from within. Then without any warning, a burst wave of a huge number of zombies appeared next, taking over the world like ink covering up a painting.

And this ink looked ugly and deadly!

Each zombie was almost three to five metres in length, with pale and emaciated skin that was filled with blisters and wounds. Their eyes were covered with thick membrane and their mouths were oval and wide opened, showing their yellow and irregular sharp sow-like teeth.

If it was a hundred or a thousand, then dealing with them wasnt going to be a problem. But like a volcano erupted all of sudden, the attack of zombies appeared like an unstoppable tsunami.

Hundreds Thousands Tens of thousands Hundreds of thousands In mere a few minutes, their number escalated and kept growing up without a pause.

I looked at such scenes that kept repeating all over the world and couldnt help but inwardly sigh.

Zombies were formed from the dead bodies of monsters and races in the past few quests. I didnt know anything about other places, but this region of mine was filled with mountains of corpses.

How many wars have happened so far? How many enemies died in my forces? How many of my men died in return?

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Without thinking much about it, I knew for sure that this zombie invasion would be merciless and hard to fight against.

If it happened like any war where the enemy would gather up its forces and come at me then it would be much easier to deal with.

However these zombies They appeared from the ground everywhere and started jumping at any sign of life around.

Anyone standing on the ground was a target. They didnt follow any tactic and just depended on wave attack tactics.

If this happened at a limited place or location then it wouldnt have been this hard to deal with. However this happened all over the place, all over the kingdom, all over the world.

Seeing this and facing such a tsunami was enough to lead anyone into desperation. I got to know that it was hard to deal with these attacks, especially when they were coming from anywhere around.

Standing on top of my chariot and overseeing such a horrifying attack made my scalp numb. No matter how much I read before about this, seeing such tragedy in front of my eyes was indeed terrifying.

At this moment, it seemed like Earth turned over everyone and decided to punish all of these zombies. The ones that got killed so far were resurrected alongside more of the stored up zombies.

And that wasnt just the scariest part of it. Every single time a new corpse fell from my side a new zombie would appear next. Not to mention those who got bitten and infected with zombies would start mutating in the next couple minutes.

This war It was so damn hard to control and fight without suffering much losses. Even for my side, even for my well trained and heavily equipped forces and warriors, it was still a nightmare!

Thundering Might! however I didnt stand on the ceremony and started aiding my forces. At first Id work to secure this capital of mine before expanding over the other regions.

But as I did that, a message came that carried bad news.

[The Hector continent We lost it!]

What the f*ck?!!! Not more than half an hour passed and you were telling me we lost an entire continent? Damn!

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