I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 1130: 1130 Using A Bomb To Buy Time

However when I saw this huge and deep hole back there, I knew I couldnt do it this way anymore. This hole had to be closed fast, and the zombies all over the place had to be eradicated fast.

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If I waited for the colossal zombie to get killed then this den was going to be finished. Taking down a half finished den wasnt like taking a completed one down.

Tsk! This was getting on my nerves!

Gritting my teeth I knew I couldnt continue drawing this mountain sized zombie away anymore.

Attack! I called for my fallen gods to start the assault right away. At the same time, I used my Thundering Might pillars skill to cut any means of support to that behemoth.

*Bang!* *Bang!* *Bang!*

However, what happened next was beyond my expectations. I saw the deadly beams coming out from my fallen gods which never failed me before to stop their miraculous performance at this moment.

The beams of light did bring damage indeed and they seeped deeply inside the colossal body of that zombie. However this was all. Nothing else happened.

Each single ray landed and penetrated the thick yellow skin with a loud bang then nothing else happened. For a reason, the deadly rays couldnt reach deep inside that behemoth or even cause enough damage like I used to see.

When I looked over the entirety of that zombie, I ended up sighing. That fiendish creature didnt need any protection to shield it from my attacks.

However I never stopped my fallen gods from attacking it. Even if it was a mountain, continuous raindrops were enough to tear it down given enough time.

I didnt dare to get near it as well. My memories of that huge fight against this dark realm monster was fuzzy, but I recalled how dangerous it was to get near it.

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As expected, that behemoth was only trying to get near me without using any decent long ranged attack. I knew it was trying to get me closer to it so it would make good use of the close ranged traps and attacks of it.

So as it progressed forward, I kept retreating and leading it out in circles.

The problem of dealing with this behemoth wasnt going to be solved anytime soon. So I shifted my attention towards the huge bottomless pit that endless zombies were working around it even during the fight.

If I hurriedly did anything to stop them, this hole would soon turn into a den. I never really witnessed a real den myself, so I didnt know how long it lacked to come to fruition.

However, thinking about building a den out of such a grand behemoth was a real crisis. I had to stop it at any cost, I had to.

Come forth! as I couldnt deal with that behemoth anytime soon, I kept it slightly away from the city. I then teleported back to the city before bringing forth a grand number of warriors before teleporting back to where that behemoth was.

Stop it! As I summoned hundreds of thousands of warriors in a few seconds, I noticed the shining glimmer in the many eyes of that behemoth.

It turned around and seemingly wanted to devour my warriors. If that happened, then aside from losing a good deal of my warriors, Id also end up replenishing the stocks of that behemoth with elite zombies.

I couldnt let that happen!

*Bang!* *Bang!* *Bang!*

However no matter how hard my fallen gods tried, nothing succeeded. That behemoth kept moving back to the city, and didnt care about anything else.

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Dammit! I clenched my fist and started to think about a good means to stop this behemoth. I thought about using the newly developed weapons created by the research department.

These weapons were all grand, but they already lacked the needed firepower to stop such a behemoth.

Forget it! I didnt think such a method would work. After surfing inside my inventory and thinking back about all my tricks and hidden weapons, I couldnt find anything of use except for two things.

It was a long time since I used you I held a Libra in my hand, one that I didnt use for a long time.

In the recent fights, I didnt find a strong opponent or tough situation that required me to use this artefact.

However when I was faced against such a behemoth, I had to use the same way I used back then to defeat it.

The Libra flashed and the messages that followed were the same old thing. The soul of that behemoth zombie was weighed and got cursed at the end.

Its strength and attributes were all halved permanently. All the forces following it got weakened as well. The sudden use of my Libra seemed to kick in a sudden weakness in that mountain and forced it to stop.

Seeing this I knew I had a higher chance of saving the day. Without much hesitation I called back all the warriors first, took out a large bone before I started doing something I only did once.

I was going to activate this bone the same way I did a long time before. As I jumped around, I started tempering this bone for a few minutes. During which the colossal behemoth that stood in silence and daze before started to show signs of recovering.

Its body kept shivering and then a ferocious roar came. I didnt know why but I felt the wretched soul of this zombie got reminded of the old pain it experienced under the hands of my Libras curse.

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As it started roaring, it resumed its march again at me.

Fool! Do you think Ill let you go like that? The mountain zombie seemed to be enraged by the sudden drop of its strength. However it wasnt aware of the deadly fate it was going to face soon.

Even if it tried to come to me, I kept retreating on my chariot. In fact this wasnt just to buy time for the bone in hand to finish activating, nor was I fearful of that behemoth.

I wanted to clear a path enough for me to get away from the initial blast of my bone. After all it was a dark realm monster bone, one that would turn into a scary bomb once activated.

Done! I landed the last touch over it and the bone already shrank in size to be almost close to my fists. I didnt even hesitate, moved towards an opened portal and then released the bomb. Then I passed again through a portal and appeared hundreds of miles away.


Even standing this far away wasnt enough to mask the terrifying explosive sound of that bone. I even saw a bright flash of light coming from that direction.

I knew it would explode and turn into a sea of fire. That fire wasnt normal and would linger for a long time already. So it was pointless for me to go there and inspect it anytime soon.

The sea of fire would cover miles around. I didnt know how much exactly it would spread, and so it was risky just to throw myself over there.

I knew by using this kind of attack I had abandoned New Jersey. But I had no other choice. If I didnt do anything to stop that behemoth, then a scary den was going to be born.

Dealing with such a den was going to be troublesome. Not to mention it was already this close to my capital.

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Next stop is that grand portal fighting place I still recalled another ticking bomb near my capital. Coincidentally it was just near New Jersey where I led my armies to fight against a grand coalition army and ended up taking control over a grand portal.

The portal ended up in Wrylys possession back then, a choice that I now deeply regretted. If I could read through the future, Id never have made such a mistake at that time.

Berserkers ended up ditching this continent and went all the way to the North. They abandoned my kingdom and focused entirely over their interests.

For a reason this didnt seem bad, but when recalling such a grand portal lying useless there, I knew it was a waste.

At least Fang and Selvators were stationed in the South, watching the border of my kingdom.

Jumping over that place and seeing the grand portal hanging in the air without any activity from it made me inwardly sigh and feel more regret.

As expected, tons of zombies are about to get finished Those Berserkers are really unreliable Not even caring about defending what they gained from me, tsk!

I looked up at the grand portal and decided to acquire it later on. I needed such portals to connect with the portals opened at the other worlds when Id start invading them.

It was just a waste letting such a grand treasure to rust. As for the zombies down below, they were like grand colonies of ants, all small and endless in number without the presence of any overwhelming grand zombies there.

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