I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 116: 116 The Angels Are Angry

His words dont come as a surprise for me. I already knew that the quest Nero gave to me was a trap from the beginning. Yet hearing him saying such words made my desire to crush the angels, the races, and the filthy traitors even in gods ignite.

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I believe thats my own stuff, not yours to give opinions about, I faked my anger when I heard his words.

Its just we can meditate between you and the other races and might help in solving that little problem for you.

Oh, so generous and kind indeed, I tried my hardest to not laugh, and only showed a wide smile on my face.

Yes we have already spoken with other races, he said, and in general they are in favour of having a ceasefire until the main quest starts. After that well see the conditions of the quest and try to find a midway solution.

F*ck you! The jumpers answer summed up what I wanted to say. This time I didnt hold him back and let him vent all the rage welling up inside him.

You all want us dead! Humans are just worms in your eyes, even worms are better! Scram, I dont want to see your dirty faces ever again!

We are speaking with the human race, Hye, not you! the leader said in a rude way before turning towards me as he added, what do you say, esteemed human race Hye?

F*ck off! This time it came from my mouth and before that angel could say anything, I snapped my fingers and the three dragons came to stand by my side.

Go and lead them around, I pointed at ten Bulltors and twenty shield warriors, kill anything breathing without showing mercy!


The dragons roared before the Bulltors moved from the surface of my chariot with the shield warriors. I was keeping them up there as there was no place for them at any platform in the chariot.

And as a clear response to the bullshit of these angels, I moved them to attack and kill any hostile forces in the region.

You will regret this, the leader of the angels watched in dark face my warriors stepping down the chariot, you wont see your quest fulfilled.

Scram, the jumper was already over his limit, you shouldnt show your faces to us ever again!

Humph, arrogance is a sin that humans are famous for, I didnt know why but when he spoke to my jumper, he returned to his dirty and rude nature. I know you and your friends are thinking high of themselves thanks to those weak and retarded angels at the other zone. But unluckily you ended up facing the three of us, and well prove ourselves worthy against you!

Oh, I snorted, you seem so confident about your plans against me.

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I crossed my arms and looked at them in interest. These three seemed to have more confidence in themselves than the other angels.

And that was logical. After all, they didnt clash their swords with mine properly yet.

I believe you shall go and retire, the jumper scoffed, this is nothing good for your own health. I mean when we crush all your schemes, youll end up crying like babies, hahaha!

I didnt say anything and let the jumper do the rest of his taunting talk. Of course the jumper wasnt just releasing his anger out of his frustration.

He was trying to drive those angels to tell us a glimpse about their plans.

Huh, do you think we dont have the ability to crush you? Humph, lets see how youll deal with our little present at that castle.

The castle of the illusionists came to the far horizon. It looked not much different from the subsidiary gate I crushed before.

It was much bigger and the castle underneath seemed to be double in size than the castle I took before.


The three angels snapped their fingers at the same time, and from the depth of the dim sky a pillar of silver light fell just in front of that castle.

I used my hawkeye skill to see clearly what was going on. A teleportation gate Interesting, I instantly recognized that big arched gate which appeared from that pillar of light.

It was almost twenty metres in height, made out of thick ore that was slightly over three metres thick.

I knew this gate very well. It was a trans-realm teleportation portal, one that was linked to a few selected worlds known as the dark realms.

You recognize it?!! The shock in the leaders angels voice was apparent. As he said it, I simply nodded. Then you shall know better about the dark fate waiting for you!

Thats something yet to be decided, even if I knew the type of terror awaiting for us at the other side of this portal, I didnt show any signs of distress over my face.

In fact, as a rule of thumb in the apocalypse, every disaster was a blessing in disguise.

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So even if there was a terrifying creature waiting on the other side of this portal, it also held a great chance for us.

Yes, well see about that, the leader gave me such a chilling icy gaze before he and the other two vanished from my sight while adding, well be watching.

I hope youll be disappointed, the jumper waved his hand before whispering to me, do you know what this teleportation portal is?

Its a summoning gate, my face slightly changed, a gate linked to a terrifying lost world where only a handful of monsters survived in the entire world.

Oh, you really know your stuff, the jumper said while looking at the giant silver gate in the distance, so we shall expect a deadly fight?

Not necessary, I shook my head before I stopped my chariot all of sudden.

What happened? the jumper turned to me, are we going to run away?

Not a chance, I said while opening my market and started to search for a single item.

Whats the plan then?

As if he got accustomed to my way of doing things, the jumper realised from my actions that I had a plan in my mind.

Tell me, do you know how monsters evolve in the apocalypse? I asked while reviewing the results from the market, filtering out anything not useful to me.

In strength you mean? he asked and I nodded. They first start as tier one, grade white monsters. Then with killing their rivals and eating their flesh they advance into higher tears and grades.

Thats not totally wrong, I said while keeping many results away from the interface, but in another theory, they grow stronger the more energy they gain from the apocalypse.

And thats by killing other races, right? the jumper paused before adding, in theory both are fundamentally the same!

Not quite right, I shook my head again, they dont grow stronger because they gain anything from their enemies. They are like us, working for the apocalypse to gain rewards and advance their tiers and grades.

They are like us?!! The jumper seemed astonished when he heard my words, They also have systems?

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Not to such an extent, I said, to have a system you first need to be sane. But monsters arent! Even the one coming out from that portal at any moment now wont be any more intelligent than the monsters here.


They get rewards by the total number of races they kill during any stage of the apocalypse. These rewards arent that much different than ours. Instead of adding stat points, they had something called the evolution path.

My eyes shone brightly when I found something interesting at the market. I instantly paid five million coins and obtained it before closing the interface and turned my full attention to the all attentive jumper.

That evolution path defines the strength and brutality of the monsters. For example the early monsters we had here cant adapt that well against heat, light, and ultraviolet sun rays.

But in time they will adapt, the jumper nodded in understanding.

Thats not just a step of adaptation, but a step of evolution, I explained, and imagine a world that was hit mercilessly by the apocalypse. In such a world the entire intelligent races were wiped out and the world was only dominated by monsters.

I paused while turning my gaze towards that silver gate. It was starting to shine brightly while a dense layer of fog began to get formed in the space under its big arch.

They will have a power rivalling that of gods! the jumper realised this point smoothly, damn! We should hurry and escape!

No way, I firmly shook my head, if we did, that monster will wreak havoc and will turn our world into an exact image of his dark realm.

Then the jumper didnt need to ask his question for me to get his point. And I nodded.

We have to slay it here.

Can we do that? The jumper showed unconfidence at this moment, can we stop such a mighty monster?

Its not that we cant, but its the question of the time, I vaguely said and the look I got from his eyes proved that he didnt get what I meant. Just wait and youll see.

I simply took out the item I just bought from the market and examined its description.

[Bubble of Lekorate monster: Rare item. A bubble extracted from a dead Lekorate monster after failing his evolution.

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The bubble is considered one of the highest isolation grade materials in the entire universe. Cant leak smell, aura, energy, or anything from the location it covers. The area covered by the bubble is determined by the amount of coins spent to expand it. The basic area is one cubic metres. To expand it by ten cubic metres, ten thousand coins are needed]

It didnt give off any appearance similar to any bubble at all. In fact it was a cube, a cube made out of a pale blue jelly substance.

What is that? the jumper asked.

A way to deal with that monster, I simply threw it in the air and it instantly expanded to cover one cubic metre. An interface appeared in front of me where I simply added ten million coins in it.

And just like that, the cube expanded to cover up ten thousand cubic metres, engulfing all the chariot and the dragorses within.

I didnt forget to summon back my dragons and warriors that I sent outside. At this moment they werent needed to do that task anymore.

Will that be enough? the jumper asked in clear doubt.

And I simply nodded. Its more than enough, such a bubble was enough to seal our existence from the senses of that beast.

Even if you summoned a god to this world, if he couldnt sense my presence, how could he kill me then?

In fact this came as a blessing in two ways for me. One this dude could deal with most of the troublesome forces of the races in the city. And second because this dude had some kind of a precious material that wasnt even in this world, or even in the newly formed world.

Such material was something I needed for a future step in my grand plan. I thought I might get it from the gods after gaining support from a higher grade god. Who thought Id be lucky enough to get it early on?

This material was something called the worlds essence. It was rare, extremely rare. To appear it had many conditions to fulfil.

First of all there was nothing in the entire universe to form such material except for monsters. Monsters had unique bodies in the apocalypse, where they had the ability to transform the worlds energy from something impalpable into something real.

And to concentrate on such a material, they needed to dominate a world after getting hit by the apocalypse. As far as I knew, this had a very, very low chance of happening in the entire universe.

Then these monsters needed to live for at least a hundred years in such worlds. And to harness such material, they needed to be killed in worlds they didnt dominate.

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