I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 1185: 1185 Activating The Zombie Orb

If we can use their blood, then things would turn rather interesting I rubbed my chin while thinking about this in greed and excitement.

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pan,d a-n0vel The monsters sent over the other world were all flying ones. If we used the blood of the dead ones, then there was a good chance the zombies coming out from these zombie den orbs would be flying zombies as well.

Imagining flying zombies attacking the enemies was an intimidating scene to behold. In addition to that, my thoughts drifted over somewhere else.

That little Qi was playing with the lives of monsters for a long time. He has bred many strong and elite monsters so far. So it might help a little in this.

Send someone over to the pocket world, I turned to Lily before adding, let that Qilin over there hand over the recently dead bodies of one hundred thousand elite ground monsters. Make the research department squeeze every drop of their blood into separate bottles, and bring these over.

This Lily looked at me in a weird way, shouldnt we wait until we make sure these orbs really work?

They will, I knew she got what I meant by my words, like most of the generals here. Even if I didnt yet try these orbs out, I had a feeling this would really work.

I got to know Loran back when he spoke about that crazy stuff of zombies. And after seeing how his wild words came true, I started to grow confident in his claims.

Someone like him wouldnt spout nonsense about these things. Besides, he proved to me that he and his race were the only experts in the entire universe when it came down to zombie matters.

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Fine, Lily stepped down and started to give orders.

Lets go, I simply jumped off my chariot, we are going to test one of these orbs now.

I was no less excited than Lorans to test these orbs out. If this was going to work, then by all my resources Id end up being the overlord of this fifth quest.

Zombies? Huh! The zombie would be linked forever to my name from now on.

I went down there while all the generals followed.

Garry, send a few of your people to the Hescos world, as I stood in front of the huge egg-like orb, I said to Garry without turning back to him.

For what purpose, lord?

Let them take enough forces and warriors from here, go out there and start collecting the killed monster bodies inside that world.

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I then pointed at the orb before adding, let them gather these monsters blood and store them safe. When I move these orbs there, they will use these blood to make flying zombies.

When I turned around to make sure Garry listened and received my orders, I saw shocking expressions over everyones face.

They seemed to think about the possibility of these orbs and zombies coming out from them to go wild and break their link with me.

They got all the right to feel so. Flying zombies were much scarier than any other type of zombies. Not to mention it was hard to deal with.

But I was going to test these orbs now. And if they proved to be risky, I wouldnt use them this way.

Dont worry, these orbs are safe once bound, Loran seemed to get what Garry and others were afraid of, so he had to speak.

And we can still destroy these demons once built, right? I focused over Loran who simply nodded before shrugging.

We wont need to do such a thing at all, his tone told me he was pretty much confident about the success of this plan.

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Of course if the orbs are safe as you say, we wont need to think about destroying them, I nodded in satisfaction before turning my attention over the grand orb in front of me, where should I leave my blood drop?


I didnt hesitate anymore, grabbed a casual sword from my inventory before cutting my hand. I squeezed my blood and let it drip over this entire thing.

The orbs were red in colour, giving me the impression they grew fetus inside them. The outermost parts were dark red, while the innermost zones were paler in comparison.

Besides I could see wisps of dark threads dancing in the centre of these orbs. If I wasnt told these were zombie den orbs, Id take them for being scary creature eggs.

Once my blood touched the orb, I heard a screech coming from the entire thing. Then a sound of sizzling started to grow stronger, accompanied by a white cloud of fog.

It was like my blood was cold water, getting splashed over a very hot surface or something.

I turned to Loran and the latter had nothing but a calm smile and excited expression over his face.

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Well, that was a good sign indeed.

The process didnt last longer than half an hour. Then the orb started to change. Instead of being all red, silver threads started to spread all over its surface, giving me a false impression it was going to crack open.

Its normal, as I turned to look at Loran again, he added, the orb is now ready. These silver lines are the evidence that this orb belongs to lord.

How can I control it then? I tried to look for any feeling of connection with that orb but failed.

It was like this orb had nothing to do with me.

It has first to be activated, Loran drew closer while looking at this orb in admiration and somehow, reluctance, we need to start burying it.

Do we have a time limit? I frowned when I heard his last words, do we have an expiration date perhaps?

No, I meant we need to start testing it, he hurriedly explained himself a bit more.

Cool, I looked around, and decided to take this orb towards somewhere that wasnt risky to my capital or area of activity here.

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