I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 1190: 1190 Starting The Big Plan

If Legend managed to direct the operation quite well, then a broad section would be cleared from these defences. Using this section and orchestrating the zombies to attack from there would put the Hescos under great pressure.

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I watched many of my fighters move a huge number of bottles filled with different coloured thick liquid. I didnt need to ask, as these were filled with blood extracted from monsters.

I already ordered Lily to send someone and fetch as much blood of high level monsters as we could using the help of little Qi. If that playful monster compiled and sent blood of high level ground and flying monsters, then the zombies formed would be quite scary.

Besides, the forces out there drained all the blood they could get from the dead bodies of the flying monsters sent before to transport them.

I then shifted my attention fully towards the other world.

Activating the orbs was a process thatd take at least two hours. While the orbs were being moved from the central region to the outermost part, my forces out there started to hurry in their killing.

The enemies couldnt stand a chance against them. So in half an hour, most of the hostile races infiltrating the entire region were cleared. Only the new ones coming out from holes or from the outer ring remained.

The ones coming out from holes were getting killed by dedicated forces stationed there. As for the ones coming from the outer ring, my forces moved and formed an advanced line of defence, giving enough space for the orbs to be used.

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The process of transporting the orbs took almost one hour. During which part of the forces stationed in the centre moved with them in security. As for those on the frontline, they started digging in the same way I saw my warriors did before.

Star-shaped holes started to take shape one after another. Their number wasnt that great, counting for a few hundred. But each hole would turn into a den, which was more than an army brought over there.

The number of orbs I activated was no more than one hundred and fifty. But it seemed Legend decided to dig as much as possible in preparation for the future to acquire orbs.

This kid was smart. He used this time to make preparations for the future, saving himself more trouble of digging again.

Not to mention once the Hescos noticed my tactic, they wouldnt let us dig another batch of holes to activate the orbs through easily again.

The digging just finished after the orbs arrived at the frontline. It seemed like most of the forces stationed inside the region controlled by me moved to the outer region.

It gave the fake impression that we were planning for a massive assault. That Legend was indeed cunning, or was it the grand general out there?

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In fact both were the same breed of the same kind. I watched with interest as more forces were getting evacuated and gathered at the frontlines.

It would give Hescos the false impression and the wrong idea. Theyd even think these digging to be some sort of defensive preparations to guard the forces from any counter attack coming from them.

That was just brilliant!

As for the drones, they were moved amidst the grand number of forces mobilising to the frontlines. Even I found it hard to recognise them. Legend didnt even try moving them using flying monsters to avoid attracting attention.

Once the holes were ready, the orbs were thrown over and then the entire forces began to push forward.

It seemed like they were going to attack the ring defences, going all out and fighting the incoming races with utmost bravery.

This kid He is just amazing! I laughed as I knew this was something done to safeguard against the side effects of activating the orbs.

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The orbs once thrown into the holes, I noticed many passing over the holes, smashing the bottles over the holes to let them smash and release their content.

The blood of monsters was added to these orbs. This was the first time this was done, and I didnt know if this would entice a new change over the dens and zombies or what.

What I was worried the most about was for the monster blood to turn the zombies rogue and make them not listen to my orders. I also didnt know if the mind link with these zombies would work from my current place here.

If it was needed, then Id move towards that world and see this through. I would never let this battle be lost for a reason like that.

Once the bottles were thrown over the holes, the forces started to cover up these holes while advancing forward. It might be masked by their movement, but if anyone focused, hed notice what they were doing.

From time to time, new bottles would be thrown and then get buried with rock and dirt.

The process continued for half an hour before the entire holes were already flattened with the ground. Without the faint yellowish wisps coming out from these holes, I wouldnt even be able to locate them.

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As the wisps got brighter, the forces started to run away as fast as they could. However, a few unlucky ones got entangled with the wisps, ending up vanishing into these dangerous tongues.

Seeing this the remaining forces retreated and didnt dare to step forward. Right now almost half of the entire forces sent out there were fighting for miles away from the orb zones.

pa(nd)a no vel As for the other half, they had to retreat back into the region. This may alert the Hescos, I looked at this and knew this was a very obvious retreat for anyone watching.

But just as I got worried, the forces retreating spread all across the sides of the outer hole. They started to take defensive positions and stood there as if it was their task to guard that hole.

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