I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 1209: 1209 You Will Join This Battle To

I got the upper hand partially thanks to the weapons my research department invented. But that wasnt exceptionally unique in the entire universe.

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There were many scary weapons and gears out there already. For example my scary chariot could be counted as one of them. My glaive also would count as well.

I bought lots of weapons to install over my chariot, and from the incoming rays of light I recognised the attack pattern of a few of them.

These Hescos were really prepared. Just taking a general look again at that weird terrain made me feel bad.

Lord, what happened out there? seeing me fall into deep silence after the entry of the vanguard unit, Lily couldnt help but ask.

Make a room, I didnt answer her directly and started to draw the structure I saw in that glimpse on the back of my chariot.

Once the vanguard unit was killed, it looked like my connection with that world got severed. My feed turned off, and I couldnt peep again at the defences there.

I drew as best as I could, recalling every single detail in my mind. I knew I must have missed lots of details, but this was inevitable.

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As I drew, the hushes around me ceased. My generals were all smart people and they got what my drawing meant.

They knew that the world had Hescos, and from the drawing on the chariot they got the feeling that this battle was going to be insane.

This is the defensive structure built out there I knew just by drawing they wouldnt get the entire picture of that place. So I had to speak in more detail, describing the true horror of that defence structure.

My words were for everyone, but mainly for Isac. Silverlining sent me a copy of that defensive design and a few of its variations a few hours ago. And Isac was focused on studying them since then.

I finished speaking, turned to look at Isac and waited for her experienced opinion. Just from the dark look on her face I knew things were going to be bad.

Lord You must join this battle, the first thing she said was this shocking. I looked in doubt towards her before saying:

You do know that after taking that world for more than a day, and with the zombies on the run and searching with our forces there, we didnt get to find a single town or city, not even a scrap of a portal was found there.

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My words werent false at all. Since that win, my forces have been trying their best to look for portals. The zombies pushed their way through many places, all we found were defensive spots and enemies, not a single portal was found out there yet.

I didnt know what the Hescos did, but they managed to seal all the portals in that world and made them vanish. It was an unbelievable feat, but that was the reality out there.

If they managed to do this to that world, then it was safe to assume they did the same to other worlds they controlled. Going there without a way to return meant Id have to leave this place for a long time.

They wouldnt be able to enter other worlds like that until my return. I got why she wanted me to go there. In such complicated and seemingly impossible to crack defences, only I was able to create a miracle out there.

Sending out tons of forces wouldnt work. The forces had to show up at the rock bottom of that world. And it was just something scary to think about their future after that.

Having to struggle to climb all the way from bottom to top, fighting against such thick rays of defences and defending forces, was indeed impossible.

pa(nd)a no vel Forget about sending two armies out there, I got the feeling that if I sent most of my armies and fought desperately there, even if I threw everything I got out there, the best result would be just claiming a few layers and not more.

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On the other hand, the losses would be unimaginable. All the preparations I did so far would be futile. In the end, Id not be able to achieve anything, and would lose too much of my stored up power.

Without me going out there, nothing good would come. But the price for me to do that was indeed heavy. So I looked at Isac, Lily, and others, waiting for them to make up their minds.

You do know that we are being eyed by many, I knew taking such decision wasnt easy, but I didnt show any leniency towards that as I added more darkness to the general picture, if Im right, then when Im gone, many enemies will jump over and try to shred everything we achieved.

My words stopped there, but the meaning was obvious. If I took such a step, then they would by all means stand like an unmovable mountain in front of all the enemies whod dare to come.

Are you going alone? Lily tried to be shameless, but I didnt let her plan go through.

Ill still take many with me, I shrugged, I cant conquer the world alone.

Come on, you are our mighty lord, you can do it, Lily said with a short laugh that didnt look like one. I knew her evil minds tricks, and I wouldnt fall into any of these right now.

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This moment was very crucial. As I didnt answer her, Sara stepped forward and said, I want to join this.

Me too, the spearhead also stepped forward. When I looked at him in a weird way, I realised that the reason for him to step forward was because of Isabella.

She was just about to move, but spearhead movement startled her and made her pause in her tracks.

Thats not going to work, I slowly shook my head, Sara and ten other generals will join. Sara will act alone, the other ten will divide into two grand armies led each by a grand general aside from these ten, I slowly spoke out, explaining my arrangement and plan that I hastily thought of at the stage.

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