I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 1217: 1217 Scary Weapons

Seeing such a thing coming out from that high up layer made me frown. I got too absorbed in dealing with the lowest layers, thinking everything was under my control.

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But seeing such a unique weapon appearing from that layer beneath the protection of my shields, I knew things were going to take a fast roll down the mountain.

And just as I watched that grand canyon appear, more scary things started to come out in light.

They were all huge, sharing what I could describe as a threatening presence. One was like a huge machine gun, with many smaller barrels than the first cannon.

They were grouped together in groups, forming almost seven big groups of many smaller barrels.

pa(nd)a no vel Another one was like a rocket launcher. Another was like a flame thrower. More weird things appeared, forcing me to stop what I was doing and rose to the sky.

I rose to a level close to these layers. All these scary weapons came from the highest layers under my shields.

These layers were far away from the reach of my forces. Up till now, not a single battle erupted here.

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What was weird about all this was the fact that all these weapons were just like my lost human arsenal. They looked much grander in size, but they kept the same appearance of the weapons of my humans.

Whats going on?! I rose to a high point enough for me to see through everything these Hescos brought out. They didnt just bring these weapons alone, as they shielded them with tons of forces, even including many of the flying Hescos.

The scene out there looked quite scary. I felt like all I did was for nothing. And seeing such scary weapons made my scalp numb.

I didnt even think about how they managed to copy my humans weapons. All I thought about was how to stop such scary weapons from shredding my forces down below.

If these weapons just kept part of my modified human weapons, then things would end quite badly.

The first thing I thought about was to retreat. Facing such unstoppable weapons would turn things upside down.

No matter what I did, even my chariots sturdy shield seemed to pale in front of such grand firepower. At this moment I knew what was hammering all this time against my shields up there.

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I couldnt help but sigh. This battle was indeed something I wanted to desperately win. But seeing all this made me regret not taking such a race more seriously.

It wasnt all my fault. I never knew such a race was able to do what my research department took years to accomplish. If they just started to mimic my human weapons from the last battle, then this race was quite scary in the form of talent.

I didnt know how they did it, but that didnt matter. I saw these scary weapons moving closer to the range of fire, making me want to give the order to retreat now more than ever.

Yet just before Id do anything, I saw the ground Hescos forces all stirred up. They moved like unstoppable lions, lunging at my forces without any care for anything.

Damn! Do they have a death wish or something? I frowned when I saw this. It went without saying how scary these weapons were. Just by taking them out, the entire atmosphere changed and became so tense.

Hescos were a smart race, theyd easily expect my next move. If they wanted to try and stop my forces, then they simply could do so using few of their forces.

But the way I saw it, it looked like the entire Hescos fighters in the entire layers here moved in unison to take down my forces down below.

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Swarms of flying Hescos moved and filled the sky with different dim colours. I spotted many ground Hescos using some sort of elastic ropes to jump in between layers, looking like agile monkeys, climbing down the layers to the lowest ones.

This was weird. Why were they doing this instead of retreating back? Did they have something to help them better aim at my forces and take them down without hurting much of theirs?

This didnt follow any logic! Just from the face of it, even if they managed to take us down, theyd end up suffering huge losses as well.

Itd end up as mutual destruction, a situation where we both wed end up losing and suffering. It didnt make any sense, especially when there was a way for them out of this.

Something was wrong, quite and deeply wrong about this. I watched the Hescos flood the lower layers without showing any signs of slowing down.

They acted like crazy, as if they had nothing else to lose.

When I turned to look at the weapons, I found out that these weapons were moved to the edge and stopped there.

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From their outer appearance things looked quite bad. The air these weapons emitted was scary. But when I looked closely, I was shocked to realise something.

They didnt adjust the barrels towards the ground, but to the sky! This was a shocking discovery, one that made me feel more bad omen.

If these weapons were let to attack the shields, then forget about the grand number of shields I made, or the ones Id be able to create using the skill right now, nothing could stop in the face of these weapons.

Danger lurked everywhere around, coming from every corner without any mercy. I now realised why these Hescos never bothered about retreating when they brought such scary weapons out.

They never intended to use these against my forces, and that was quite scary and suspicious.

If I got such weapons on my side, Id just need to stand on the edge of the fortress and start raining down the world down below using these weapons. In the end of the day, and no matter how many times Id fire, not a single living soul would be able to survive such hell.

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