I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 1238: 1238 Getting Surrounded

Trying to touch my pillar at this moment was a crazy act. I could only laugh while feeling as if I missed a chance or something.

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If my pillar got sealed again and I managed to unseal it, would my level of privilege grow and reach a higher level? Would I gain more skills or something?

I was tempted to try and let my pillar get sealed again. After all, I wasnt running low on bones at this moment.

If I wanted, I could easily get more bones from the endless bodies of the Hescos all over the place. Not to mention that my stock of bones was already filled to the brim.

The only problem was that my pillar wasnt under my control right now. It kept taking out my energy and unleashing that devastating attack. I couldnt even control most of the energy that the berserk mode of pillar was sucking all this time.

I resigned to this fate while watching the black cloud around the pillar fade slowly away. I returned to focus on my chariot again, noticing that all the symbols sealing it were flashing brightly with weird silver black light.

It was so close to being destroyed. And I only had to wait for a few more minutes before this entire seal would turn into nothing.


Just as I was using my energy to do so, a strange black aura appeared around my chariot. That damn bastard! Does he never stop or what?

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I gritted my teeth while watching the already shining and on the verge of getting crushed symbols dim.

The symbols were this close from getting shattered. But before this would happen, that enemy of mine reused his seal artefact and fortified the seal imposed on my chariot.

This made all the progress my energy achieved to cease and even retreat behind for many steps. I watched the symbols become dimmer, as they got layers of seals strengthening them.

That bastard! He didnt just use a single seal to strengthen his initial seal on my chariot, but used too many at a short time.

Fine! You want to play with me? Ill gladly accompany you then! I knew he sat his gaze over my chariot and decided to deprive me from my fast moving vehicle.

I knew he wanted to pinpoint me here, let me become a sitting duck.

Of course without my chariot, Id lose much of my free mobility here, nullifying my ability to control the grand battle happening in this world.

But that wasnt much to me. I simply regulated my energy towards the pillar and chariot, and started taking out tons of my warriors.

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Once I filled the entire area around with warriors, I gave them the order to take down my enemies around.

Even with the devastating attack of my pillar, many of the Hescos forces survived the attack. They were the ones living underneath the ground, in the complicated set of defences that got cracked open by my pillars attack.

The moment my warriors moved, I noticed that the scattered and scared Hescos forces around were already on the move.

I never focused on them. After seeing such a scary and deadly attack by their eyes, it was natural for them to get scared.

Besides I was already too busy dealing with my sealed artefacts.

As my warriors started fighting, I could hear the clamour of armour and weapons clashing against each other all around me. I realised that I was already surrounded by Hescos forces from all sides.

pAn,da-n0v e1 Do you think this is enough to take me down? Humph! I knew that on paper, I was in a tough situation. I got deprived from my ride, and my pillar was already out of control.

I was in the middle of the enemys deep lines. Even after such devastative attack, the enemy still had tons of forces around they could use to target me.

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But even so, it wasnt that dire or desperate for me yet. I calmly kept taking out my warriors and let them freely attack.

In addition to that, the fallen gods that I already stored before were taken out. I simply let them join and lead the warriors around and start a massive slaughter.

If the Hescos generals and paragons took this as a golden chance to take me down, then I also took this as a good chance in killing more of them.

After all, the victory of this battle would be decided once the Hescos lost too much to handle. Theoretically speaking, this was something easy to achieve. But I knew how hard it was.

If the Hescos did all this to fight me, then it was safe to consider that they gathered most of their forces in the entire world here to fight me.

Killing a few millions or tens of millions was nothing to me at this point. But I suspected that even by killing billions the enemy would feel pressured.

Yet I didnt stop taking out warriors. If killing billions was what it needed to win this war, then Id snowball this seemingly disadvantageous fight and turn it into something like a grinding slaughterhouse.

I resumed gushing out my absorbed energy into the chariot and my pillar. After half an hour, the pillar started to show signs of getting under control. The bright light it emitted started to gradually dim, and it slowly started heading towards my hand.

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Time to show them how foolish of them to think about doing this, once I grabbed the pillar in my right hand, I waved my left and a great dragon appeared out of nowhere.

Who said I was out of options here? If using artefacts was pointless in this battle, then Id use my dragons as rides.

And I got tons of these dragons at my disposal.


The moment the dragon appeared, it roared in defiance as if it felt the pressure around. I jumped over its back and urged it to fly by my feet.

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