I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 1249: 1249 For Messi, The World Cup Cha

Theyd only ask for them to come here in two conditions. First I managed to kill most of their forces here, or their base would get attacked.

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The distance from their place to here would take a few hours to cross. And if I put into consideration the aftermath of my pillars brutal attack, then they might take double or even triple this duration.

Id give myself ten hours. If I couldnt end up everything here by then, Id better prepare for retreat.

Fighting a useless battle while the enemy still had their head ups alive wasnt my style of doing things.

I thought about gathering up my scattered forces here using my horn. But after seriously considering this, I refrained from doing so.

If I did, the enemy would get alarmed. I wanted the enemy to keep focusing over the scattered battles here and lower his guard against me.

I pushed my chariot to travel fast. Per Mattes words, the paragon with that scary offensive artefact would have retreated back to the base.

He didnt speak well about any paragon like himself. He kept complaining about how soft bones, cowardly, and useless they were.

I didnt put any of his words in my head. If a coward like him was speaking bad about others, why would I believe his words then?

And I wouldnt believe that the descendants of the top race in the universe would be such useless and cowards.

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They were paragons, supposedly the future leaders of this race. If they were this useless, then how come they kept themselves on the throne this long.

As I flew back to the opening of that hole, I started to examine the world around me, trying to keep myself busy from the endless complaints coming from Mattes mouth.

I didnt order him to shut up, as he might spill something useful in the middle of such bullshit.

The fights going on all over the place were still hot. My side was winning on many fronts. And at places they didnt have the upper hand, they werent doing that bad either.

The Hescos werent coming up in large numbers like before as they got most of their forces focused on the pit. That made most of the fights around the surface much easier to handle than before.

When I got near the hole opening in less than half an hour, I saw the shields out there were still holding up.

There were no hostile forces near the shield zone out there. The entire area looked quite peaceful as if it wasnt on top of the most important enemys spot.

Look at how scared they are! They didnt even dare to send anyone to try to take that region of yours, afraid to attract you here and make you notice the presence of their base.

Matte added his touch, but to me this wasnt an act of cowardice. They were scheming, and the one leading this entire war must be someone unique.

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Once I got into that shield zone, I looked at the remaining forces there. Lucas led most of the forces here out to crush the remaining forces of Hescos.

He didnt take all, leaving behind just enough to guard and defend this zone.

My forces here were already scarce and not enough to be used in anything. Plus I didnt want to alarm the enemy by taking them down with me.

I had to use other forces than them. If I got warriors and let them feed up on stat crystals, then the enemy would be alarmed.

Just the presence of my chariot was enough to make them feel a little uneasy. So I kept flying forward without turning around or pausing, and went directly towards the pit opening.

If they saw me, and I was sure they did, theyd mistake my appearance as an attempt to help my entrapped forces down below.

Theyd never think that I uncovered the mystery behind their hidden base.

Tell me when Im in front of the right layers, I said to Matte, without even looking at him, and dont point towards it or do anything sudden. Just tell me in a low tone, got it?

Yes boss!

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Call me lord, not boss, I rolled my eyes while the grand opening was drawing nearer.

Sure, you are my lord and my boss, you are whatever you want me to call you with.

I sighed and ignored the rubbish he kept sprouting while considering what I should do next.

I stopped just in front of the hole, while an idea appeared in my mind.

Didnt I kill enough Hescos so far? What if I used their souls and started summoning them instead? Would they appear with their suits or without it?

I knew that most of the strength and might the Hescos had was related to their suits. According to what I learnt before, any Hescos would get his suit born over his body from his first moment of life.

Their genes were different. They carried something that enabled the suits to get formed over their bodies from the first second of their lives.

But that was considering the normally born Hescos. I didnt know if Id be that lucky to get the Hescos with their suits or not.

If not, then it wasnt worth it. Aside from these tyrannical and special suits, the Hescos paled in comparison to other races in my eyes.

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As I stood in front of the vast edge that looked like a colossal monster was trying to devour me, I opened my class and checked the list of souls there.

I got it! I noticed that the list of these souls increased. I realised that the races I killed in this world were added to that list.

pA(nd)A no ve1 And when I read through, I finally noticed the name of Hescos.

I instantly tried to form warriors based on the Hescos soul. And the moment I did, I got long messages that startled me.

[You selected to make warriors from the Hescos soul]

[Special genes are located inside the Hescos race soul]

[You got three choices to select from]

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