I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 1277: 1277 Arranging Things Over The Se

And after doing this, I felt a lot of achievement. Yet it was too soon for me to celebrate.

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I first needed to know how this fresh blood to my kingdom would work better for me.

But I already wasted enough time here. During all this, a month or more passed here which was enough to more than one day out there on Earth.

We need to talk, I said to Stephen before adding, let your people stay here and Ill make people come and build settlements for them to stay at.

Thanks lord for your generosity and support, he bowed, but my faces serious reaction never changed.

Dont thank me yet, I paused, select a group of a thousand to come with us. I need to see how capable they are and what they can do.

Sure, I thought hed object to this, but he didnt. During all this time, these people ate almost anything and everything that grew on the ground.

Their strength returned partially but I felt they could show more progress. I didnt know if they needed stat points like anyone living under the sky of the system.

I waited on the side while Stephen didnt take much time to gather up a group of a few thousands around my chariot.

One thousand is enough for now, I didnt accept such a large number of forces. After all, my chariot would crumble and be crowded if I received all of them.

I just wanted to know their abilities. And for sure I wouldnt deal with this matter myself. Id deliver them to Lily and shed test them thoroughly or find someone else to do so.

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As for building settlements, itd be a grand project indeed. However I trusted the ability of Angelica to do so.

Before leaving, I sent a word to Angelica and informed her about the work waiting for her in this world.

[At last you remembered to speak to me!] she sent this word first, and I couldnt help but smile bitterly in return.

Many months must have passed over her alone in this world, and yet her passion for me never died down.

She was responsible for handling the marriage issue and taking control over the settlements in this world and the pocket world as well.

[Sorry for that, but the war is still going on out there and I cant even come and sit with you for now] I apologised, more than ever took this as an excuse to not meet her.

[I saw that battle, it was good!]

[I got another one recently] I knew she must have seen one of the recordings of the first battle that I left here.

[Oh! Against them?]


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[And the result?]

[I personally led that war, what do you think will happen?] I laughed while writing these words.

[Sure its our win, you are a bully to others when you fight]

[Who said so? Im a kind hearted and gentle guy]

[Yes, keep lying to yourself like this and you might believe your lies one day]

[Ok, ok, lets stop joking] I laughed more at her words.

[Who said Im joking? Its all true!]

[Ok, ok, Ill leave that race up to you, ok?]

[Do you want me to let them marry others?]

Her question was sudden. I paused while thinking about this.

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This was a gift by the ones living in this world. And per Stephens words, his people had the ability to do something similar to the altars to the new generations.

If both effects were added together, what heaven shattering effect would appear? I couldnt even imagine what was going to happen.

[Proceed with this plan then] I agreed on her proposal, and didnt tell Stephen about that.

I didnt know if he held grudges against Hescos to force his race to marry their people or not. If so, then itd be for the better for him to not know anything about that.

Lets go back, I was impatient to go back and start invading more worlds.

I wanted to cover up most of the worlds before the fifth quest would start or the big battle between me and those Hescos.

The moment I appeared back at Earth, I found a large number of armies stationed and aligned in neat order.

They looked great like this. I was like watching some armies that belonged to mighty forces or something.

Thats cool! I couldnt help but say to Lily the moment I saw her approach my chariot.

You told me to prepare for a large battle, she laughed, and that is just the tip of the iceberg. I arranged the armies to be stationed in lines from each other, with each wave made up of five armies.

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You adopted the same tactic of last battle? I noticed what she did, thats nice.

I just want things to be done in a more orderly manner, I couldnt say no to such logic and planning.

Are you ready then? I looked around and she just pointed towards a direction and said:

Right now twenty-five armies are ready, and many more are still getting in line. You can start any moment you want.

Cool, but I need you for something else, I started to tell her about the one thousand seven stars race members I brought with me.

When she heard that there were tens of billions of them out there, her eyes shone brightly in excitement.

If they can fight Then this will turn out for the best But do they have cultivation bases?

I got what she had in mind. She wanted to use them in the fight against Hescos later on.

Youll find this out, I pointed at them to step out of my chariot and stand in lines on the ground, you also try to find what other skills and abilities they have.

I expect too much from them.

Dont put high hopes or else youll get disappointed, I stole a gaze at the all silent Stephen.

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