I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 1279: 1279 The Strong Seven Stars Race

Once done, I looked up at my inventory and couldnt help but grin. My gains from these two worlds this time was beyond my wildest dreams.

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If I just got access to more worlds like these two, Id not worry about going into any auction and winning any artefact no matter how fierce the competition over it was!

It was time for me to go back.

Once I returned, I saw the same sight welcoming me. In addition to that, I didnt find any trace of Legend.

These people you left for me to examine are real monsters! Just when I was looking around, I heard Lilys voice coming from far away.

Are they this good? if they were this good to make even Lily speak up for them like this then Id expect great things from them.

They are monsters! But they need tons of stat points to exert their powers, she stopped her chariot next to mine, jumped over my deck and added, each time they use one of their skills, theyll exhaust part of their stat points.

This it reminded me of the fallen gods, they also work in the same way. Does this mean you already consumed all the stat crystals I left behind?

That was something I couldnt help with, she bitterly smiled, I needed to test their full potential, and they were indeed quite excited to do that.

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I understand, I paused while thinking about this new problem. If theyd consume energy like bones or energy crystals, then itd be much easier to deal with this problem.

But if theyd only use stat points, then I had to start amassing an endless supply of these. And that wouldnt be enough to satisfy the needs of most of them.

I need to find a way to get my hands over something that can make stat points for me all the time, I was sure Silverlining and others in the universe had some sort of artefact or mines that produced such strategic things.

Let them be on the standby for now, I paused, but make the best use of Stephen.

He is good, she nodded in agreement, I plan to let him lead an entire expedition alone.

Im sure hell do perfectly fine, I agreed.

Are we going to start invading new worlds? she asked, and I simply nodded.

I was thinking about ways to get my hands over such mine or artefacts. If it was an issue of mine, then I had to depend on none but myself here.

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Id ask Angelica to start looking for stat crystal mines. But I had first to make sure such a thing existed. If it was acquired using artefacts, then Id ask Silverlining directly for one.

[They are acquired through mines] and as I asked Silverlining about that, he sent in more explanation, [The rich energy worlds only have such chance of developing these mines]

[I searched but didnt find anything like that before in my world] I was puzzled more than ever right now, [Is there a way to find out if a world has such mines?]

[Its not a guaranteed thing] he paused before adding, [these stat crystal mines are only found in high energy worlds as they require lots of energy to produce such crystals. You have to know they always are situated deep below the ground, at least one mile or two below the surface]

[This Do you expect me to dig the entire world looking for them? There must be a way to find these, right?]

If I had to dig the entire world randomly to find these crystals then it didnt make any sense. I didnt believe all the races and impacts who provide such crystals used such a rude way to get them.

[There is a compass you can use] he finally gave me something I could work with, [Let me look for a good number of these and provide them to you with your reward]

[Dont bring that matter up again] every time I recalled my delayed reward I got all worked up.

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[Sorry, but Ill try to rush them up] I didnt believe a single word he said, [By the way, I got the recordings and devices for the last battle. Ill send them over right now]

[Humph! As if this will be enough to conquer the Hescos!] I didnt have much expectation for these recordings. After all, the effect I desired already happened by the recordings of the first battle.

My forces got the confidence and got stirred up after watching the recording of the first battle. Adding another recording might boost their morale, but that effect wouldnt be as grand as the first battle recording.

[Mentioning that, when are you going to fight the Hescos next?]

[I expect them to lay down for now] I didnt want him to jinx me, [I expect them to keep themselves low and gather up their forces for a single and final battle]

[Hmm They might do that] he paused, [But dont be too sure. This race is too hard to deal with]

[I know, they are the number one race in the universe after all]

[Dont mention that matter! They are only on top thanks to the stupid rules of the universe!]

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He got pumped up when I mentioned that, and I did that on purpose. After all, I was so mad from delaying my reward for all this time.

After closing the chat with him, I started to use my tickets and open new worlds for my forces to invade.

And from the first world I opened, something new happened!

All the worlds we invaded so far were either ruined worlds filled with zombies, worlds without any sign of life except for strong shaped monsters, or worlds with endless Hescos waiting for us out there to fight.

But as I opened the first world, I found a new thing waiting for my forces out there.

Lily adapted the last battle tactic including sending off a vanguard and scout units to check out the worlds.

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