I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 1284: 1284 Go Back Right Now!

I spoke like a crazy dude to no one, and in the end I didnt get a single answer. That option seemed out of my list of options as well.

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For the first time since coming back, I stood in my place without any clue about what I should do.

This feeling wasnt totally new to me. In my pathetic life before coming here, I always felt the same. Every single day was a challenge to me, trying to survive without knowing how.

This was the same feeling, and I hated it deep down to my bones. I clenched my fists and made up my decision.

Its better to be safe than sorry, I decided to enlist all my capable generals and people who will be useful in this trip.

[Prepare yourself to come with me] I sent over to Lily first, [The golden quest is on and youll have to come with me]

[For real? Will it start now?]

[No, we have one day to get ready] I paused, [Inform Alex. She is going to come as well. Select a good replacement to you, and prepare things as if we are going to never come back anytime soon]

[Got it! Who else will be coming with us?]

[The two jerks, Angelica, Sara, Stephen, Legend, Isabella, Loran, Isac, and any capable one you know about from the generals we have]

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[Hmm That means we will select another eleven to join us, right?]

[Thats correct]

[Then what conditions or traits do you want from them?]

This was the question! [I frankly dont know anything about that quest. Just select those with different abilities and powers, enough to support us in that adventure]

I thought a little about that before adding, [Find good replacements to the jumper, Sara, the spearhead, and Legend. Also spread my orders, inform those paragons I got from the Hescos about this trip. If anyone wants, he or she can volunteer to come]

I needed every capable hand possible in this upcoming quest. [Also make sure to send a few hundred millions of the Hescos and seven stars race members each at least to the pocket world second layer. Ill leave a portal linking directly to a special place there. Let them stand into that place and wait there]

[Whats that place?] she got curious it seemed.

[A place that can turn anyone into warriors] I didnt know if my connection with the dens of warriors would get severed once I went there or not.

But in case it still worked, it was good to have such people inside my inventory as I lacked these. [Also send many of the winged race I finally caught]

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[What about zombies?]

[Send those as well! There are many orbs which turned into dens back at that pocket world. Make sure to arrange these things before the start of that quest]

[Hmm Its difficult to do all this in just one day, but Ill try my best]

[Good luck!] I closed the chat with her before thinking about my next move.

[I want tons of resources, things that can be used to build an entire kingdom in a barren world] I opened the chat next with the Silverlining, [I want these to be delivered in less than one day. Not a single minute after that, do you get me?]

[What happened? Did you find a new world or what?]

[No, its the golden quest. Its going to start]

[Oh! Ill let everyone know about that then] he got the wrong idea! But I didnt say anything to stop him.

After all, telling those sovereigns or others in the universe wasnt going to be a big deal. I was sure the Hescos already knew about this. And if they got plans about my kingdom during this quest then they were busy handling such things.

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That was one of my main concerns about participating in the golden quest. If the Hescos decided to activate their hidden pockets here, then things would turn quite ugly for my side.

I knew the best moment to use these hidden forces was when the final battle would erupt. At that time, Id be strangled fighting their forces out there.

But there was still a possibility that theyd use their forces during the upcoming golden quest time. And so I had to do everything I could to stop them.

The most important thing Id use was the zombie orbs. During all the past days, the number of the ready orbs to be used escalated to be in the tens of thousands.

[Ill bind and activate the zombie orbs. Make sure to scatter around the kingdom borders to strengthen the defences there] I went towards these orbs and sent them to Lily.

She had to take care of such things as well. She complained about that, yet I closed the chat after sending one piece of advice to her.

She and Isac was the best two to deal with this matter. So itd be great if she asked the help of Isac in this matter.

Binding these orbs by my blood and activating them took a couple hours before I finally got freed. During this time, Isac came with many people who took care of these orbs.

She looked quite excited about the next adventure, and proposed sending common people who could help in mining, building, and doing different common things over to the place of my warrior den.

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And I didnt reject her suggestion. She got a point there. Using the elite warriors in such stuff was going to be hard.

I still wasnt sure if Id ever need such help, but Id never reject having more chips up my sleeve.

After getting done from these, I started my travels across the worlds outside.

The first world I went to was the world of the jumper. That dude was still unable to find a single portal, and the entire world was now filled with sand and zombies.

Even after fighting for such a long time, and even after sending Lorans men out there to turn the discovered dens under the ground into orbs, the situation there was still quite risky.

I went there and what welcomed me was a wild sand storm.

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