I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 1287: 1287 The Second Piece Of Bad News

Shall we send more armies to the remaining two worlds before we leave for the golden quest? and before Id step into that portal, Lily came and stopped me.

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What was wrong with these people?

We have time, and we have nothing to do for now, right? when she saw me frown, she mistook my pause for something else.

Sure, let me open two tickets and youll arrange the armies sent there, I knew she got a point.

I planned to stop invading the last five worlds if I didnt have time before the golden quests. And now I had seven worlds remaining.

So it was safe to open two more portals and let my armies control them. The only side effect of this would be my absence from such battles.

But who knew how long wed be absent from here. So it was safe to send more armies out there and conquer the two worlds. After all, I had to conquer these worlds after my return.

Id pay more armies in this way, but would also buy myself a lot of time.

Least did I know that by following what Lily said on a whim would bring me the second piece of bad news.

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And it also revealed a lot about the enemys future plans.

I stood in my place like usual, watching the vanguard unit march into the newly opened world. Once vanished, I opened the feed to that world without expecting much.

However the moment I watched what that feed brought over, I couldnt help but freeze in my place motionless.

I expected to see the same image that got repeated over and over already. I thought Id be welcomed with a world filled with shielded towns and cities, covered up in bubbles, filled to the brim with tons of forces.

There were tons of forces, but what I saw was something different. The place my ticket opened was at a weird place, where signs of construction were present.

The earth was getting dug by lots of gears and tons of ground digging Hescos members. Their numbers looked endless, as this sight extended to reach the end of my eyesight.

And what was weird was that the moment my vanguard forces arrived there, they didnt get killed at the spot. The Hescos took a few minutes to realise what was going on, before finally moving out and killing them.

It seemed the Hescos thought I wouldnt take the risk and come to knock on their doors. And to my luck I ended up opening the world they chose for the last epic battle between the two of us.

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The feed didnt last more than ten minutes before it got cut off by the fall of my last vanguard soldier.

Yet these ten minutes were more than enough for me to get a glimpse on what they were doing.

It seemed they didnt start long ago, and that limited my ability to predict the final picture of this grand defensive zone.

Yet it was enough for me to get a few valuable intel from there. First, that defensive zone was different from the two I previously visited and conquered.

It got places dug under the ground, but the main defensive structure relied over the floating islands out there.

p In the air there were lots of flying massive lands, and they were getting modified at the time being.

Just from the size of this project, I expected them to take roughly two weeks to get it done. And that gave me a glimpse about how long Id take out there in the golden quest.

As Lily expected, the Hescos got inside news and knew more than anyone else about what was going to happen.

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Aside from that, I also saw lots of alien forces helping them. The Hescos were going to use everything in their power to stop me at this world.

Mark down this portal, I said in a deep tone, its the portal leading to the final battleground with the Hescos.

This Lilys face wasnt the only one that changed, everyone else around had the same look over their faces.

Dont be this shocked, I bitterly smiled, at least we now know what they are up to.

Did you see anything? the jumper hurriedly asked. Out of all the people here, he was one of those who were eager to face the Hescos. And yet his dreams came to an end with that sand world he ended up at.

I saw a colossal construction place I started to describe in great details what I saw. And when I finished, a bizarre silence prevailed around me.

Why wont we keep sending forces out there to hinder their progress? Sara suddenly asked, breaking that weird and heavy silence.

Its no use, I slowly shook my head, even if we managed to delay their progress at the portal zone, theyll be able to finish building everything around.

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But we will have a slight advantage that way, she persisted, and I could only bitterly smile.

She had her brain cells focused mainly on fighting and moving forward. She had no tolerance to consider something thoroughly, or think deeply about something.

So she couldnt get how scary these Hescos were.

If we did so, then theyd modify their plans a little to negate such gained advantage, I paused before adding, not to mention our top forces will be out there with me at the golden quest. Even if we got a slight advantage right now, we wont be able to further exploit it.

Then what shall we do then? Isac interrupted, preventing Sara from going down such a meaningless argument.

After all, once I made up my mind about something, I wouldnt listen to other opinions. Especially when I already thought and considered such options before and ditched them away.

I noticed at least ten different races helping them out there I didnt instantly answer her. Instead I said such weird words first.

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