I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 1301: 1301 There Is A Catch!

[We already updated the conditions and details of this round of the golden quests] He said such a thing despite me not getting any notification at all.

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It seemed he realised what I was thinking about, so he added, [Im here to personally inform you with the details]

Thanks again, I now realise why I didnt get any notification about such changes before.

[Right now you are going to be transferred to a new place. According to the old rules, you should have appeared at one location. But as you wanted access to all worlds, you are free to select all the number of locations related to the twenty quests as you wish]

That means Ill get access to twenty separate places, or theyll get merged together? I needed to get a clear answer regarding this point.

[You got twenty team members, right? You can appoint one to each place to do what you needed]

Oh Cant I just use teleportation gears to link these places together? I didnt like the idea he just proposed. I had twenty members indeed, yet none of them was enough to handle such an immense task.

[Sure, you can also do that] he agreed, [But if so, youll need to jump between these places one at a time. Youll lose some time doing this]

Better lose a few at first than losing too much later on, I didnt get what he meant by that, But how can I gain access to these places if I selected one of them first? Will you establish a teleportation device there for me to use or what?

[I told you already, we cant meddle with anything regarding these quests]

Then If I wouldnt get teleported to each place, then how was I going to install such teleportation devices then?

[I already told you, youll be teleported to one place then after waiting there for a period of time, a choice will appear to you to select more places to access]

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Ah, I see I now realised what he meant by wasting my time in doing this. It seemed there was a limitation over such a choice.

Once I gained access to one place, Id stick there for a fixed period of time. So the question here was: How long do I need to wait before accessing another place?

[At least one week]

That Thats too much I didnt like such an answer, tell me, can I still get in touch with my people once I scattered them over these places?

[Sure, there is no interference with the system functions, including the channel relations and contract relations]

And good relations? I asked, the god sponsoring us, can we still get in contact with them?

[Like normal]


[If you tried to use the teleportation twin devices then it wont work] he seemed to read through my mind, [You need to visit the places you want to install these teleportation devices at]

I know, I evilly grinned, and I got a way to solve this. Anyway, thanks again for all this help.

He indeed helped me a lot. Without the knowledge he told me at the end, Id have to figure things out on my own.

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[We are waiting for your brilliant performance. Good luck!]

I knew he honestly hoped for it this time.

I waited for the moment the one day period would come to an end.

It might be a problem for anyone else, but linking these twenty places wasnt going to be that hard.

I felt great relief about the market function still working at this moment. As I waited, I bought many twin devices to get them installed all over the twenty places.

I hated to be limited by anything, especially that week buffer time. If I had to wait for one week at each place, then by visiting the last place, at least five months would pass.

That was a very long time indeed. And in the end, Id be forced to select places over others, not working over the entire twenty quests in total.

That would greatly impact my plans about luring out my enemies.

I bought a few hundred of these devices just in case. And after doing that, I finally heard the notifications from the system.

[The golden quest waiting period is over!]

[Please get ready to be teleported towards the places you desire]

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[Please select your quest world]

A list of twenty places appeared next in front of me. I didnt hesitate to mark all of them.

[You selected twenty worlds to gain access to]

[You are competing over twenty quests]

[The final rank youll get will depend on the number of points youll gain through your performance]

[Please appoint one or more of your team members to the worlds you want to gain access to]

[Please note: You and your team members will be moved first to a preparation zone for each selected world]

[Your stay there will last for one year]

[You cant gain access to any world related to these zones, but you can face dangers there]

[Please note: Once selected, you cant change your choice]

I read through all this and found something that higher up missed.

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The period of waiting there was as long as one year. That was good enough to make me build strong bases all over these places.

However there was a catch!

I couldnt gain access to any of the twenty worlds, but Id still get attacked!

The equal of facing dangers was to face the armies of the hidden enemy.

That meant during the one year period, Id be forced to fight such an enemy without gaining any access to the sealed twenty worlds.

So winning wouldnt impact anything related to these quests. Besides, the enemy could spy on us during this period.

If he smelled something fishy like what I planned to do, then theyd keep sending their forces to try and stop me.

I should get prepared for lots of fighting then I wasnt afraid of getting into such an intense situation. However that meant the progress of building up these bases would be greatly affected.

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