I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 1304: 1304 I Will Tell You Everything I

He was a magnet to disasters and bad news. I didnt know how hed cause trouble right here, especially with that one month safe period, but I expected trouble to come from him.

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Great, as Isac got my confirmation, she nodded, Ill let him handle the remaining world then. By the way, these portals are nice and such, but they have limited capacity for their teleportation each time.

Install more then, I paused before adding when her face turned slightly grim, we need as much capacity as we can provide for later.

What about now?

Its simple, I smiled, Ill just jump in between these places and take out warriors there to help.

That will be very helpful, she nodded before turning back to the world that was getting slowly filled with warriors and tons of materials, also dont forget to leave enough material to each world.

Dont worry about that, I kept working while adding, go and supervise over the entire project. I depend on you.

And since when did I ever disappoint you? she laughed before turning around and jumped over her chariot before leaving.

And Lucas said goodbye to me before following after her.

I finished taking out enough warriors and materials here before taking a grand tour around the other worlds and did the same. During this, I made sure to take out the warriors without any stat points.

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In a way, Id let them get stronger by consuming stat crystals while they kept working.

[I got what you want] and after two days of the start of the quest, Silverlining finally returned back to me.

[Finally! Dude, Im beginning to doubt your ability to do such a trade!]

This wasnt the first time for him to get delayed in such a way.

[Im just at my race homeland] he sent such an excuse before adding, [To make things work, I needed to work hard for the past few days. Dont give me this face, please]

[Oh, you are watching me right now?]

[All of us are] he paused, [By the way, many sovereigns cant get what you are doing]

[What do you mean by that? And first lets get this trade done! And tell me, when will be the next exchange?]

[Dont worry, Ive already arranged things to get this trade going on daily basis]

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[Thats great] I got that he used his impact this time and not the help from his sovereigns.

These dudes were either too busy watching me, or just as he said, they didnt get what I was doing.

[Now, how about telling me little information about what you are doing?]

[As I said to my people, Im going for the twenty worlds at one go]

[Thats Quite insane, you know that?]

[I have my reasons, but thanks for the compliment] I laughed when I read his answer.

[Dude Tsk! It seems you dont know what kind of sh*t you got yourself at] I knew he was speaking like this out of worry and concern for my safety, [You are taking part in the ultimate golden quest scenario! It wont be this easy, wont!]

[Ultimate? Do you know this type of quests then?]

From his words, I got the feeling that he or the sovereigns behind him knew about this kind of quest.

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If so, then it was a good chance to know more about what was going to happen.

[How cant I know about this? Its the standard end game golden quest scenario used for all the apocalypses since its start!]

[This Then why didnt you say something before?] I frowned when I read his words. If he knew this quest this well, even going to say it was the standard quest for the golden quest scenarios, then how come he never spoke about it before.

What was going on here?

[Dont take it on me like that, who knew the system higher ups would push all the quests to the last and end game one?]

[What do you mean?] I didnt get what he said.

[Its the systems fault, not ours! You are taking part in the first quest in your apocalypse. And yet the system merged you with folks from other apocalypses who are about to get their quests there done!]

I read what he sent and felt weirder about this.

[You should start by doing easy quests, and then we can never imagine the scenario you should have. But you simply jumped all the way to the end, and got that scary endgame quest. Not to mention you are playing in all the worlds at the same time, and the rules are quite different than what was known before. Sorry pal, I dont know what to tell you but you are in grave danger!]

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I ignored his words about the changed rules or things related to my safety as I took part in twenty quests at the same time. What I cared most about was that part related to me going towards the end game scenario.

Did the system consider the scorching land system that my apocalyptic trial was going through right now as the end of the entire apocalypse there?

If so, then itd make quite sense for such a weird decision. And then what about the people taking part in this quest who came from other apocalypses?

Were they much stronger than myself? Damn! If I played by the book and instead tried to compete with them, then Id have ended up losing pretty much badly.

[Can you tell me all you know about the dangers Im going to face here?] if he knew something, then it was better to listen to him than to think about such matters.

After all, I was already here and this quest already started. No matter what I knew, Id never be able to change anything.

[Hmm I can tell you what I know. After all, knowledge about this kind of quest is considered as classic knowledge in our universe. However, I have to advise you to strongly try to limit your actions to as few words as possible. If you can, throw away the rest and just focus on one world]

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