I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 1324: 1324 Binding Her At Last!

This shockwave didnt get separated from my shields, as if they were waterfalls coming down from a high point.

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And when the two attacks clashed, the entire world shone in bright white and red lights for long minutes.

Yet I slowly felt her attacks to fail against mine slowly getting pushed back as my shockwave started to gain more momentum and space.

I saw my shockwave getting broader until at one point it exploded and covered the entire world around. I felt the world trembling, but it wasnt enough to tear this place down.

If this amount isnt enough, then let me show you my full strength then, I laughed out loud before using more shield skills, taking advantage of this moment of weakness from her, and pushed the shields all the way to their former true might and space.

Then I covered the entire ground with my bones, ending up sending a mighty wave of energy into the ongoing attack of my shields.

If my shockwave managed to shake down the world earlier, this time I could see wide cracks spreading all over the place. The shockwave was testing the world apart, and I could hear her hopeless screams and angry roars.

No matter how hard she tried, she couldnt stop my shockwave or touch my shields anymore. And after a few minutes of such desperate struggle, I heard a loud thudding sound before the entire world cleared again in my eyes.

We returned back to my chariots room. The room looked like the normal rooms in my chariot, just small and not that spacious like before.

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Everything she did was crushed by my shockwave that was currently pinning her body against the wall opposite to me. There was the simple looking bed standing in between the two of us, while the entire energy I unleashed was suffocating her.

Her body was suspended away from the ground by a metre. Yet from the swollen look over her face, I knew she was already losing against my power, unable to even keep her airway cleared and open.

If you dont submit, then tell your prayers inside your mind. You are going to fall to your knees and surrender, or fall down and lose your life, and without giving her any chance to do or say anything, I kept my energy gushing out and pressuring her while saying these words in an ice cold tone.

If she didnt yield at this moment, then it was better to get rid of her. I just got part of what I wanted to know, and saw a mere taste of how such a race fought.

I was now sure that I was the only one in my entire forces who was able to compete against them. Perhaps the star arrays would prove useful, but I wouldnt hang all my hopes over such a possibility.

Id rather leave my elite generals and friends with these arrays as means to save themselves if they ever faced such scary folks. Other than this, dealing with such enemies should be done solely by me.

I was now quite sure that she knew much more than she just showed to me. So I didnt try to kill her on the spot despite having the ability to do so.

Instead I took my time to suffocate and torture her at her last moments.

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You Are Quite A man To Do Such A thing To A weak Lady Like Me

Against my crushing energy, she couldnt even speak properly and had to say every single word as if she was struggling to do so.

And indeed she was!

Weak lady? Hahahaha! What quite an amusing nickname you are calling yourself with, I laughed and didnt even show a speck of understanding or comprehension towards what she just said.

I wanted to hear her speak, but with totally different words with different meanings.

You Win she finally said something Id like to hear.

Yield or die, I dont want to hear such useless words from you, and as she said these words, I didnt show any tolerance towards her.

Instead I pushed more energy to suffocate her, speeding up her end if she didnt hurriedly act.

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Fine I Surrender At last she said it. But I didnt lower my guard yet.

A contract appeared right next to her when her body slammed heavily on the ground. I had a contract before with Hilary, but not this Hilary.

When her soul changed after the merge, she ended up breaking the contract between me and her. I felt that during our little chat and fight, and so I took out a new contract and asked her to sign it with a cold gaze of mine.

F*ck you, cough cough! and when I waited for her to sign the contract, her energy started to gush out once more. Yet just when she did that, my energy came back again, clashing fiercely against hers.

I didnt truly cancel my skill from before. I simply controlled it and let it retreat back.

And when she tried to resist, my attack came fiercely without warning, putting her back to her rightful place.

I Yield Truly Yield

I hope you are sincere this time, I waved my hand and my energy retreated as it appeared, quite fast. Or else, next time I wont listen to any bullshit coming from you.

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This was her second chance. If she ruined it, then shed end up dying no matter how sincere she pleaded for mercy.

As my energy was retracted, her body fell again to the ground. This time she kept coughing for a few minutes, struggling to take her breaths.

I didnt say a single word and just watched her. If she tried anything funny again, shed end up dead.

Here, yet she didnt try anything. After five minutes, she finally took the contract and signed it, satisfied now?

I felt the effect of the contract getting activated and couldnt help but inwardly sigh in relief.

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