I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 1329: 1329 Bad News!

They werent actually living on these ten worlds! They got secluded pocket worlds where they remained and lived their normal lives at.

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That meant if the third layer wasnt triggered, such races would keep living peacefully like they werent doing something terrible or anything.

Realising this made me feel quite sick. Such a race was worthy of being called fiends and not Holy Ones.

According to her, each world had around one hundred attached pocket worlds. Detecting these worlds openings or entrances wasnt an easy task at all. And without the activation of the third layer of defence, they wouldnt reveal themselves at all.

She said that when this fourth layer had a standard code of action. When this entrapment zone was established, the fiend ancestors brought out ten billion race members with them.

They scattered these over the one thousand pocket worlds attached to the ten worlds. And when I heard such a number again, I couldnt help but link it to the one thousand wave of attacks from earlier.

Was it a coincidence? Or was it needed so that each pocket world would take a few hits to survive?

I couldnt tell, and the demoness didnt say anything to explain such a coincidence.

As for the total number of this race, even she couldnt tell. That was like any race in any universe, had the ability to reproduce and increase their numbers over time.

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So that meant I had to face a race that took long years to gather up their endless numbers.

Trying to fight such a race which excelled nearly in everything was quite hard. And when considering their great numbers, I found such a task to be quite impossible.

When I asked about their weaknesses, she said if I managed to force them to unleash most of their feathers, then theyd be quite vulnerable.

After all, they used their feathers in the form of defending against any attack. But when I recalled what she said about their ability to control the detached feathers, even to gather them around to form some sort of shield, I realised this wasnt really a point of weakness at all.

She mentioned something else regarding the energy limit of each member of this race. According to her, they couldnt keep controlling the detached feathers forever. And if they got fierce hits, the time they had to control these feathers would be shortened as well.

But I didnt place any much importance over this part. After all, she didnt give me any detailed numbers or stats about such a time limit.

I placed all my bets over another thing; my technique!

If nothing could harm them so easily, then instead of struggling about fighting and killing them, why wouldnt I try to recruit them to fight alongside me?

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Such a fierce race was something I craved for. And even if the contracts werent that binding to them just like how the demonesse could resist the power of the contracts, Id still aim to acquire more of them.

[I want a type of contract that can bind fierce races] and whenever Id face such difficulty, Id not hesitate to contact my broker.

For any problem I got, my broker always got a solution.

[Hmm You can get such contracts from the market]

Silverling responded in what I didnt want to do. The market only had common goods, and I wanted something quite special this time.

And yet his way of responding to me told me a lot of things. It seemed the Toranks didnt like my attitude towards them, and decided to show some sort of coldness.

But I didnt care about their feelings. This thing was crucial for the success and failure of dealing with those fiends.

[I want high grade contracts, ones that can bind any of the races Ill meet up in the ten worlds]

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[You have a way to deal with them? Oops! Bad me! I forgot that you can already force other races to follow you around]

He was trying to play silly tricks here. But I totally ignored what he said. Even the Hescos knew about my techniques and how they could bind anyone under my control using contracts.

If my enemies knew it, how come my long term allies didnt?

[Im going to try my odds against them] I didnt directly tell which race I got my eyes upon, [But without strong contracts, Id not be able to do anything]

[Hmm I see. Let me see what I can do then]

[Dont take too long] I warned him, [The war is going to start quite soon]

[Ill return in one hour with good news I hope]

I now didnt take his words for granted. He promised me many times before and failed to meet his allocated timelines.

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I knew this wasnt his problem as he never got delayed before. This was all the sovereigns fault.

If not for them trying to get more than I promised them, then things wouldnt have reached such a cold stage between the two of us.

During my wait, I thought about the last layer of defence. To be honest, it was something not even I could handle.

According to the demonesse, the last layer of defence in any entrapment zone would be detonating the entire zone out!

It wasnt just detonating the ten worlds taking charge of this zone, but the entire zone in its whole!

It was quite a scary thing to think about. Even when they used such unknown tech to deal with any invader, there was still a possibility and way out from such hell.

But when talking about detonating the entire zone, there would be no way out from such a deadly attack.

There were many universes who managed to get intact from such an attack That means they found some sort of weakness to exploit such a devastating attack I thought to myself, trying to find a way to deal with this kind of disaster.

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