I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 1334: 1334 A Crazy Plan

[Do you know what trick they are using to cause such explosions?] Even when using my Hawk Eye skill, I failed to see through what was going on at the front.

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The hectic and chaotic confrontations between the two sides made it quite impossible for anyone to see through what was going on out there.

If I didnt risk going there myself and examining things out, Id not be able to get what they were using.

[I got reports about a weird weapon thats made out of many small orbs, lined together by a thread or something]

She started to explain and describe the kind of weapon the enemies were using. From her words, I got to know that these weapons were used mainly by the Silence race members.

They were the ones who got enough intelligence and self control to use such weapons. As for the locust type enemies, they were like headless moths dancing around fire.

They acted in a similar way like the zombies in the fifth apocalyptic quest. They ran like mad dogs, damaging everything in their path, and wanted to get a bite from my forces at any cost.

As for that weapon, according to the few witnesses who saw the Silence race use it and lived to tell the tale, it got triggered the moment the thread was cut.

Then these orbs would scatter around the ground, breaking up into much smaller orbs, covering up a huge area before the detonation would start.

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It seemed a wide area kind of attack, and it was quite impossible to guard against. Yet from her words I knew that the explosive power of these orbs wasnt that high.

Against common warriors, these orbs were enough to kill them. But against the full state warriors, they were only able to wound them.

And many ended up with light wounds. However in return for that, many orb weapons worked together to produce a much fiercer wave of explosions.

So even if the damage brought by a single orb weapon wasnt enough to take down my warriors, much more orbs would jump in and add more damage.

Thanks to their nature to break up into tiny orbs, they could cover up large areas easily, allowing many weapons like these to stack up and deal more damage in the end.

[So they are using these orbs and didnt spend much of their forces to the frontline?] I asked just to make sure I grasped the entire picture clearly.

From the middle of such fierce explosions both sides were using, I could see silhouettes of many races. I couldnt tell how much from the enemy was out there, but from my side, there was a lot.

[According to the reports coming so far, the Silence race stood behind and just used these weapons. Only few of them are moving out to stop our advancing forces]

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[And?] I knew if the enemy used such a tactic from the start till now, itd be impossible for my forces to feel such pressure and risk.

[That new race takes the task of charging at our side] She paused for a few seconds, as if she was arranging many reports and knowledge in her mind, [That race gives me the same vibe as the zombies]

[They indeed are] I said in agreement, [So one race stays behind and uses these bombs, and the other one is charging to the front and keeps our forces busy]

[That race is ferocious and fearless, not giving our boys any chance to properly retreat or regroup And thats why so far its a one sided battle]

I got her meaning. From such a line up, I could tell that many of my forces fell during the first hours of this clash.

The enemy didnt care about the locust-like race. After all they werent the sole race fighting here on their side. And they could simply replenish their lost numbers using that nasty egg tactic.

So they decided to use the locusts first How interesting! I didnt find this to be bad news.

I was struggling to find a way to separate the two races apart. And luckily, the enemy decided to save me the trouble and do it themselves.

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[Listen up Ill need one hour then youll spread these orders for everyone Retreat and stop using any star arrays until reaching the central zones of each region]

[This] I knew how insane my orders seemed. In one hour, Id do many things and wouldnt be here. So I had to give out such orders now. [Do you want us to abandon everything we did so far and return all the way to the centre without fighting back?!!!]

[Yes] I paused before adding, [We arent fighting to keep the defences we built, but to win this war. And to win, we have to pay a considerable price for that]


[Make sure my orders are relayed out to everyone, and make sure they get what I want]

[Which is?]

[Full our retreat, retreat as fast as their forces legs can carry them. Even if they have to throw away most of their forces, they have to do it!]


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I knew how shocking my sudden orders were, but in the middle of such madness victory lied.

[Make sure they got this order If they can cross the entire distance in one hour or less, its better for them to do it this way!]

[Im asking you again, are you sure?] she asked, and I got why she repeated the same question again.

[Im sure. Just dont waste my time and do it!] I decided to change the entire plans I had from before.

The enemy just did me a great favour and separated their two races apart! If I didnt make the best use of such a chance, and use their actions to backfire at them, then Id be worth losing here.

My plan was simple. Id let my entire armies retreat in full power after one hour.

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