I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 1338: 1338 Unexpected Response

But when I saw it, I noticed that their speed wasnt that much higher than my forces. In fact, both seemed to be equal in speed!

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What was going on here?

I felt more puzzled the more I looked. I couldnt tell how strong they really were as there was a fight going on around. So I decided after a few minutes of observation to move forward and check the rear of this incoming wave before deciding what I should do.

And when I did so, I got more shocked by what I found!

[Can you gather a piece of news for me?] As I was puzzled, I decided to ask for Lilys help.

[What do you need?] she directly asked, feeling how tense this situation was.

[Ask the survivors about the strength of these locusts] I paused before adding, [I also want to know if they were chased by locusts or locusts and Silence race members]


[I cant see any Silence race members even after crossing hundreds of miles]

[Hmm Give me a minute then]

I knew shed take quite some time to find out the answer to such a question. And so I kept moving forward, and kept checking the ground and the creatures down below.

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I even used my Hawk Eye skill, and even used my technique to test controlling scattered groups of the creatures down below.

Everything pointed out towards the presence of locusts only, invading the entire zone up to what my eyes could reach.

I got a scary thought about the infiltration of the Silence race members in the middle of such dense waves of the locusts.

However after using my skills and techniques, I was sure this was just an extra worry for me.

And when I thought more about it, I found that there was no reason for the fiends to decide on using such a tactic.

There were only locusts down at the ground, filling the entire world around. And that made me realise what they planned to do here.

They heard what Silverlining told me about, and ended up deciding to shuffle up the cards. I didnt know why they didnt move the Silence race members to join this crusade, but it saved me tons of time and effort if that proved to be right.

The enemy was helping me more and more in what I found hard to achieve myself.

If they planned to just use the locusts for now, then the initial attack wave that got the Silence race members was just a show

I couldnt even believe this as such a possibility was too perfect for me and my forces.

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The enemy mistook everything, it seemed, and instead of coming with everything they got, they just sent one race out.

I didnt know why they did that, and didnt care. I just wanted to confirm the current situation before deciding to take any further steps.

I kept flying for another half an hour before I finally got the answer I wanted.

[Ever since that first clash, the Silence forces never showed themselves up. Its all endless streams of the locusts, and nothing else]

[Cool!] I stopped flying when I got such confirmation, [Select one thousand brave warriors from each zone. And also make sure this is happening everywhere]

[I checked, and this happened in every zone]

[Thats great!]

[Sorry but whats great about any of that?]

She didnt get what I wanted to do before, and so she wouldnt understand. And I didnt even try to explain anything.

[Spread out the orders, just make everyone defend inside the shielded zone. Even if they got a chance, they wont take a single step out]

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[They wont dare to go with such crazy folks running wild at them from every possible direction!]

[What about the strength of those locusts?] as she answered one of my two questions, there was still one left without an answer.

[According to many testimonies, these locusts arent much different in strength, nature, and abilities than the zombies of our fifth quest]

I could tell they were similar in nature and abilities, but also in strength? [Are you sure? Are you sure they are alike in terms of strength?]

[Thats what everyone said] she sent in confirmation, [According to their words, and I asked many from all zones, if not for the unstoppable numbers of these creatures, they could have crushed them easily]

Interesting! So the individual strength of each creature of this race was just on par with zombies.

Was it just the Silence race members who were strong enough to contend against endgame level powerhouses? Or were also the Silences this week?

When I thought about the abnormal ability of the Silence race to lower the strength of anyone they fought against, things became clearer in my mind.

It seemed the strength of these races wasnt that much, not even much stronger than our strength.

Was this a coincidence? An act from the system? Or were there many golden quest entrapment zones like this one that Silverlining wasnt aware of?

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I thought about that last possibility. If there were many golden quest zones like this one, then the races defending these zones would be in different levels of strengths.

However from Silverlining firm words, I could tell there was only one of these golden quests. Or he might have got things wrong or something.

[Dont forget to select one thousand of each zone] I closed the chat with her, took a deep breath, and started to act.

If the enemy only sent locusts here, then itd be easy to handle things using my last plan.

I started to form many scattered and apart shields from each other. The moment the shields appeared, they secluded part of the locusts inside, preventing anyone from entering or leaving.

And then I took out my warriors.

The moment my warriors appeared, the entire world froze as if a time pause skill was used.

Without any tacit agreement, the endless numbers of locusts stopped in their tracks, shifted their attention towards the shields I just filled with warriors, and then started to fiercely roar.

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