I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 1380: 1380 A Meeting With Generals

You always take all the fun for yourself, the moment they arrived, Sara said in complaint.

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He always loves to play solo, the jumper said and it seemed he wanted to add more of his mean words but failed to do so.

After all this dude seemed to slightly change after what recently happened and what he did.

If you want, there are lots of locusts at the edge of my shields out there, I pointed towards it before adding, if you want, you can go and stretch out your muscles there.

Tsk! These locusts are just like our zombies, Sara said, give me warriors and Ill kill all of them!

You can go and take the lead of the warriors out there, I paused before adding, but many of them have their tasks to do. So just use those inside the bubbles, got it?

Sure, she said and started to move away. And when I thought none would follow, most of the chariot flew fast towards that direction.

Except for Isac, Legend, and jumper, all of the rest went towards the distance. It seemed they didnt like their past role in this quest so far. And they wanted to make more contributions here.

Generals might seem calm and steady, but they had no less fighting spirit than their soldiers.

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As for these three who waited behind, I knew the motives and reasons behind their actions.

Isac wasnt a fighting maniac general. She just wanted to lead others and build defensive structures and layouts for my forces.

Legend was a rational kid, a good kid indeed. His mind wasnt as impulsive or hot like Sara and others. He knew such a battle was already over the moment I stood in such carefree way among them.

So going there wouldnt do any change to the entire battle. Instead it would exhaust his energy and so he decided to remain behind.

As for the jumper, I felt he wanted to speak with me about something. And so that fiery tempered dude wasnt going to take part in such a battle for now.

Do you need me to build anything for you? As expected, the first to speak up was Isac, and she asked the same thing I guessed.

Take Legend with you, I casually said, pointing towards the direction of the edge of this silver land, inspect the ground down there. We are a good distance away from the ground, enough to allow you to see everything.

Can we see the ground clearly? It was Legend who was surprised by this. And from his tone and facial expression, I could tell they didnt get anything from inspecting the ground before.

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And I nodded. Start planning how to build a good base down there. Well take down that zone in the world here. Take note of all the defences of the enemy and dont miss their arrangement of forces, I said the last words to Legend.

In the absence of Lily, Legend was a very great substitute for her role as the grand general of my forces.

The enemy down below already filled the entire world with his forces, I said in brief what I noticed before, the fiends will be left for me to handle. As for the rest of their forces and defences, its up to you to handle them

I paused for a long minute before seriously adding, we got two weeks only here. Make sure to plan ahead for a swift victory, fast building process, enough to build a fortress that can stand alone in front of any incoming enemy of the three races.

Are we going to leave here? The jumper asked, and I swore I saw the eyes of that dude shine when he said that.

Thats already decided, I got what he had in mind, but didnt he want to make sure his angel wasnt in this world in the first place before deciding to go anywhere else?

Dont tell me That god gave him knowledge about the place of that proclaimed angel and so he wanted to leave here?

I gave that jumper a questionable gaze that was filled with tons of doubts and lots of questions. But as he wore a mask, I couldnt see anything through him at all.

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But we are going to leave a general to lead here, right? Isac asked the obvious. And I nodded without a speck of hesitation.

Ill leave the choice of the general for the generals to select, I paused before adding, but itll be great if we assigned someone daring like Sara or something to do it.

Then lets leave him behind, Legend said, pointing towards the jumper.

Mind your own business, kid! I will leave here, the jumper spoke in hostility that Legend didnt deserve.

I knew how this kids mind worked. He thought logically about this and of course the jumper would come on top of such a list of candidates.

But he didnt get that the jumper already sat his gaze over another world. And from such an intense reaction from the jumper, I could tell that this dude already knew where the entrapped angel was.

Well decide later, I gave the jumper a warning gaze. If the upcoming talk with him didnt satisfy me, then hed be pinned here till the end of this entire quest thing.

Ok, Legend gave the jumper a weird look before adding, Ill work with big bro Isac and see what we can do.

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Good luck, I paused before adding, you got one day, two at most. Make the best use of time.

Well get done much earlier than that, Isac raised a fist in the air before adding as the two started to walk back to their chariots, Ill inform you once we are done.

Good, I nodded while watching them leave, then turned my eyes towards the jumper.

And the first thing this dude said made me inwardly sigh.

You mentioned before that there was something I didnt know about my god Tell me about these things then.

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