I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 159: 159 Negotiations

I stood on the side watching my death fallen god consuming that part of the solidified wave energy. From the description of the system, I knew this was good stuff indeed.

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But how good was it? I was about to find out.


Just with the passage of five minutes without any changes, the fallen god raised his head to the air and roared in a very terrifying way.

The air he emitted was kinda different than before. It felt heavy even for me to breathe. I had to retreat ten metres back while his body started to shine in black light that had a layer of lustre over it.

My lord This This he seemed overwhelmed by the energy he consumed. I nodded for him to stabilise his excitement first and then talk.

It opened my fourth tier, and thats not all! He gave me such a pleasant surprise, I can last for a couple of days now while using at least twenty supreme attacks of mine. Thats awesome!

Yes! I clenched both fists while feeling the urge to scream in happiness. What was my biggest limitation here with these brutal boys? Soul points was one, but stat points was also another weakness here.

I got five hundred million stat points that werent enough to last these two brutal boys for three days in their full power! And even if I acted slight conservatice with them, giving only ten millions to open their second tier, they could only use their attacks for three times only.

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What about now? Those seemingly useless parts left from that enemy of mine were able to support at least twenty attacks of theirs. And I got tons of it! The sheer number alone exceeded the needs of my three boys for one year! One f*Cking year!!

Give your brother one of these, I said to the dead fallen god, youll only depend on these from now on.

Thanks lord, that greedy fallen god didnt leave without grabbing a few of these shards, enough to count up to ten.

That dude Come on, I wouldnt act that stingy with all of you!

Now I look forward to the next meeting with that illusionist! Instead of feeling threatened by his high power, I looked greedily at him.

In my eyes, every single ounce of his weight was valued more than gold!

[Did you get control over the mega gate?] Just as I finished dealing with this issue, a message came from none but Fang.

[What do you want?] I asked bluntly as I knew what he was after.

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[We have a deal!]

[But there are no survivors in this city] I sent back while aiming to get another good deal off this righteous Selvator.


[Without having humans to train, how can you fulfil your part of the deal then?] I didnt just stop there as I added, [Plus this city contains only two gates. One belonged already to you and if you got that second one Youll be able to summon not only your normal forces but elites]

I had to be frank and shameless here. That dude was acting righteous out of his nature. But for me he was trying to chew a bigger chip way above his own right.

[But I didnt ask for that situation to happen!]

[Neither did I] I sent back almost instantly, [Besides I wasnt the only one to fight here. Wryly is also here]

[He is just working underneath an archlord] Fang sent, [He wont ask for the city]

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[But I do] if that method didnt work, then Id ask directly for my rights.

[Arent we allies? You wont get any benefit from controlling such a mega gate] he tried to find a way without having to pay for it through this. Yet he had to know that I was like a solid rock that wouldnt bend under whatever he threw at it.

[I dont care about that, after all I took down not only that mega gate but also that terrifying weapon high in the sky. You know this weapon was also threatening you as well]

[Thanks for our deal and alliance]

[Thats not the point] I didnt shake even when he said that, [I have forces to care for. If I didnt get anything out of this deal, then Id prefer to have this mega gate for myself then]

That dude knew what I was after from the start, yet he forced me to say it loud and clear. As I clearly said, he went into silence for a long ten minutes.

[I can offer humans from one city you didnt visit] he sent, [Like that we are even]

[Not even close] I didnt accept his low offer, [This city contains a mega gate, something you have to pay an astronomical price to get]

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[But you didnt pay anything for it!]

[Lets just end the discussion here then] I sent, [You seem not to care much about this mega gate. See you later then buddy]

[Wait Just tell me what you want then. Lets discuss about it]

He knew he was the one having the short end of stick here. This mega gate held a lot of advantage for him and his future battles. Besides, the talk here wasnt only about one mega gate.

That dude didnt know it yet, but there was another mega gate waiting at a nearby city. If I was right, then the other archlord of dragons who was aiming towards the two of us must have also opened one of such mega gates.

So this wasnt just a one time deal for me. I had to get the best out of it so I wouldnt get into such useless debate once again.

[I want ten human camps established at ten different cities outside my own reach in return for every single mega gate. Plus I wanted warriors to be paid for each mega gate you take from me Lets say ten thousand warriors for each gate, what do you think?]

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