I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 228: 228 Illinois Is Surrounded With E

What about Berserkers? I asked.

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They are in Wisconsin.

Didnt you say the illusionists were in the north? Karoline asked, but I didnt get what she just said.

What does that even mean? I asked, and the answer I got was a simple stamp from Karolines foot over the north of Illinois.

Wisconsin lies to the north of Illinois, she said.

The two archlords are up there indeed, Hilary nodded in confirmation, but as the illusionists are a cowardly race, they feared the Berserkers and just kept their distance away from my borders.

And the berserkers? the jumper asked, are they attacking the north?

Nah, she gave the answer I knew about. She waved her long strand hair with both hands before adding in strange pride, someone high up in their race sat his eyes over me. So their archlord wont dare to set foot in my region.

Oh, poor Hye, you got a competitor on that calibre, the jumper said in fake sympathy, in a way that gave me the desire to punch him in the face.

Shut up, I rolled my eyes towards him, I already am aware of that paragons intentions.

You know about him?!! Hilary turned in surprise before jumping like a little girl, clapping her hands a couple times in weird happiness, and still you dared to act at me and take me away oh Thats so romantic of you, Hye.

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B*tch, the jumper snorted.

Slut! Karoline mocked.

Shut the hell up all of you! I shouted, putting an end to this seemingly endless quarrel, lets focus on the important things we have here

I looked again at the map, trying to distract myself with the info Hilary just said.

So the East is all empty and open for us to take, I said, and yet she shook her head in response.

There is still another strong foe, she said and the last race popped up in my mind when she said that.

Dont tell me those succubus girls are a hard nut to crack! it was really impossible for me to believe such a thing.

Those girls They were just like Hilary and Angelica. I even believed these two girls were reincarnations of twisted souls from that twisted sexy race.

Of course not! Hilary instantly said, that race is just leaning over two other strong races in the apocalypse; the Dragons and the Selvators.


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There is another dragon archlord in Kentucky, she said, and I got an instant scare when I heard that.

There is another dragon archlord there? I instantly bellowed out, where is that Kentucky from Illinois?

To the East, Karoline was the one to answer.

The two archrold dragons worked together to secure the East side from my place, Hilary explained, but as you just said, archlords from the same race arent on the same page.

So I paused and she nodded in return.

That bastard let his race archlord fight with all his might against me and the Berserkers. He wanted to just watch the fights between tigers before descending to collect the loot from everyone after we got exhausted.

Nice plan, the jumper said and I couldnt agree more.

So that region is taken now by that dragon archlord? Karoline asked.

Weirdly enough, that bastard didnt move even against my territory so far, Hilary expressed her own doubts, thats an unexpected move from him, right?

It was indeed weird, but if they knew what I knew, then they wouldnt see this weird at all.

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That dude wasnt simple to deal with. He even managed to hold back his greed towards all these open and weakened territories, setting his gaze over the further away and much bigger prize.

He wasnt easy to handle Damn!

I knew dragons were strong and vicious. Adding to that their immense wealth and their habit to collect unique stuff from all over the universe, they were such a scary race to fight against.

But they had two weaknesses; greed and arrogance. Being an arrogant race meant they wouldnt close their eyes in front of any provocation.

One might consider them rash. Coupled with their greed for any good prize, they were vulnerable.

Yet that dude here seemed to know how to exert full control over his desires. That wasnt good news at all!

I previously thought that dragons would take their time to prepare their forces and march towards this empty region.

But I was wrong. They already got a strong foothold just south of that deceased dragon archlords lands.

So they are eyeing the entire region controlled by other races, I muttered to myself while my eyes flashed with realisation.

This was a risky big plan, but indeed the outcome was worth the risk.

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What do you mean? Hilary asked and I looked at them while realising they still didnt get it.

Youll know at the right time, I didnt explain further, now I need you to tell me how your forces are spread and where they are currently at this moment.

All of them?! she gave me a surprised look, and I nodded.

Without knowing where your boys were, How was I supposed to arrange for the upcoming battle then?

Ok, give me a minute, it seemed she didnt track the exact movements of her forces at the moment. It was expected. I didnt even know exactly where my forces were at this moment.

Are we going to fight there?

Just as Hilary went to one side while getting busy contacting her scattered forces, the jumper came as he said in a serious tone.

You have any problem with that? I answered with the same seriousness as well.

We wont have any help from the system during these two quests Its not possible for us to control any city no matter how many castles and emblems we have. Not to mention we are speaking about more than double our current stat limit difference!

I knew what he said was true. In each new quest, the higher limit of the stats would be elevated.

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