I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 231: 231 Earthling Hye

[He reminds you that he was the one who told you how to kill a god]

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Once I read this message, I knew he was the one. Without his timely intervention back then, Id be dead since then.

That fight It was simply something way beyond my current capabilities.

Ill first meet with him.

In fact I held deep curiosity about his identity. He didnt tell me which shrine he belonged to.

If he didnt tell me that the war shrine was annihilated, Id take him to be one of them. He might be one of the other human big shrine names. As for the death shrine, he wouldnt be one of them for sure.

The reason was simple That shrine was so close to being destroyed in my opinion. It was already festered with internal struggle, so fierce that I doubted their ability to spare time to observe me.

The death god, Sith, was already at war with Hades. The two great gods of death were standing against each other. I didnt dream of joining such a disastrous shrine, hopefully my thoughts would come true and they would be so busy to bother someone like me.

[You have three free god blessing slots available]

[You are eligible to have a conversation with three gods with the intention of gaining their blessing and support]

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[A meeting location is being prepared at the moment]

[Preparations are complete]

[You can pass through the portal now and reach the meeting location]

[Warning: the initial time allocated for you for free is one hour. To add more hours, youll need to pay one thousand blessing points per hour]

I looked at my profile again. I had thirteen thousand blessing points after all this time. It was enough to buy me thirteen extra hours.

But I doubted Id need any of that. After all, Id just meet up with him, discuss a few things before accepting his support.

I already promised him to accept his blessing back then. This visit was just for me to better understand the shrine I was joining and its internal situation.

Hopefully it wouldnt be this bad.


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Just as I was lost in my thoughts, a bright silver-white portal appeared in front of me. Its not the death shrine, luckily! The first thing I did was to heave a deep sigh of relief.

After all the death shrines energy was all black, not silver, definitely not white!

As I passed through the portal, I felt a strange weight over my entire body like a damn mountain. Luckily this feeling didnt last longer than a few breaths, or else Id end up crashing on the ground, sweating profusely with racing breaths.

But the moment I arrived at the meeting location, my breath was halted by what I saw.

Its You!!! I shockingly rubbed my eyes twice, trying to make sure I wasnt dreaming.

What? Dont tell me you were expecting someone else, that god with a jackal head and giant shining black body said in a calm yet domineering tone.

His aura was seeping out of his body in torrents, yet limited and confined to a certain area around him with an invisible barrier.

He was sitting over a big red seat, one that suited his body perfectly. In front of him, a much smaller seat was there, seemingly prepared for me.

Come, earthling Hye, we have a lot to talk about, he motioned with his staff with the head of jackal towards the smaller seat.

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It was him It was Sith himself!

He was the last god I wanted to see here.

Were you the one to speak with me before? as I already came here, and already promised to join his pantheon, I had no other choice but to sit on that seat.

It wasnt me, Sith was acting in weird calmness, giving me the impression that even if the entire universe was shattered to pieces, he wouldnt even blink in response. I just sent one of my trusted subordinates to help you back then.

Thanks for that by the way, I honestly said, if not for your help, I wouldnt have been able to sit with you now.

You are a nice earthling, Hye. You have already caught my attention since your remarkable start in this apocalypse.

Despite his calm and normal looking tone and selection of words, there was something that kept bothering me.

Why are you referring to me as an earthling? Earthling was a word that was given to those living on earth. What? Wasnt he also a god from earth or what?

You already know about the presence of our human race in many worlds, right? he didnt directly answer my question, yet threw another question back to me.

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And I simply nodded without saying anything.

You may know me as a god of humans, serving the ancient Egyptian civilization. But that isnt totally true, he slowly shook his head, while that silver-gold cap over his head shook slightly with him.

I prefer to call myself a special being, a Nether is my rightful name. Other known gods to earthlings prefer to call themselves other names as well.

So you arent a real god? I asked in doubt.

Im a special being selected by a higher form of power to serve my race, he slowly said before adding another secret, after all I was, a long long time ago, a human just like you. But I didnt come from Earth. As you know, humans are scattered across the universe.

I already had my own guesses about the origin of these gods. Nero, the god I once met before, was already a famed roman emperor, a human.

So it wasnt surprising at all to know this god, or nether, in front of me was also a human one day in the past.

So you came from another human civilization in the universe to serve us on earth? I asked, trying to understand further about this point.

Special beings like myself arent that easy to find, he sighed, in a tiring way that made me question what happened to make him feel like that, so once being selected and honoured with such privilege, you are asked to care for all your race in any corner in the universe.

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