I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 235: 235 The Power To Crash Sealed Spa

I thought for a few seconds before I realised something common between all these powers. They have the power of time and space, right?

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Again you are right, he nodded.

So they arent extinct, yet not technically alive, right? I tried to get a better understanding of such a complicated situation.

Thats why their special beings cant die, Sith said, if a race was annihilated, then all the special beings related to them would be punished by death in return.

Thats why those gods are trying their best to help their races, I said in realisation and he nodded.

For many other reasons of course, but this is also one of them, he said, and thats why even after the extinction of the angelic race, that female is still roaming the universe.

But why the jumper? I couldnt yet get the point of this, why me?

The jumper is a logical result, he shrugged, after all he didnt only gain the power from that dead angel, but also part of his soul.

Ok, I could understand that. But what about me? I pointed at myself, why did she target me and my channel?

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Because she felt danger coming from you, his eyes shone again in red ruby-like light.

Me?!! I never expected such an answer, didnt you just say they were extinct?

I told you they were sealed in a space that defies time, he lightly shrugged, and that action wasnt done just out of desperation. They are waiting for a saviour, someone who can crush that space and safely carry them out.

And thats me?! No way!!! I pointed again at myself and he calmly smiled.

You missed the point again, he slowly said before throwing a bomb over my head, as your jumper ended up absorbing part of that angels soul and his power, you also ended up in the same spot.

M Me?!!! I was too shocked to even speak normally. I didnt feel myself but standing while adding in disbelief:

Do you mean I got part of that old mans power?

He didnt just send you back using that chicks power He sacrificed himself, giving you also part of his soul and also his power. Tell me, earthling Hye, do you remember what was the power of that old angelic dude you met before?

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The power to travel through sealed spaces? I asked and he nodded before hurriedly shaking off his head.

You have two powers, Hye. one that belongs to that old angel, and the other belonged to that chick of yours. And the two are about to combine together, using the dark energy of my shrine and your cultivation to give birth to a totally new and very terrifying power.

Which is? my body landed weakly over the seat while my mind was all frozen up, waiting to listen to his next words.

The power to crash sealed spaces, spaces made even to stand against the cruelty of time.

My entire body shook while my mind regained its vitality and activity again. I wasnt in need to listen to his next words, as I already guessed them.

So that traitor sensed the two powers inside your body, realised what threat you were posing to him. When you visited my death shrine, the merge between all these powers and energies became much clearer than ever. So she acted against you, trying to push the brakes against your accelerating ascension.

Damn! Damn! Damn! I never expected things to be this deeply connected! I never imagined that an old man would die and sacrifice himself to give me all this.

Was it a blessing? Was it a curse? I frankly couldnt tell. Yet the only thing that popped up in my mind right now was that last request he asked me for.

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I trust you as my mentor trusted me back in the days Dont forget, you need to help and save my angel clan, the real angels who are facing a great calamity when the apocalypse happens. Find us, help us Just follow the golden quests whenever they appear and youll have your chance to repay me this lifetime debt

His voice kept ringing in my mind while that moment kept replaying for a long time.

You dont need to panic, I didnt know how long I was lost in my thoughts. Of course that old mans actions became much heavier than before after knowing what he did.

I wasnt afraid, I was just feeling the extreme weight of the responsibility he entrusted me with. It never crossed up my mind that what he lightly said before sending me here held such importance!

She cant touch you, at least not now. he said in such a light tone that made everything look a little different in my eyes.

Im not afraid, but I realised how big my responsibility is.

Good, a man should always know the magnitude of responsibility over his shoulders, he said in praise before adding, you just need to focus on merging your powers and gaining that new space crashing power. Luckily you got that chick by your side.

Hilary? I asked in doubt and he laughed out of the blue.

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If I wanted to watch your channel then it would be for the current fun going on between you and these two girls.

Thats not funny, I complained, that chick crashed into my life without any invitation.

A sexy girl is a daring girl, he said, and such a chick is always seeking a strong man to make her feel satisfied.

I just hope she wont end up sticking to me, I honestly said but my words made him laugh again.

That god he was really enjoying my current disaster!

If I were you, I wouldnt be this shy and act at the two girls at the same time, he said, but dont tell those beauties from the love shrine or else I will miss a lot of fun.

He laughed on what he said as if this was some kind of a joke. But to be honest, her presence beside you will hasten the merging process of your powers. Not to mention the other girl isnt that good either.

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