I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 253: 253 The Keys

I got messages from my team. Of course they never ceased to try and persuade me from doing anything during the upcoming two events.

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Guys You just dont know what Im preparing for all of you Sigh! I could only mutter this to myself while checking the other important info I got.

The ones chasing down the dragons already got lots of kills and gains. They followed the dragons all the way to the borders of Ohio.

[Come back] I didnt hesitate to give them the order, [Abandon anything you gained in Ohio. just take cities and towns to form a strong line between Pennsylvania and Ohio]

Of course I wouldnt commit this mistake of overstretching my troops in that way. First I lacked enough, second the next two quests we would be devoid of any stat addition.

So it would be better to just take half of Pennsylvania, better to be closest to New York state. As for the rest of Pennsylvania, it would be better to let it rest in the hands of another power.

[Tell me you are working at North] I sent it to Fang who didnt delay to respond.

[Im already few tens of miles away from New York to the West] he sent before adding, [I already met many of your forces running after defeated dragon forces]

[Good Tell me, do you want a free meal?]

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[According to the price Ill pay]

I knew that dude was smart enough to guess my thoughts. [Like usual] I sent.

[Not enough dude, I can only pay this for big cities and towns at the middle zone]

[But this is also a doorway to the central zone] I didnt lose hope and he waited for a few minutes and I didnt say anything to him.

[Listen, we can do it this way Ill give you one training camp per three cities or five towns]

I knew that dude was starting to gather lots of humans from every possible means. Yet he wouldnt let such a meal go in vain.

[Deal. send me a contract over and Ill tell my boys to be ready to welcome your troops]

I wouldnt do much with expanding my territory to the West. but by exchanging them with training camps, Id gain something valuable in return.

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[Wait for the Selvators to come and take control of the cities and towns you conquered. Then come back, we still have business to do]

Of course they argued and even Isabella asked to hold a few of these forts as she described. Yet she didnt know that these forts were actually hot cakes in disguise.

Whoever would gain them would face a heavy pressure during mid fight against the dragon forces of the two archlords.

I would rather prefer to put Fang and his forces in front of me as a shield, using them to take the fierce initial attacks before acting to retaliate.

Then taking over this region would be a real piece of cake.

[Just come back now, we will work over this part later on, but not now]

That was all I could say to them. As for summoning them back, it was to hasten the efforts of Karoline and Hilary to crush the Eastern regions.

Besides these regions seemed to have weird resistance made entirely out of different races combined.

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As the two girls sent to me hours ago, they noticed the presence of great numbers of races in big cities and towns. These races didnt have any leading big name of the five races in the apocalypse.

It was weird. Why would a race summon all these numbers of weird races without staying behind to rule them? Did they think they could stop my forces?

Something looks fishy here. So I needed to call back all my forces, just in case something big was hidden in that region.

In addition to that, I also had another purpose for calling them back.

I had an idea to solve the issue of lacking stat points. Stat points were now one of the hottest currencies I had. I couldnt possibly satisfy the needs of my forces. Besides in the upcoming two quests, they couldnt add stat points.

But there was a way to overrule this punishment, something I acquired a long time ago and didnt yet put to a good use.

And it was time to shine.

I took out a diamond looking big key from my inventory. I had two keys that got upgraded before. They took their time to evolve, ending up being totally covered with such a fragile layer of diamond skin.

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I rubbed the key and smashed open that layer to be met with a bright light that ended up being gold.

A dark gold dungeon key? Interesting my eyes flashed the moment I saw this key. It was a good thing indeed, allowing me to use this key almost once per twelve hours.

I was banned from gaining any stat points in the apocalypse, but who said dungeons were really part of the ongoing apocalypses?

Many theories already were put forth about these dungeons. Yet after knowing all these secrets about my universe, I could say these dungeons might be the remaining parts of lost worlds.

Anyway the rules there were different. One could get anything from there, even stat points. Also according to ones achievements, one could add stat points to boost his strength.

Of course this feature wasnt the main reason behind the fever of looking and obtaining dungeons at my time. Gaining items and gears, even ranked ones, was the main reason.

Not to mention gaining skills, the most desired thing for me in the apocalypse.

But for me and at this moment, I would ditch anything just to secure a way to add more stat points to me and my forces. Of course I was speaking about adding mostly ten points per each dungeon visit in each stat.

Considering the short time of my dungeon refresh time, and adding the fact that I had two keys not one, I knew by the time of the great war in less than four days from now, Id be more prepared for it.

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