I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 263: 263 A Hard Earned Victory

It was shocking to realise that this cavity wasnt as small or shallow as I expected. Its depth extended for almost half a mile down below. And its size was really colossal.

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It wouldnt be an exaggeration to say that this cavity extended all the way down the city, even extending far beyond it.

And in the depth of this gigantic space, I saw not only one portal but five!

The five were the five underwater gates summoned here. It seemed they were all together, and that explained why there were so many numbers of those monsters coming every time my forces cleared a big deal of them.

They werent coming from one gate, but five! You saved me time, pal, I chuckled after absorbing this shock. The defensive elites of these hybrid aquatic monsters were just limited to this hole I just passed through.

And as they were sent all over the place, I didnt delay and started hunting them down.

After all, they were the only ones posing a real threat against me. Just from their attacks during the past few minutes, they cost me almost one hundred million stat points to keep my shield intact.

Damn! They were much fiercer than even that archlord of illusionists or even the tear god weapon of the same race!

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Keep killing them, I only needed to control my chariot and left the rest to my warriors. Per my presence here, I became public enemy number one.

All the monsters coming from the five gates turned around and came in my direction. This might seem hard to resist, but thanks to the torrents of water currents created by my chariot, many of these dense numbers were thrown away before even reaching me.

They either rolled far away, or even hit more monsters coming towards me. This helped in relieving lots of pressure, giving time for my forces to do their job.

Yet I didnt miss the real target here. If I kept doing this for aeons, the fight wouldnt conclude unless I shut down these annoying gates.

But I had to wait until my forces killed most of those big dudes first. It took them ten minutes to clear them all. They tried to regroup, but each time they did they were met with my shocking pulse wave attack.

If everything else was affected by the water, my pulse wave luckily wasnt. Instead I noticed its strength became much fiercer than before, and its range became much wider as well.

Lets go, as we killed most of those annoying big octopus, it was time to seal the leak and close these gates. Keep focusing fire at that gate.

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I selected the closest one from me. Id close this and then jump over to close the rest. The hardest step was closing the first one. After that with each gate closed, less monsters would pass and Id end up facing easier times.

Fire your grenades, at this moment, it didnt make any sense to let my boys all over the chariot idle. I didnt use the grenades or the many machine guns scattered across my chariot.

I wanted to save these until the decisive moment. And here it came.

*Boom!* *Boom!* *Boom!*

Mighty explosions occurred. We were under water, so explosions here didnt have the same effect as on the surface. Most it did was to create violent currents that would throw more monsters away.

Yet against my blessed chariot, and its mighty shield, these currents never posed any threat at all.

Hmm So you arent that green weed we thought youd be Interesting!

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Just as I finally reached the first gate, this deep and domineering voice came from that gate. I didnt know how it travelled across water, but it appeared clearly inside my chariot.

You dared to invade my territory, then its normal for you to face my retaliation, I shrugged, acting as if this fight was kind of a breeze to me.

Humph! Big words coming from such a mediocre race. Even if you are a mighty figure in your race, against us you are nothing.

And that nothing just crushed you here, I extended my arm towards the gate, fearing he was buying time for something crazy. Lets see how youll do against other mightier races than humans. I bet you will be crushed every single time.

We are Hectors! We never lose! he shouted in a roaring way. Yet all it did was to drive a long laughter over my face.

Sure, you lost to me, a weakling race hero. Im sure you can do better against much stronger forces.

Well see about that, he harrumphed but his words were cut as the gate was finally closed.

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This one was brought down, and the other four were lying in wait.

Despite this useless talk, that bastard didnt decrease the intensity of the monsters passing through the other gates. Until I managed to close the last gate, five hours were wasted and I lost one hundred million stat points defending my chariot and myself inside.

He didnt only summon normal hybrid monsters, but also the much bigger ones as well. Even if they all ended up slaughtered, that seemed to not stop that dude at all.

It gave me a glimpse over how terrifying this enemy was. He wouldnt stop at anything to achieve his victories. And even if this ended up with my win, I had to admit that I paid a hefty price for it.

Not only resources, but also time. I wasted a lot of time fighting here, almost close to twelve hours. Damn! If he kept nagging me at every corner, I wouldnt be able to move freely and do what I wanted.

I hoped my chat with him would force him away from me for a while. I tried to irritate him, feeling these Hectors were such a prideful race, or hoping so.

If they were, then he would take the bait. I knew they werent stupid warmongers like the Berserkers, but hopefully they would place their pride over anything else, just like dragons.

The big fight was over, yet there were still lots of monsters here and up there. I had to kill them all, bring them to the surface, hopefully Id end up with more gains to compensate me for this loss.

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