I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 290: 290 A Nice Idea

I kept moving in the air for a few minutes. During which I already confirmed the places of these gates.

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Five There were five gates in that damn river! Three were in the segment separating Boston from Cambridge. The remaining two came, one from the east and one from the south.

Interesting As I could tell, the two on the west and east belonged to the gates of this city. Yet only one of the front segments of Charles river belonged to Cambridge.

The other two must be from Boston city. Alright, I never imagined Id have to fight against the two cities monsters like that.

But they already summoned lots of monsters on both banks of the river. Of course they werent just having their fun without any pressure.

I could see lots of forces fighting against these monsters with all their might. I saw humans, Berserkers, and even Dragons fighting the Hector forces.

Yet that wasnt still a hopeful situation for me. After all these forces werent fighting under any agreement or any form of unity.

They were fighting among each other. Not to mention the Hectors didnt sum up most of their big monster forces without supporting these with tons of cannon fodders and different races.

Even I spotted many one hundred groups of Hector races, like the ones I got rid of before at Brookline city.

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But at least these forces were putting lots of pressure over the Hectors. What made me helplessly sigh was the aquatic monsters on the other side of the river.

They were inside Boston city, yet their range of attack was able to reach my chariot inside Cambridge. I didnt imagine Id have to fight both cities forces this early on.

So, should I retreat? Should I find another gathering spot for my forces or what?

Well I would never do that!

If you want to prevent me this hard from reaching there, then its just more reason for me to crush all of this.

I grinned evilly, simply raised my chariot up until I almost reached the high dome of that shield. Even being there wasnt enough to stop the dense rain of these projectiles.

Yet it was enough for me to get a better general view over the two cities. I couldnt get to the borders of Boston. After all, that city was very big compared to Cambridge.

But at least I could see what lies beyond that brutal battle at the other side of the river. The Hectors werent having a good time in Boston. As far as I could see, the city was divided mostly between the Dragons, the Berserkers, and the Selvators.

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The three stretched their forces, controlling almost eighty percent of the entire area I saw from Boston. I didnt need to activate my hawk skill as knowing more wasnt going to be of any help for now.

So even if they were putting such a strong show around the river, they werent in fact having the upper hand at Boston.

Hmm That inspired me with an idea. But before executing it, I turned to examine the city of Cambridge with more attention this time.

The city was filled with two races mainly; humans and Hector forces. As for the other three races, they were present but only around their gates.

They seemed to save up their forces and only defend these gates. Or perhaps they were Fangs and Wryly remaining forces. I couldnt really tell them apart.

But comparing the two cities, I finally made up my mind. It was better to execute my plan before doing anything else.

Time to leave a few eyes down there, I instantly led my chariot to head in a direct course to the ground. I already spotted the MIT campus. It wasnt that hard to find with all the heavy defences and lots of human forces surrounding it.

But I didnt head towards it. I aimed for a spot not far from the campus. During my sudden fall, many projectiles finally landed over my shield, issuing massive explosive bangs all over the world.

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Yet I was confident in my childs ability to withstand these attacks. The projectiles werent that strong alone, but with such dense numbers they were deadly.

But I only needed to endure this for a few seconds before finally stopping my chariot only tens of metres off the ground.

Come forth, I summoned one thousand soulers in that brief moment before returning again to fly high in the air.

The explosive sounds of the projectiles were stopped for one second as they missed my chariot. But then they returned the moment I rose high up.

Time to teach you a small lesson, I evilly grinned, not to mess with a human called Hye again.

My eyes shone as I led my chariot and started to move fast across the river. The distance wasnt that big, and the period when I crossed the river was really tense.

The monsters were much closer now to my chariot. So the frequency of their attacks became much more aggressive. Yet I managed to cross the distance, all the way to the areas not under the control of Hectors.

Good evening, once I got away from the range of those monsters projectiles, I shouted in a cheerful tone before adding, I know you came here to get something from Fang and Wryly. But who told you this city initially belonged to any of these two? Did you ask for my permission before coming here?

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Hahahaha! Pathetic human!

A lovely pet! I want him!

Is he serious?

Come on guys, we have a clown here to entertain us!

Lets hunt him down and trap him in a cage.

Many shouts and insults rose from every corner in this big city. Of course I meant my words to the letter, but I didnt mean to directly clash with them here.

Show them your might, my mighty boys, I simply pointed my glaive at the entire area beneath my chariot while giving the orders for my fallen gods and dragons to attack.

And without any surprise, the entire part of the city below my chariot turned into a real piece of hell!

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