I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 306: 306 MIT Youths

You stay, just as everyone was retreating, I had to stop the three from MIT. After all, the presence of representatives from the other three big defence companies was beyond my expectations.

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I wanted to speak with those MIT guys the most. After all, I wanted to know everything about the current status of the campus.

Yes sir, the three were still frightened by my boys. In fact no one could hold himself easily in front of my dragons. So I had to wave for my dragons and let them go and do something for me.

I killed lots of aquatic monsters in this battle. So it was time for them to go and bring all their dead bodies to me. The cores and materials of these monsters were something important for my future plans.

So, you are the top three of the MIT campus, I moved my eyes through the three youths. There were two males and one female standing in front of me, shaking like they were three week kittens or something.

Dont worry, I said while looking around, I can even say you are going to live inside the highest secured city in the entire world.

Secure? the girl with blonde short hair said with a bitter laugh, we just managed to barely survive this fight.

I cant say it will be the last fight here, I paused before pointing at the shield up there, but that thing will keep you all secured. However that doesnt mean you shall neglect training and getting stronger.

If we did, well die, One of the two males said, and I nodded.

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Dont underestimate the times of peace, I warned, peace is just more toxic than anything else in the world.

Pretty much deep sh*t in my opinion, the third youth said before adding, I want to know what do you plan to do with us?

To do the same sh*t you were doing before the apocalypse, I said, moving my eyes among the three before adding, you learn and experiment on new things.


Electricity is down! We cant do anything without it.

Most of our tech hasnt been functioning since the apocalypse. We tried everything, but even the repair pieces didnt work either.

The three started to state their difficulties, and I simply listened to all of their complaints patiently until they finished.

Do you know why our tech didnt work after the apocalypse?

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I think it was a worldwide EMP weapon or something, the girl said, but it should only affect the working pieces. But even the spare parts were damaged.

Thats You can consider it as an advanced version of the known EMP, I didnt know exactly the specifics about the way that brought the current human tech down.

All I knew was that the system disabled the circuits and rendered them all broken. Then how can we work? And what about electricity?

This is the first thing youll need to work upon, I said before adding, use the theories behind developing electricity and use the current materials in this apocalyptic world to invent a new form of energy.

New form? the three said in the same voice, exchanging gases with each other.

Are we going to play Edison now? one of the two boys asked, the one who seemed to use a funny way to speak seriously all the time.

Edison didnt invent electricity, the girl corrected him, it was Benjamin Franklin!

Whatever, I stepped in to stop this needless argument. What was the benefit in knowing the name of the one who invented electricity or invented anything in the world?

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This is your time to be the ones mentioned in history records as inventors, I said, successfully attracting their full attention, Ill supply you with different materials. Use these to invest in new forms of energy before anything else.

But the third and much calmer guy said, looking at the other two before adding, isnt it easier to just create a big generator?

That way we can save a lot of time, the girl nodded in agreement.

We dont need to reinvent the wheel.

That wheel is now a flat tired one, I looked at that funny dude before adding, electricity is a lower form of energy that cant help in any of the future big projects. We need a much stronger form of energy, one that can help us build strong things.

Oh the three realised finally what I was aiming for. So

We need a higher form of energy not because we cant produce electricity anymore. Electricity is just like the current human firearm weapons; both are useless.

We See the girl looked at the other two, seemingly taking their consent and agreement before adding, but that means well need to study materials with higher forms of energy.

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Let me introduce this to you, I took one of the monster cores out. The one I took was connected to the back structure in honeycomb fashion. This is something that can generate a higher form of energy and help in transforming it.

This just like three babies seeing a delicious bar of chocolate, the three had their eyes shine in excitement and much interest.

How does it work? The calmer guy looked up at me with anticipation.

Did you see how these monsters attacked? I pointed towards the direction of one of the dead monsters before adding, come, let me show you something.

I led my chariot and landed just beside the growing hill of dead bodies that my dragons and my other warriors kept moving here.

I took out my sharp and light weighted glaive, cut through the body of that monster in an experienced way. This wasnt my first time handling such dead meat.

In a few seconds, I cleaved open that monster into pieces. I neglected everything and simply pointed at its centre.

See this? I pointed at the core residing perfectly in the honeycomb structure.

This is the core of that monster? The girl seemed to not be afraid of that monster. She stepped closer, inspected that monsters interior with the interest of a scientist.

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