I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 343: 343 The Mysterious Human Army

Also what was that about the new army? Army of humans? Strong enough to threaten my grand forces here?

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The forces werent led by anyone. After all there was the jumper, Hilary, and others. If they all agreed to move everyone in such a big move, then that human army must be really something.

[Where are you now?] I knew answers werent going to fall on my head while standing here. I returned to my chariot, sent messages to everyone.

And like gates of hell opened unto my face, long rows of messages popped up non-stop for the entire five minutes!

[Where are you?!]

[You finally came back!!]

[Its bad! Totally bad!]

[We need your help! Urgently now!]




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[Where the hell were you? We were supposed to meet a couple days ago!]

[You finally showed up! I tried to message you before but failed!]

The last two messages came from Fang and Wryly in order. I looked at all these messages. Most of them were either showing panic or anger. The enraged ones were that jumper, the spearhead, and Hilary.

Others werent that mad as them, yet they were all terrified.

What just happened to make them feel this way?

[Just tell me your current location and Ill come. Lets talk while Im on my way] I sent to all of them, feeling the need to first understand the situation before doing anything else.

But before that, I needed to know their current location. I was sure the distance to them wasnt that short. So instead of wasting time here, it was better to just talk while flying to them.

[We are in West Virginia state] Hilary was the one to answer me first with valuable data instead of just screaming in panic. [We are now fighting at Charleston city]

To be honest, I didnt know where this place was. [Where is it on the map?]

[Just go south west from New York. Its south of Pennsylvania and Ohio]

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[On my way] I sent before adding, [Can you tell me what happened then?]

I started fully operating my chariot. Without even thinking twice, I filled it with hundreds of millions of stat points, preparing for a long and hard battle.

[We came out from the dungeon five days ago] she said and that was enough to tell me how bad they performed in that test. [But you didnt come out. The two races you were dealing with asked for your meeting, so we decided to go and help them as you planned until you arrive]

[So you went to fight in the West?] I sent, [What went wrong then?]

[We arrived there and started fighting other races. It wasnt bad at first. But three days ago, a new change happened]

[That human army?] I asked, and she just sent in further explanation:

[They arent just a normal human army! This is an army of human slaves]

When I read this word, all I thought about was humans getting captured from this world. But since when have such humans been this strong?

Humans have been captured since day one of the apocalypse. Those who fell in captivity were the weakest of the current human forces. If those races assembled a grand army of those humans, it wouldnt even threaten my current forces.

Then what happened? What really went wrong here?

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I was still puzzled.

[They arent normal humans] she sent as if she read my thoughts, [They were brought here by Hectors from far advanced apocalyptic worlds. These humans They arent that normal at all!]

Humans from other apocalypses? F*ck! At this moment, I realised what went wrong here.

Damn those Hectors! Just using my human race to fight each other just to reap the benefits from the side That was a really genius plan, and a sinister one too.

Just from the general look of it, they were really mad at me. Just using such a way to get rid of me was ironic.

It was like they were saying: what if you are a strong human? We will use other humans much stronger than you to crush and kill you, turning all humans here into our slaves!

[Are our losses that bad?]

[It is] she was strictly honest with me. [We were driven all the way from Wisconsin down to West Virginia]

[What about Fang and Wryly? Selvators and Berserkers?]

They were supposed to be fighting together. Dont tell me even with their presence, we still were crushed in such a way.

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[They couldnt do anything at all] yet what I didnt believe happened. [The humans were fixed at targeting us. So we agreed to leave them behind and we will attract the humans away. I dont know what they are doing now to be honest]

Well Things looked much worse than I ever expected.

First our forces werent that much to begin with. Dividing up like this wouldnt only endanger my forces, but also the entire coalition forces with the other two races as well.

Fang and Wryly prepared too much for this war. Yet they werent facing just a single race or one foe. They were facing many archlords.

This war held much importance literally to everyone in this continent. And we started it in such a bad situation.

But this is over now. I was here. And I intended to change all this.

[Tell me everything about your current situation] I sent the exact message to the two allies of mine. As I was worried about my forces, I was more worried over theirs as well.

If a single side was totally crushed, this fight was beyond saving anymore. If so, then Id better try to defend my kingdom instead of aiming at expanding it.

What a tough situation it was!

[We are having much trouble here. You should have appeared as planned. I lost almost half of my forces so far and didnt gain any single victory worth for that loss!]

Fang was mad. He had all the right indeed. Damn that system! I never expected that time difference to be so low. It was like one hour here was equal to two or three hours there. It was just crazy!

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