I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 353: 353 Getting Trapped

I gave the order generally, but I knew the best to attack these were the lightning fallen gods. The next moment my fallen gods attacked in unison, and I had the chance to see the effect of their evolution.

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The attacks travelled over a big distance without any problem. Even my short ranged fallen gods were able to hit it.

*Rumble!* *Rumble!* *Rumble!*

The attacks landed in torrents, releasing mighty waves of dust all around. I couldnt see for an entire minute while my boys kept raining down their attack non-stop.

Enough, the attacks even touched that portal, shift towards the other

*Bang!* *Bang!* *Bang!*

Just before I could continue saying my order, a group of gigantic spears flew like they were falling from the sky. Each one fell and was planted in the ground, hundreds of metres away from my chariot.

My chariot wasnt flying at great speed, but it was still moving fast. But when these spears fell, a great pressure was exerted over my chariot from all directions.

Like I was getting myself into a prison made out of thick liquid, I felt my chariot struggling to even move an inch forward. I looked around and all I could see was a thick layer of a weird azure fluid extending from each spear and linking it to the others around.

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Twenty spears appeared and they all surrounded my chariot in a big area of almost a mile radius. That wasnt the issue, but it felt like I lost all the power to even move.

My chariot was protecting me and my boys and spearheaded by its shield. But even the spearhead beams of red light started to be affected by this liquid.

It wasnt that damaging to his ability, it just affected the speed of its spread and movement. So this is an attack to stop me from moving? I looked at the direction of that portal and there I saw a shocking scene.

From the earlier bombardment of my boys, I knew the weapons there must have been smashed to thin pieces. I even hoped for the portal to be damaged even if slightly.

But what appeared in front of my eyes was a totally different reality than I imagined. The weapons still stood erect without any damage at all. Not even a scratch was left there.

Of course the state of the portal could be imagined. It was totally fine, looking brand new like it was just summoned.

How could this be possible?

I felt a little lost here. More weapons were coming out from the portal. Attack again, I selected one fallen god before adding, only you.

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The attack travelled slowly through the prison I was trapped within. Even if I was trapped like this, I didnt feel any threat or worry for now.

It was just a trapping weapon, nothing serious for now.

And with the spearheads spreading ability and the attack of my fallen god, I knew this prison only decreased speed, but didnt omit it.

My fallen god attack travelled for twenty seconds inside that area around me before it broke free from that prison. The moment it broke free, it moved like a bolt of lightning towards its target, regaining its former speed.


The attack landed and this time I was attentively paying attention to what was going on there. Just five hundred metres away from the weapons, almost one thousand metres away from the portal, something flashed and stopped the attack from pushing forward.

A protective shield?! I muttered in surprise, and a high grade one as well?

The power of that shield was clear. I didnt assess it using the single attack just now. I considered the dense attacks from my evolved gods from before. If that shield could stop such a deadly combined attack, an attack that even a star weapon with an advanced shield couldnt stop, then the shield here was something else.

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What should I do then?

I started thinking about all my weapons. I even considered using the Pillar of Hector Prime. It was indeed a mighty weapon and I could use the attack skill in it. But that wasnt guaranteed to take down that shield.

I didnt know if its attack was much stronger or the combined attacks of my fallen gods. But I knew my fallen gods werent that weak at all.

So there was a slim chance for the pillars skill to cause a change here.

Wasting its use for now wasnt good. I looked at the direction of the portal. It kept releasing more weapons plus tons of humans out.

Something Seems weird here, I never met something that looked so sturdy at all. For a second there, I felt like I was thinking all wrong about this.

If its not the issue of strength and defence Then what is it? A difference in the quality of energy? I looked at my evolved fallen gods.

They just sucked dry the higher form of star weapon energy. I couldnt believe that the star weapons energy was of a low class.

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Something was amiss here. As I was lost, I needed more clues to analyse this.

Attack there, there, and there, I started guiding my boys while attacking the portal area. I didnt target the weapons, but directed the attacks to areas adjacent to it.

There were two options left for me. This shield originated from the portal, or from the one who summoned it.

If it was from the portal, then it might explain how it kept standing erect after taking such damage so far.

But if that was true, then that portal would have shown few changes. At least its energy would be greatly depleted.

It didnt dim, slow down its release of enemies and weapons, or even shrink in size or show any change at all on its surface.

So that left the second option viable. The Hector leader who summoned the gate was the one who was controlling this shield.

What did that mean? This shield was just like the pillar I had, an artefact of the Hector race.

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