I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 358: 358 Starting My Cultivation

Anyway, I started regulating my breathing and entered my cultivation world. The dantian was still burning with energy, yet it was still silver white grade energy.

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It was the lowest and most basic form of spiritual energy. I still recall With words from before. I had to evolve my energy grade, but I had no time to do that.

Sorry Sith, I had to deviate from the general plan you devised for me. He also told me to use dark realm monster bones, no lower than the one I used to establish my cultivation.

However I didnt yet get any chance to face such horrifying monsters. All I got were bones I had left from the monster I killed before.

According to Sith, this would take much more bones than needed. I didnt have any other option but to do that.

The first thing I did was to take successive breaths to circulate my spiritual energy. After letting it take ten rounds, I started to go to the shadow world.

I passed my consciousness through my feet with my spiritual energy, entering into my shadow.

The shadow wasnt any much different than before. Two zones were there, one under the control of that hard to tame soul of the shadow, and the dantian I planted here before.

The two sides kept their balance, while my smaller dantian was controlling a small zone. It was filled with a dense net of small meridians filled with my energy.

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Ok What should I do now?

I recalled what that god said. He told me to think about the name of the soul I wanted to plant here.

I got three, Wither, Devour, and Ruin. I planned first to use them in the same order I created them.

But when I was about to do that, I felt this was wrong. Looking at the names again from a different perspective, I got an inspiration.

I should change the order to match my final goal That meant I should start with Devour, then Wither, and lastly Ruin.

Alright Lets get this done in that order.

Devour! the first name I called in my head. I didnt know what should happen, but the next silence that appeared was surely not what would happen.

Devour! Come forth man! I recalled the warning from the god. The first soul to call here was the hardest.

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But even after calling ten times, nothing happened. Was I doing this wrong? I thought before thinking about it from a different angle.

Damn! I should call it out first before letting it go into my shadow! I realised what went wrong here after thinking about it for a few minutes.

It was all my mistake. The three souls were already stored into my class, meaning it was under control by my system. I had to first call them out, then guide them into my shadow through my body.

Would that work? I frankly didnt know until Id test that theory first.

Devour, come out! I opened my eyes and instantly called for that dude. The next moment I felt something weird. It was like a fog that was intangible and transparent at one second, then it would turn visible and corporeal in the next.

This kept alternating, like this was his nature.

Come to my shadow world, I said, closing my eyes and didnt even wait for an answer.

I entered my shadow world again. This time I had more confidence in getting him in.

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Devour, come here boy, I said, while waiting for him to enter.

But what happened was a different story. I now knew why that god told me that getting the first soul in was the hardest ever.

That dude was trying to force himself into my meridians and dantian. It wasnt that easy feat indeed, especially when that dude was trying to get in full form.

This couldnt continue for sure, or else my meridians would burst open. I thought about this.

I didnt need his cooperation except for him to take the first step. I had to take over and guide him down there, to my feet and then to my shadow.

Alright, time to experience the might of my spiritual energy then, I knew this would only be solved this way.

I controlled my spiritual energy, and instead of absorbing and rotating it, I forced it out.

It was a weird feeling, like I was breathing through my skin pores. But that wasnt my goal here. I exerted more mind control over the energy, forming it as a net around that spirit of mine.

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It was something I never did before, so I was just experimenting and getting experience from it. That was why the first attempt was the hardest.

I kept trapping that Devour soul before I completely enveloped him. At some point, he tried to break free, feeling panic or something like that. I didnt give him any chance as I forced more energy out and maintained my total domination over him.

Then I slowly started to pull my energy back, while driving with it pieces of that soul. At first I wasnt sure if this would work. After all, I was going to dissect him into tiny pieces and hope to reattach them inside my shadow world.

That was the plan anyway. So I tried to force him into my meridians as fast as possible, before pushing the pieces and the energy surrounding them towards my feet, then to the shadow world.

This process took slightly longer than I expected. In the end, the entire energy with the pieces of that soul appeared into my shadow world.

The moment they entered there, I moved them towards my dantain, aiming to merge them all there.

I didnt know how to merge these pieces together, but the moment a good deal of them gathered into my dantian, they started to come closer on their own.

Then as if the soul regained his consciousness after a long time of slumber, the pieces merged and started to get out from my dantian.

The world outside wasnt that friendly to my energy or anything related to me. As long as this Devour soul was in the vicinity of my meridians, it was ok.

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