I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 361: 361 Buy Me Time As Much As You Ca

A soft voice of a three year old girl appeared clearly in my ears. This time it was a girl, at least I wouldnt end up with a bunch of ungrateful boys in the end.

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Do you want to eat? As I learnt from Devour, these souls seemed to consider my energy as food.

Yes father, please, please give me your delicious food that I tasted on my journey here.

Ok, I wasnt as furious or impatient as I was with Devour. Perhaps that was the magic of having girls.

I already stored lots of energy for her. The moment I thought about it, my meridians and energy threads waiting on the side gushed towards her.

Devour kept the meridians around him. But this girl acted differently. Any meridians getting close to her withered, became thinner and fainter before vanishing like it never existed.

I looked up at all the meridians breaking down and vanishing in puzzlement. The energy I stored wasnt even consumed by any visible amount.

But the meridians I extended were gone. I had to push my meridians again, trying to push more energy through them.

Yet again they withered and broke into thin air.

Whats going on? After doing this for a couple more times, I knew something wrong was happening here for sure.

Father, they just wither away once touching me Sorry father, its just my nature, sob Sob

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Oh god! She started crying!!

Dont cry, girl, Im not mad at you, I tried to fix this situation before hurriedly adding, you just keep eating as much as you want, and Ill give you all the delicacies in this world till you are full.

Why was I acting this soft with her? Dunno, but how could I meet such a crying cute little girl and not feel touched?

I started my journey into forming endless threads of energy, pushing them towards her, and watching them wither away.

It felt endless, but I didnt stop. By the time my three bones energy was exhausted, a change started to occur at her.

Father, can you give me the old delicious meal again? Im feeling like getting older and bigger, needing that delicious meal father.

Ok, how could I say no to such angelic voice? I opened my eyes, took two bones out, and closed my eyes again.

The bones turned into big clusters of energy that started to dissipate into my body. Once entered my body, this black energy would go directly to my dantian, turning into my silver white energy.

Then I controlled all this amount to pass to my shadow world through my meridians. As before, my girl showed an outstanding withering ability to anything I threw at her.

Unlike my Devour boy, my Wither girl didnt swell and shine like he did. Instead she started to merge with the first step of the platform, making it shine and look thicker.

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Then like it was growing, that step started to expand outwards. I thought it would just expand for a few metres, mostly ten or something. But as time passed fast, this stage started to turn like an entire layer of ground.

It was all silver white in colour, expanding in a dominant way. The more it expanded, the more energy it required, the faster this girl withered my energy threads.

Without knowing it, I entered into a fierce battle against this. If I didnt push an endless amount of energy towards her, then this expansion would stop.

I didnt want that! Something told me this layer was something crucial for my future cultivation. I didnt want to stop here, but the issue was related to my bones.

Why the hell did I take out two bones? Why did I act stingy with my little girl here?

I regret not acting generous with my little girl. I should have taken out ten pieces of bones. But this was too late to regret.

I felt if I just opened my eyes and took out more bones, something that wouldnt even take a couple of seconds, it would end up with losing this chance.

So I decided to just exhaust all these bones for now and not care about anything else.

This didnt last more than five more minutes, then all the energy gushing inside my body ceased to exist.

And with it, the amount of energy I could give to my little girl here decreased by a great chunk.

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Sigh, this is the best I can do for you, I said while watching the growing step to slow down than before. I knew it was going to stop anytime soon.

Ill do my best for you, daddy.

So Father turned into daddy Cool!

She didnt take much longer before all the expansion stopped. I moved my eyes around. Well, I got almost the size of a ground that was over a mile in size.

Wait How could there be a mile in this shadow world? I looked around and in such a moment of daze, I realised how things looked weird here.

If I looked at the world around me, then this platform and the ground base extending from it looked like a small drop in the ocean.

But when I looked back at the platform, I saw a massive ground there.

So I didnt get it! Looking at this world in different viewpoints changed how I could see it?

Anyway, my ground and platform were real, and that was the most important fact.

Ok, time to get the third kid here to join my family.

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As I just opened my eyes, I stood up and checked the situation.

Damn! It took a long time!! I was startled when seeing the big weapons out there, almost close to ninety.

That meant that the bastard needed only ten weapons before launching his next and last attack.

I couldnt let him do it. I knew by the fourth layer, Id be sealed inside and anything Id do would be futile.

Come out, as I was faced with this, it wasnt time to hesitate anymore. I released all the soulers and also called forth my Albany city monsters. Go, do anything and destroy those weapons out there, I pointed in the direction of the big shining portal.


Yes, boss! he was already profusely sweating out of stress and exhaustion.

Focus everything over that damn portal, I decided to bet everything on this move, try to buy me as much time as you can

I even turned to grab his shoulders as I seriously added, As much as possible.

G Got it boss, he nodded in a nervous way, even if it cost me my life, Ill do it.

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