I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 365: 365 You Are On Your Own

But the moment I did that, my blood reacted so much differently. It felt like my hand got attached to a bigger force, a bigger world, a bigger presence that was around but didnt notice it before.

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My blood kept sizzling like it was fire meeting water. And my hand was controlled against my will, wanting to be raised upwards.

[That god warns you to not succumb to this force. He says that you have to force your own will here, draw that circle with both hands, or else youll lose everything]

Well He could say what he wanted, but it wasnt that easy to counter this force.

It felt like I was against the world! I tried to resist that force out of instinct, even before that god sent me his words of advice.

But soon I realised it was so damn hard to do that. Just as I was resisting with all my might, I heard a muffled thud as a body fell just a few metres away from me.

Damn! Spearhead! Hey, you! Wake up! I shouted at the all weak and powerless Spearhead who just fell on the floor of my chariot without moving a finger.

He just fell, and I knew that my hard earned soulers were going to fall here as well.

Damn! How did things reach this deep and dark point? I looked at the direction of the portal Indeed my forces were getting pressured and pushed back with the all strengthened humans at the portal.

If this kept up, then my forces would be annihilated! Should I summon them back? Or should I

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Just stop the damn resistance you motherf*cker! I turned to the intangible force that kept fighting against my palm. It wasnt time to hesitate. I should fight, fight and force my hands to complete that goddam circle.

I tried to force with everything I got, even held my hand with the other and pushed it like I was pushing against a rock.

At this moment, I felt something hot burning inside my abdomen. I didnt know what it was at first, but soon I realised it was my dantian.

It was pushing forward all the spiritual energy to circulate inside my meridians, making my entire body warm up and soon burning like a piece of ember.

I didnt know how much power it pushed into my body, but it was enough to make me finally move my hand in the air.

Just by moving my hand, the blood coming out didnt fall or evaporate. It stopped in the air like it was held with its own power or will.

And like that, I started drawing a circle, bit by bit, until it finally got in full shape.


The moment the circle was formed in the air, the area around started to shake and rumble. I even saw thin lines that looked more like cracks in the air.

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What? Was it going to crash the world? Or what?

It wasnt a perfect circle, with all the weird shaking lines it had. But it seemed it was enough to start something. And the next, the words of that god came to enlighten me about what was going on here.

[That god says that you did it! The dark world your shadow is connected to is considered the nemesis of the real world]

[He says that by unlocking your cultivation base in that way, you managed to establish a connection between the two worlds using your body, and your blood is the key to all this]

[That god says that once you use your blood to draw a portal, that link will be activated. Fire always eats away water, and the dark world will always crush the real world]

But I dont want my world to be destroyed! What the heck was wrong with you, pal? Do you have mental issues or what?

I wanted to win and triumph over my enemies, crush them not crush everything in this world.

[He says that its now up to you. If you wanted to control this deadly effect, then you have to come up with a way to do it]

What the f*ck

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[He says that you have to devise a new technique, using your cultivation base to execute it]

Aha So that was what he wanted to say But who said that devising a cultivation technique was this easy to come up with?

Any suggestions? I asked while the thin lines started to grow thicker and broader.

[He says thats where his help ends]

F*ck you! it wasnt a good thing to leave me in the middle of the road. Having a cultivation base wasnt enough to turn this shitty situation around.

Yet that god kept his silence. And the situation just turned from being bad to getting so damn worse.

Alright I needed to calm down and just think It wasnt like I lacked knowledge about a few basic cultivation techniques.

I listened to the old mans teachings, and also read a few about techniques back in my days. I knew the general principles about how techniques work.

Cultivation was like fuel, and techniques were like the missile that used this fuel to get fired.

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According to what I knew, my cultivation base was all about the dark world. It worked to use dark energy from the dark world and channel it through my body to affect this world here.

But wait, wasnt my cultivation based first onto my shadow? Didnt every single living creature and race in the universe have their shadows?

Why dont I just use my cultivation power and aim directly at this point? Aim my shadow power to affect or even control others shadows?

Wouldnt that affect my enemies? But how could I do that?

I didnt have any time to think about what I should do. Didnt that god say my blood was the key? Didnt he say that my portal here was the link between the two worlds through my body?

Then I should do something using my blood and this portal here.

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