I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 381: 381 You Should Kill Her!

Hey, they are my fans! Stop insulting them! he said and the next moment I got messages about gods cheering out for him, seemingly happy for what he said.

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Even many of them donated coins for this bastard. Alright, if youd like to watch someone crazy like him, then be my guest.

They are your fans, and they just give you lots of coins, I didnt let this slip by like this, they are my followers, so make sure to satisfy their interests.

Im doing my best, but Im a clown like you.

You Will never change, I sighed, anyway, leave Karolines issue for me. You just keep an eye out for her, ok?

What? Worried about her? I noticed his eyes were focused over Hilary, who simply harrumphed.

This girl She is giving me a bad vibe Take more caution when dealing with her, in one of the rarest moments, Hilary showed care for the jumper.

Damn bastard! You should be grateful that my girl was worried about your life.

Keep your nose out of my business, and that was how he would repay kindness. What a jerk! Not even saying a thank you or anything like that.

Anyway go down and start arranging your forces, I didnt say this just to the jumper but also to Hilary, or else youll end up with nothing.

What about her? Are you going to let her have an army? Hilary asked and for the first time ever, the jumper nodded in agreement with her point of view.

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Let her be for now, after all these humans and Bulltors were attached to me with loyalty contracts. So even if she tried something funny, it wouldnt do much harm. But keep an eye over her for me from now on.


Despite I said this to the jumper, Hilary also responded at the same breath as him.

I watched the two descend while Hilary looked back in reluctance. She seemed to want to stay with me for much longer, but chick This wasnt the time yet to have such fun.

I want to know what happened to my girl, as the place returned calm, with only Lily and her Hector elites standing in silence at one corner, I spoke to my gods. Those who are following her channel Can you help me out here?

[Few gods acknowledges your worries]

[Some spoke and said that there was a strange incident she was exposed to]

[Few gods are saying that a star beam descended from the sky and hit her]

[These gods says that after this she became a totally different person]

A star beam? You mean the angelic star weapon? I muttered in doubt. According to my knowledge, if she got attacked like this she could have her way out of trouble easily.

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But that didnt seem to happen.

[Few gods are saying that she got hit, then the beam vanished in few minutes revealing the new her]

She didnt teleport away, which was something weird indeed. I thought about what these gods just said. It wasnt something normal indeed.

She held the power to teleport away to safety. Plus if she took the direct hit from that deadly star beam, how could she be able to survive.

But There isnt any star weapon at all! I looked up at the dim sky and looked around. That infamous red star in the sky wasnt there.

So how come she got attacked with that star beam? Or did that happen before I appeared and destroyed that star weapon?

That must be the case yet it didnt explain things here. Things felt missing. But I didnt doubt the words of my gods.

After all they were the ones following her.

Can you keep an eye over her for me, please? I asked them to spy on her, if anything weird happened, please inform me instantly about it.

[The gods watching her channel are growing in number]

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[Many gods are now starting to focus over her channel]

[They say if anything weird happened, theyll inform you]

[New gods are joining your channel]

[This spying mission is something many gods are expecting great and interesting things from]

Those gods They were just following anything with amusement like this.

Anyway, as they were going to help, I wouldnt have anything to comment about.

I just didnt want a bad thing to occur. In the end she was my girl, until a few days ago when she changed.

I walked to the edge of my chariot and watched her from a distance. She was acting normal, selecting her new troops as everyone else.

She is in trouble? As I was absorbed in watching her, the voice of Lily who dared to step forward and stand by my side came to jolt me awake and distract me from my thoughts.

I believe so, I nodded while looking at her eyes. She wasnt bad, if I ignored all these fine scales covering her big face.

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Why not kill her then? she suddenly said such dangerous words.

No way, I firmly shook my head, I dont kill my people.

But she is dangerous to you, right? she blinked, as if she found my logic to be hard to accept.

She Was my girl, I turned away from her eyes. Just looking at her eyes and then at her face made me feel two opposite feelings at the same time, I cant let my girl down this path.

You are kind to your people, she said as if this was something bad.

I just cant accept to fall in my enemys scheme.

Interesting theory, she paused for a few minutes, but I like it. In my world, if you are one of my people, then your reaction would have something totally different.

Im not kind in general, I didnt want her to get the wrong impression about me, but to my close up people Im kind.

I hope that one day Ill be one of those close people to you, she said before hurrying back to stand with her people.

I watched her move away while not knowing if I got her meaning right or not.

If not for your scales I have to get used to these, I shook my head in regret. After all, I still found such scales annoying to the eye.

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