I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 389: 389 The Trap Is Ready

[What are you doing exactly there?]

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[What?] I didnt get what he wanted to say.

[You made the Hectors start moving in your direction at full speed! Thats unheard of before, dude! What are you doing exactly?]

[Hahaha, so they are coming?] I asked, [All of them?]

[As far as I know, yes But this isnt something for you to be happy about. They are led by their two paragons]

[I already killed two of these useless worms before] I laughed while initiating another shield, [How many are there in their territory?]

[Not few or much But dont expect me to move when their two paragons are nearby!]

[Just get ready, the hour is drawing near] I didnt explain anything while feeling much thrilled by what I just read.

[Also the other half of their army has stopped fighting and is moving at your direction] he sent another interesting piece of news before adding one more, [And the other army at Wisconsin is now marching through the west borders of Indiana, getting closer to you as well]

[Let them come] my eyes shone in challenge, [The more the merrier]

[You are crazy, you do know that, right?]

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[Dude, luck favours only the brave]

[The living brave, not the dead fools]

[Thats debatable] I laughed, [stay ready anyway and let me handle this madness on my own]

As I closed the chat with him, I sent another message to Wryly, asking him to get ready to move.

Then I sent messages to all of my boys and girls, alarming them about the approaching armies.

The one from Michigan wasnt a problem, but the one from Wisconsin was.

Indiana shared borders with Ohio and Kentucky. If the army decided to join forces with the upcoming one from the north, then theyd bypass my army.

But if they decided to move in a separate way, blocking any path of retreat over me and my forces, then another big battle would start there.

After warning them, I also stressed over not moving anywhere until I give the orders for so.

[What about me?] the jumper asked, [shall I attack the incoming army?]

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[You are going to work as a sweeper]


[When the forces break and start to run, its your responsibility to let none live, understand?]


I knew my words might seem crazy, but I knew this role was something crucial.

This fight was one against many archlords of different races. Their armies werent together to begin with. So if any army broke and ran away, it would be threatening to let those routed troops survive.

As theyd just return back with another army stationed nearby.

So I had to kill anyone running away. As my forces at Frankfort were going to have a bad fight against the incoming army from Wisconsin, Fang and Wryly preparing to move deep into the Hectors zone at Tennessee, then I had only the jumper left.

I knew he wouldnt agree easily. In the next ten minutes he kept arguing and I kept my answer the same.

[Your role here is very important to our win]

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I kept repeating the same answer until he grew tired from arguing with me.

During this I kept using my pillars Thundering Might skill, paying each time one hundred thousand souls. I spent close to a million so far, and I didnt intend to stop.

[The Hectors are less than fifty miles away] but at this moment, Fang sent in a warning. Fifty miles That meant they were just at the border between the two states here.

It was almost time for me to pull the final curtain off the stage I was preparing all this time.

I established ten shields around, scattered in random shape but if one saw it from high enough, he would know this wasnt random at all.

I arranged them in a big circle, provided that these shields would merge together. Just seeing their arrangement from high in the air made me feel quite satisfied.

I just placed the tenth shield and then stood high in the air and waited. The shields didnt yet merge together as I spread them over a large distance. The central zone was void of any shield, but it was getting filled with few troops every now and then.

Keep it clean, each time a force trespassed here Id send my boys to kill them. I needed this place to be empty, for the last and final act.

[They are moving in your direction, thirty miles] Fang kept updating me with the movements of the Hectors.

For a reason, these dudes waited half an hour before starting to march at me. During this, I kept hunting the forces around when I got bored.

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Its time then, without any hesitation I started to descend my chariot in the centre of this empty zone.

And with that, many forces around me got tempted with my descent. The next few minutes I saw lots of forces passing through the gaps between the shields and getting at me.

Dont hit them too hard, I gave the order, I dont want to scare them away.

My boys listened to my orders and started to use simple attacks this time. They killed a lot, but many more got the courage and thought I ran out of energy or got tired or something.

The area in between the shields was over twenty miles in radius. And in less than half an hour, it got swarmed with lots of enemies.

[They arrived at your place] and at this moment, just as my preparations were finished, the final star of the show appeared.

Its time, I evilly grinned while watching my shield absorbing endless attacks coming from all the enemies around. [Send the rest here, send them now]

[As you wish]

The next instant three things happened. First I rose up with my chariot, getting away from all the attacks from below.

Then many portals opened while lots of faces came out from them. They were all covered in fine scales, with colours ranging from blue, red, and green.


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