I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 414: 414 I Have To Hurry!

Illusions might seem like something trifle, but it was indeed deadly. Just looking at this illusion gave me leads about their fate.

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They might look ok for now, but that wasnt guaranteed after long hours of constant fighting. They would be exhausted and any wounds theyd take here would reflect on their real bodies.

Dying in illusions meant death in real life. Human souls were this hard to deal with indeed. But that also made me wonder, which race was this experienced in using illusions?

This kind of illusion wasnt simple. I knew this wasnt the work of someone ordinary. Even the all experienced jumper and Hilary got trapped in that illusion as well.

[The gods says they are up to the north west from your location, fighting at the last battle in the central plains of your world]

Central plains of my world? Isnt this the central zone? Hmm I should ask Fang and Wryly then, one of these two must be aware of what is going on here.

I sent messages at once to these two. But to add more weirdness they didnt respond.

That Are they also trapped in that illusion as well?!! that was something big then. Who was exactly that son of b*tch who managed to get all of these strong figures on my side into such a deadly illusion?

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Do you know who did it? Without even delaying for any second longer, I looked at the direction of these creatures and exiles, deciding to end the job here brilliantly and fast without any more moments of rest.

Every single second passing meant that my people would be in much greater danger. Damn I worked my as* literally to gather all of them since the beginning of the apocalypse.

I wouldnt risk losing any of them no matter what.

[The gods says they dont know what went wrong]

This was pretty much not expected. So they got attacked out of the blue, without even realising what came at them.

That meant they got attacked fast, and from someone who was well experienced in what he was doing. I thought, but couldnt get any race who would be able to do this feat.

Hectors? They might be the strongest dudes here, but they werent that good at illusions. Out of all the times that I clashed with their big boys so far, they all used flashy items and strong techniques to get me.

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As for other races Only the illusionists came to mind. But they were cowards! Although they were a race that was named over the illusions, they werent any good at taking initiative, or dare to come at such big figures at the same time.

We werent speaking just about my boys, also Fang and Wryly seemed to fall for this trick. So who was it? I was dying to know.

Anyway, Id get this done fast and then would turn my attention fully towards completing this technique as fast as possible.

Alright What went wrong here? I reviewed everything I did so far, and tried to compare it with the way I did my first technique.

The circle! In less than a few minutes, it hit me out of nowhere. Yes, indeed that was different.

I instantly started trying again, and this time I first drew the circle with my blood. Once it was completed, it flashed faintly for a brief second, standing still and not fading away.

It gave me a good impression. I didnt know what was unique about this circle, but in the end it seemed to work.

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A Penta star? but just before Id write the portal word again, I had this flash of insight for a second. I paused, looking at my circle before I started drawing a penta star inside the circle.

I followed my feeling, followed my hunch. I didnt know if that was right or wrong, but if it didnt work, Id work more and refine this technique better in the later attempts.

But just as I did the star, another flash of faint green light appeared for a second before vanishing. This time my smile was big while I started to write the word portal in the centre of this star.

Once I wrote it, I looked in anticipation. To make sure it wasnt going to fade this time, I made sure to connect with the sides of the star while writing the word.

And once written, it flashed, not fading away but getting brighter. It kept shining and expanded slightly outwards before finally vanishing.

But this time it didnt vanish without leaving a mark behind. It was like a glowing little globular thing, resembling black hole.

The last step, I recalled what I did with my first technique and let my blood cover up my left fist before placing it over that globe.

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Unlike what I expected, my fist was controlled by a weird force, opening up my fingers and letting me hold this globe.

It didnt give me any bad feeling, only it was slightly cold. I thought that my fist would penetrate it or something, but that didnt happen.

And the moment I held that globe within my fingers, it felt like I was overseeing two different worlds at the same time.

It was a unique feeling, like me standing in the space separating two identical worlds. At this hour, and with the dimly lit world here, it didnt look much different from the other pitch black world.

But I could tell the difference easily. Holding that globe made me feel like a god, a real god, one who could control the fate of anyone in the two worlds.

I saw a very wide version of the two worlds, like I was watching them from high above. I estimated my coverage to be slightly over fifty miles or something.

Alright, it was time to test this new technique of mine.

I didnt know what to do, but I followed my instincts. I looked at the direction of my creatures and exiles, standing still without showing any signs of moving.

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