I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 416: 416 Interrogation

But first I needed to find and save them. Or else I would end up with nothing, returning to point zero, the same point I started from when I came here from my time.

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Wait boys and girls Im coming, I muttered while moving at super speed.

Aside from the mystery of these towns and cities, I decided to focus on finding my team first. The world kept stretching underneath my chariot while I let it fly higher in the sky.

I was flying at a low level, trying to find my team as soon as possible. But this didnt yield any results and I ended up getting distracted by the emptied up cities and towns.

Rising up helped me to uncover more lands all around. Just in less than one more hour, I finally saw the first sign of life.

It was the rear of a big army. Without even waiting for anything, I directed my chariot towards them. This army looked big, very big, but that wasnt the problem.

They werent human, Selvators, or Berserkers. They were the last race I wanted to meet here; Hectors!

A beggar has no option in selecting his helper, I muttered while stopping my chariot just on top of their heads.


Its him!

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Notify our leaders!

Prepare to fight!

Many shouts came clear from down below. But who said I was here to fight?

The moment my chariot landed here, I started my technique, my first technique.

With a flash, my threads moved. I didnt want to control most of them. I just needed a few, few enough to tell me what the hell was going on here.

So even before their shouts started to echo across the entire army, I controlled a group of hundreds, before forcing them to come to my chariot.

For the first time ever, my chariot was seen landing on the ground, just hundreds of metres away from the army.

I wasnt worried that someone would come and target me. After all, my chariots shield was still running.

Come on board, under the shocking gazes of everyone, I let the hundreds I controlled into my chariot.

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Then I started to take off.

You Its you!!! Just as my chariot flew for a few tens of metres in the air, I saw a big Hector running in the middle of his forces. That dude looked enraged, even pushing across his forces without any care for anyone.

Im not here to fight you, I said back, in a carefree tone.

You killed lots of people, even close friends of mine! I would never let you run away!

That dude It seemed like he was the paragon, the leader of this army. Well, if he wanted to come after me then he had to keep up with my chariots speed.

I didnt move first to force contracts over the ones I controlled here. Controlling hundreds of them wasnt that taxing over my energy.

I could sustain such expenditure, for long hours as well.

As I rose up, I led my chariot to fly as far away as possible. I didnt aim to evade the vast army down below, as my boys must be nearby for sure.

An army of another Hector paragon? That was indeed a good sign. I didnt count Hectors in my calculations, but it seemed these boys had more paragons than any other race out here.

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Flying for ten minutes straight, I noticed flashes of light coming from the direction I just left. I knew that paragon wasnt going to let me loose, and would try to come at me.

After fighting many paragons of his race, I got a feeling about what he was going to do. An island, a floating island with lots of forces stationed on top of them.

But that wasnt distressing at all. It wouldnt be the first island Id crush, nor the last. Now, lets have a talk, as I forced them to sign a loyalty contract, I recalled my technique threads and asked them directly without beating around the bush.

You!!! The first answer I got was such an angry glare from many of them while few shouted in low tone, as if they were gritting their teeth.

If you are tired of living then you can try and come at me, I knew I was best protected by my contracts. So there was no point in showing me such fierceness or trying to insult me.

They either succumb to their fate or die and let me hunt more of their kin.

I want answers, I didnt give them any room even to think, human army, my army, where is it? What happened to it?

Hahaha! You lost contact with them? Thats hilarious Ahh!

The one who tried to act funny was instantly punished by death. I didnt use the power of contract as I killed this rude dude with my light weight glaive.

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It moved fast, much faster than it used to be. However this wasnt time to appreciate this or try to understand what was going on.

Consider this as your last warning, I said in a cold voice, moving my eyes around everyone here, if I want you dead, youll die in my hands. Then Ill go down there and bring more of you until I get my answers.

I wasnt joking! Wasting more minutes meant my boys would face more danger. I had to find them no matter what.

Now, will anyone be smart and be the hero to save others and speak up? Or should I kill all of you here then go down there and enslave more of you?


F*ck y

Just the few who tried to pour out their rage on me got killed instantly by my glaive. That made the rest swallow whatever they wanted to say, looking at me like they were looking at a deadly beast.

Anyone? Any answers? I inserted my glaive firmly on the ground while saying these words to them in such a threatening way. At this moment, I knew I did what I could to terrify them.

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