I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 419: 419 Fight Erupts In A Big Way

[Do you know how I can crush a big and strong illusion?]

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[Illusion? Is it done by someone or something?] the green nymph sent back, and I responded.

[I believe it was done by an artefact]

[Believe? You arent sure?]

[I didnt see the bastard who casted it]

[Well The fact that you are talking to me now means that illusion isnt that strong]

[Im not inside] I had to break her hopes, [I just arrived and want to break it]

[Ah, that changes things then]

She weirdly paused, giving me a bad feeling about this.

[You dont know how to break the illusion, right?]

[There are ways, but]

[You dont own such a thing right now] I knew what she was struggling to say.

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[Its not our specialty to be frank. But I can give you this tip, either you overcome the illusion with force, or find the one who casted it and kill him]

[Well I doubt that dude is anywhere near here]

[Then youll have to throw anything you have at that damn thing]

[Ok, I now need more soulers, Bulltors, big fighters]

[For the illusion? It wont work]

[No, its for another way]

[Damn! Things look interesting at your world]

[Not that much interesting] I didnt like how she was feeling about all the disasters I was facing.

[Alright, Ill see what I can do Anyway you got the old batches of soulers ready. They are enough to satisfy your needs for now I guess. Also I still have your big weapons]

[Send everything over] I didnt hesitate to ask for all of the soulers and weapons. At this moment I really needed them, hopefully theyd be enough to bring that damn illusion down.

[On the way]

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The next minute I got messages about the arrival of many things. They were all delivered to my inventory.

Cool! One hundred thousand soulers? Thats great! I looked up at the inventory and saw the big number added there of tokens.

Then there came the big guns.

*Bang!* *Bang!* *Bang!*

They were really big! Just like my central and big ballistae, these things werent losing in size, but also were also competing in weight.

Just taking a single one out made a loud bang sound as it landed over my chariot. She bought me almost fifty of these, and bringing them out made the spacious deck of my chariot look crowded.

Come out, then I summoned all of my Bulltors and shield warriors, take over these, and be ready to fight.

The weapons she brought me werent much different than those machine guns I had before. They were much bigger and heavier.

[Where is their ammo?] I looked around but couldnt find any ammunition in my inventory.

[They work on energy, just use the crystals I sent over to you before]

Energy crystals? I took a few of these energy crystals and looked at one of these weapons.

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There was indeed a place for placing such crystals in it. As I saw it, I took much of my energy crystals, and let my boys fill the weapons with them.

As they did, I started to consider my next move. These bastards were gathered here like wolves, waiting for my poor boys to come out and eat them alive.

That wasnt acceptable. So the first thing was to cause some trouble for these bastards.

And the first dude I had to deal with was that stupid paragon.

He was coming fast at me, with such intention and persistence, that dude was a source of trouble.

Come out, even if I lost most of my forces, I still had my elite boys.

I summoned first my fallen gods. I could summon more if I wanted, but that wasnt to work better for now. I needed my souls to save for any change in the upcoming fight.

These forces around here were all big and strong, but they were weak against one single element; aerial attacks.

So it was better to use dragons, as they would keep attacking without getting much damage in return. Plus my enemies seemed to study me quite well.

My strongest weapon was already known These fallen gods were strong but they lacked mobility.

As long as they kept over my chariot, they were like sitting ducks. So instead of that, I decided to go all out for my dragons.

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Each dragon would cost me five thousand souls. And I have more than five million now. That meant I could summon a thousand dragons.

Thinking about raising their stats wasnt going to work. Their number was big and their enemies were mostly the common soldiers in each race.

They had large numbers, but weak strength compared to my dragons. So it was fine. As for that bastard coming at my direction, Id save my fallen gods for him.

Come, I started summoning my dragons while watching my fallen gods open the battle. They attacked the island coming at me, and that sudden attack startled that paragon.

I killed lots of your friends, so dont be stupid and come at me or youll die, I shouted while letting him get a taste of how mighty my boys were.

But I knew that wasnt enough to scare him. My boys attacks were strong but not deadly enough against the sturdy shield around that island.

Yet at least it could buy me enough time, keeping that bastard quite busy while I was dealing with that illusion.

First step was done, and now it was time for the second step.

Go, kill as much as you feel like, I summoned all the soulers I had and released them like loose dogs over the forces here.

Of course the forces here dont just sit tight and wait for me to come and kill them. They arranged their forces the moment my chariot appeared.

But when my soulers appeared, they couldnt get any problem at all in killing large numbers of these weaklings in the first few minutes.

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