I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 438: 438 The Jealous Hilary

I paused for a moment before seriously adding, there is a much more important task than this Each and every one of you and your forces will be trained to open your cultivation base and start dwelling onto the path of being cultivators.

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Cultivators?!! this word might seem alien to many, very weird indeed to all. I nodded as I gave them a few seconds before starting to explain what it meant.

The more I spoke, the more understanding they became. After all, when they learnt that by opening cultivation they would grow stronger and be much fiercer, all of them became much enthusiastic about this.

Dont leave behind the bad news, but when I stopped talking, Hilary touched my chin and said in a weak and weirdly alluring voice.

What bad news, boss? the spearhead asked, and I had to inwardly sigh.

Humans We arent naturally born with innate talent towards cultivation, I slowly said, so there is no guarantee that all of you will open a cultivation base.

Then how can we open our cultivation? The spearhead looked around and everyone seemed to share the same point of view like him.

We will use someones help, I said, trying to reassure them.

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That scaled chick? Angelica said, making me wonder what these girls saw in Lily to call her chick and be seen as a threatening rival by Hilary.

For me she wasnt that bad, but her scales were still a barrier for me to see her innate beauty it seemed.

Hectors used a way to allow all the humans under their command to start cultivation, I explained further, bypassing the point of Lily being sexy and such. We will use their help to do the same with us.

Cool, Hilary freed herself from me, and added with a gaze that held threatening warnings, Ill deal with her from now on. At least Im one of the few here with cultivation opened.

I looked at her in a weird way. I was sure her real reasons behind this werent related to what she just provided.

She was acting jealous, making me unable to decide for now about what I should do with her request.

Ill also keep an eye over things, even if she had her cultivation opened, she was still lacking in a lot of things. Besides, Lily would only answer to me, not anyone else.

Really? She gave me such a long gaze as if she was asking me to reconsider.

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You know I hate scales, I tried to get her to my side, but she retreated, took a few steps away before standing with Karoline with slightly reddened eyes.

What was wrong with this chick? Why was she acting like this?


I decided to drop her matter for now. When shed see me deal with Lily she might understand.

So you also have your cultivation opened, boss? Leo tried to break this awkward moment by asking this.

I opened it not long ago, I didnt hide it from them, but Im still in the early stages of my cultivation.

Does it have stages? the talk returned to the right track again, as Sara asked in curiosity.

I gave them a short introduction to the world of cultivation, how bases are generally arranged, and a few talk about techniques.

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Can you show us, boss? the spearheads eyes shone brightly, if I can use a technique to boost my ability then Id be unstoppable.

You are already unstoppable, Isabella showed a soft side of her, a weird side to be honest to be seen from such a fierce girl.

But it seemed her relationship with the spearhead developed into the right direction.

I just used the help of my boss at that time, that dude wasnt that shameless to give himself all the credit about the battle he shone at, without all the crystals and energy things he gave me, Id have failed miserably in this.

So, Sara ignored these two before adding, with cultivation, we can add more strength to us and augment existing abilities?

And awaken them if they ever exist, I added this before adding, in fact we also lack in another field, the natural powers field. I need you to try and use the cultivation experience to not only become stronger, but also to try and unlock any hidden abilities in you. Hopefully youll be able to use natural powers based attacks like fire, ice, and lightning.

That would be cool! Leo jumped at this moment, well be like real gamers! Playing the games we had before all this happened.

Yes, something like this, if he could get the idea in that way, then why not? Anyway, go out now and arrange your forces. Once ready, we will leave.

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Take me with you, just as I watched everyone leave, Hilary seemed to still be angry with me as she said that to Angelica.

Dont you dare, but before the latter would respond, I glared at her and gave her such a threatening warning.

Why? Huh? You are deeply immersed in your lust! she pointed at my little treasure, making Angelica feel awkward.

Ill Leave, she decided to not butt in that complicated situation, preferred to leave and let the two of us try and handle things on our own.

What? Was her escape boat just left, Hilary turned to me and crossed her arms. She acted like a real kid angry with her father or something.

She started knocking on the ground with her legs, making her body tremble, and even her hair started to sway with her angry moves.

But even when she was acting like this, she looked like a sparkling star in my eyes.

See I moved towards her and she seemed to get startled by my sudden move.

What? Stay away from me, Hector lover before she would continue her barrage of angry shouts, I closed the gap between us with a swift jump, held her soft body in my arms, leant her over me, and sealed her lips with mine.

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