I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 445: 445 The Contract Of Secrecy

Stay with him, as I got what I wanted from him, I stood up, motioned for Hilary to come and console the jumper.

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Sigh, I turned to look at the jumper before adding, dude, she heard everything and now she knows about your past. Remove that mask and let her see your true identity.

I didnt wait for him to respond as I left, leaving Hilary behind in a state of puzzlement that turned into a massive shock with a loud scream of surprise.

I knew he listened to my words and removed the mask. It didnt feel that bad. After all Hilary was the closest one to the two of us in terms of time travel and this sh*t.

I hope you can console him better than I did, I muttered while ascending to the top of my chariot.

The world there looked the same, but for a reason it felt darker and much gloomier than ever. Talking with the jumper and listening to all he said was a really bad experience, one that I didnt want to go through ever again.

Just a single mistake, an easy escape from dealing fully with ones trauma would turn things to such a mess. In fact I didnt have such a thing in my life, luckily.

If I did, I didnt know if Id be like him one day or not.

Yet that also made me realise something Whoever came at us and attacked my forces knew exactly what he was doing.

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He even selected the weakest link in my forces and hit him fiercely like this. If not for that damn illusion, nothing of this would have ever happened.

I didnt know about the rest of my team, but I knew all the weaknesses of the jumpers past life. And weirdly enough, that mysterious foe also was aware of this.

Well It was another piece of puzzlement added to the long pile of such things. I didnt think much about it as I lacked any info to solve it.

[Boss Our boys are already here]

Just as I was watching the gloomy world here, I spotted the dust caused by the arrival of the big army frontline here.

And with it, the spearhead was fast enough to send me this message in the next couple of minutes.

[I saw them. Ok, enough from this short vacation and bring your as*yes over here now] I sent this to everyone, while watching the army coming closer from the distance.

They seemed to walk in an organised way, moving in big groups, each formed of almost ten to twenty thousand forces.

[We will come after deploying the forces in the region]

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[Give us an hour, boss]

[I need to arrange my boys over this area]

They responded to this, making me realise they didnt plan to arrange defences here yet. Those lazy idiots They just planned the defences around the frontline zone I shook my head in disappointment, deciding to give them hellish training after our return to the capital.

And so I had to stay and wait for them for many hours. During which, I thought about going down there and checking over the jumper. But I didnt.

I had to trust Hilary on doing the right thing here. She now knew all the secrets about the jumper, having more motives to help him more than before.

That dude He isnt dead, right? I recalled the paragon I managed to snatch away from the Selvators. He was left bleeding and so damn weak to lose his consciousness once he agreed to join me.

I didnt add him as my friend yet, but who said I couldnt message him using the contract between the two of us?

[Hey dude, are you alive or what?]

I sent this message but didnt get anything in an answer. Sigh, he must be sleeping, I didnt find any other explanation for neglecting my message but this.

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Let him rest, its only two days since he got that wound, I knew he didnt get enough time to return to his peak. He might be sensitive towards his image, just like any arrogant bastard would be.

He was a paragon, so I could understand that. Anyway, by his removal from the list of his races paragons, the path for Fang was wide opened to become one in the future.

These two jerks They didnt return to me with any news, even after the passage of all this time, the two didnt give me a single damn message about what happened between them and their paragons.

If Fang was the only one to not give me answers, Id say he was trying to seize something good from behind my back.

But Wryly also didnt answer me. And that meant one thing; there was no news or things were getting much complicated for them to say a single word.

[Hey you Any news yet?]

I sent this message to the two of them, and waited for a few minutes before the first one answered.

Of course it was Wryly. And what he said made me feel a little puzzled.

[Sorry bro, Im heading to a grand meeting with my paragon]

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[A meeting? About what?]

[Cant say! Even speaking to you might be a breach of the contract I signed with him. So, good bye for now]

Weirdly enough no matter what I sent later on, that dude didnt respond. And at the same time, Fang also didnt answer even once.

So their paragons asked them both for a meeting, and even forced them to sign a contract? Why is that? I thought, feeling that this was quite unusual.

They might be afraid of me. After all, I was a paragon killer. So they would prefer to meet the two up after signing such a secrecy contract with Fang and Wryly.

Also that might be a way to drive these two away from me. Well I didnt know what was going on here, but this meeting was weird and suspicious.

If it was a single occurrence then Id understand. But the two? And the same conditions happened with the two That meant the two paragons, at least, were on the same page with each other.

Selvators and Berserkers And before that Selvators and Dragons Things seemed much deeper than I might have thought.

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