I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 447: 447 I'm Afraid Of Hybrid Monsters

Thats something easy to do, Isabella shrugged, lets just ask our forces to start sweeping these places and look for any hostile races.

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Boss, we are still friends with Berserkers and Selvators, right? Leo asked, and I felt like this was was acting dumb or something.

They are our allies, I said before adding, clearing this point out for anyone with any doubt about it, they are going to be our long term allies in the apocalypse, until I say otherwise.


You are the boss.

Ill listen to your orders all the time.

As they all got it, they started talking among themselves about many things regarding their forces.

I just listened and didnt say anything in the middle. They knew what they were speaking about better, and I had nothing to share in that regard.

I only had my full attention towards the next steps in my plan.

However just before we could reach Boston, only one hour away, a message appeared all of sudden in front of me and also for everyone.

[Quest three starts now]

[As you are punished, you wont get any tasks for the quest]

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[Still anything in the quest that will affect you will still happen]

[So stay prepared and alerted]

Boss Boss This the spearhead seemed a bit panicking right now as he got the same messages I got, or similar to it.

Calm down, I instantly said to reassure everyone, we are going to just have a few attacks from time to time, and well conquer them in the end.

Right, Sara said in a strong tone, we arent weak anyway.

Yes, we have strong forces and we can crush any enemy no matter what! Leo got pumped up alongside Sara, making himself get a deep gaze from her.

It seemed their break up didnt go smoothly like I thought, and the two were still having friction.

Anyway, I said to end any problem before happening, keep in touch with your forces. If anything weird happens, notify me first before doing anything else.

Is it needed? Hilary came at this moment with Angelica. It seemed as the two got the message, they ended their long girl talk and came to stay with us.

We dont need to risk anything, I shrugged, we have the advantage right now. So why just take risks when we can avoid them?

Lets hope there are no disasters happening anytime soon, the spearhead sighed.

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As if you are our pillar, the one who is doing everything major and important, Angelica rolled her eyes when she heard him saying that.

The spearhead was about to say something when he suddenly stopped. It seemed he recalled the little joke I cracked before, making him restrain himself from saying anything to stir more trouble at him.

Lets just start up by gathering information, I said, trying to put things in order, lets see whats the nature of this quest.

As if you dont know whats going to happen, Hilary came to my side and punched me weakly on the shoulder.

As if you also dont know about it, I laughed while she put an innocent expression on her face.

Im not like you, you are a real monster who knows literally everything.

Me? A monster? I acted as if I was getting insulted here or something.

Hahaha, she is the only one who can vouch for that, Angelica said in such a playful tone that added dirty intentions to her words.

Damn girl! Did your mind get to such dirty thoughts? Stop it! this didnt come from me, but from Hilary who seemed to have her face a little red.

Such a chick was able to get embarrassed? That was new.

Are we going to Boston right away or will we wait first to see this quest thing? Isabella ignored all this, while her face also showed a faint redness just like Sara.

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Only Alex seemed to not be affected by what Angelica said. Of course she wouldnt, after all she was Angelicas ex.

Wait? what she proposed made me pause.

We should, Hilary nodded, before adding, its supposed to be the ninth quest or something. I lost track of these quests anyway. They just messed everything up

She suddenly raised both middle fingers in the air towards the sky as she shouted, screw you bastard! Keep messing up with things, and Ill screw you in the end.

I knew whom she was speaking towards. She was shouting at her rival. But girl The one who caused all this mess wasnt that jerk, but me.

However, as they proposed, it was better to wait and see.

What do you mean by that? Leo asked while the spearhead kept his silence and his facade of being docile.

The quests are messed up, Hilary started to expose such a hidden part of them, the quest we are going to have isnt supposed to happen now. But we are going to have a quest where all city lords are going to be tested. Hordes of monsters will come and attack everywhere a bloody massacre, thats what we are going to face.

What? all turned to look at me, as if I was the one to be blamed here.

What? I scoffed, dont tell me you are going to get terrified of many monsters.

Its not just many, Hillary seemed to be more focused on this, these monsters are supposed to have flying and aquatic ones.

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We arent yet at the stage to have flying monsters, I said to correct her.

But she shook her head.

I dont think that bastard will take all the trouble to just bring us normal monsters. Besides, most of the monsters attacking us will be hybrids.

Hybrids?!! the face of Angelica changed when she heard this ominous word.

Dont tell me you are still afraid of hybrids, I rolled my eyes at her, you know the monsters we killed when the Hectors attacked us were all hybrids.

Damn! she jumped up in a fright. This girl What exactly was she afraid of?

We killed those monsters and defeated the Hectors. She shouldnt feel scared like this. Instead she should feel more at ease.

Weird girl Dont tell me she got a trauma from that useless incident!

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