I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 449: 449 Kneel!

So we are going to rotate our forces all the time Cant we just look for more forces to recruit? Hilary asked and I had to admit my lack of solutions here.

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We have no way to get more humans to our side.

What about your warriors? Hilary asked again, you can bring more, right?

Limited numbers each time But I paused as I recalled the big number of races I could bring from the Bringold impact.

I could get hundreds of thousands, but they were a collection of many races. Most of them were weak and useless, but at this moment Id say no to such a thing.

Having fodders was perfect. Right now I was going to allow most of my human forces to grow stronger and be elites.

Any army wouldnt be an army without proper fodders. Leave this to me, Ill try to help, I said, without promising much.

I know you must have a way, Hilary punched me at the shoulder again, and everyone laughed.

Our boss always has a solution, the spearhead said, and I only glared at him in warning.

I didnt promise to solve this, I just said Id try my best.

Go and check your forces, I said before adding, and let me see what I can do.

We depend on you boss!

I know you can solve this.

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Ill wait for the good news.

They all moved away while saying a word or two like this. I just wanted them to leave me free for the next few minutes to contact the lady green nymph.

As for them, they had to start gathering up info about the current situation in the entire map. After they gathered every intel, Id just bring my new captured races and force them to fight for me in the hot zones.

From now on, Id form armies with humans as the commanders and squad leaders, while the main bulk would be formed of the captured races.

[Hey, do you have the next batch of slaves ready?]

[Waiting for you to be free to send them]

The answer came swiftly just as I sent the message. It seemed that she was free or just waiting for me to ask.

[How many?]

[One batch, like before]

[When can you provide another?]

[If you are in need, I can push it to bring a batch twice a day]

[That would be great]

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[But the price]

Damn! This girl never got enough of the bones.

[How much?]



[Thats if you are so eager to have more at a shorter interval. I can provide the same batches in the same old order, once per one to two days]

[Ok, make it fast then] I didnt hesitate to agree, [also if you can increase the number of batches for extra bones, then do it]

[Oh, you seem to be in need of forces]

[Can you do it?]

[Ill see Give me few hours]

[Send the batch you got now then]

[On the way]

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As she closed up with me, I got a message notifying me of the arriving races.

They were all bound with contracts. But I knew they would also cause trouble as they arrived, so I summoned my personal forces first.

Bring them over, I said and the next moment a portal opened and a large gush of forces of different races appeared.

They came in big numbers, and in the next few minutes they covered the entire world. I had to raise my chariot up a little to be able to see their full numbers.

Wow! Boss Are they all yours?!!! The spearhead came as the races gushed out from the big portal. They kept coming out while my team seemed to stop what they were doing and came to stand on the edge of the chariot on my side.

I didnt imagine you would be able to bring such a large army once I asked for it, Hilary looked at me in dazzling eyes, damn! You are really on your own level.

Its nothing, I shrugged.

Are they all ours? Sara pointed at their large number that kept increasing. They came from ten different races, and once they came out, they started to group together.

They are bound by contract but I paused as I started to fly lower, Listen up, Im Hye, your lord. From now on, you are going to serve me.

My words echoed in the entire world while I moved with my chariot all over their heads to add more impact to what I just said.

Screw you!

You are just a tyrant!

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Bring me home!

I wont serve such a kid! A worthless human kid!

Many shouts of refusal came, and I simply snapped my fingers in response to all of them. Kill those who spoke ill about me, I said in a strong and domineering tone. And anyone trying to help, kill them as well.


The world was filled with echoes of brutal and blood curdling screams. My soulers were the ones to get the order, and they moved as fast as they used to, and anyone who dared to speak against my words ended up dying.

Few tried to help their friends and comrades, ending up getting killed without mercy or exception.

Gradually the ruckus down below died down, until it became all silent.

Anyone else want to say anything? I moved around, repeating such sentences in such a domineering way. Lets start over then, Im Hye, your lord, and you are now my loyal subjects. What I say you will do, like Kneel!

My order landed and in the next moment, many had to fall on their knees as I said. But at the same time many didnt move, and just as they denied my orders, they started to fall on the ground motionless in such a scary situation.

Kneel fast!

Dont disobey or youll die!

Just at this moment, the spearhead and Leo showed their fast reactions, shouting in such fake sincerity to advise all of those still standing.

Of course those down there werent stupid, they knew they were bound by loyalty contract with me. So defying such a direct order was equal to death.

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