I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 452: 452 List Of Highly Anticipated Ro

If we had enough people, Id scatter a few at each town and city, turning these desolate places into thriving settlements of my human race once again.

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Doing this would solve lots of problems, one of them was the communication and spying net. I could select a few to serve as my eyes everywhere, delivering reports on a daily basis about the current situation of the place they resided in.

Also I could start forming local teams to defend these settlements, helping in relieving the pressure over my big armies to scatter and defend, and would leave my armies free for securing borders and raging big wars against other races.

So it all came down again to this population problem. Just recalling what happened in the first few days of the apocalypse made my blood boil.

There was no other race who tasted such brutality and unfairness like my humans. Dont tell me Selvators or Dragons ended up cornered in subways, butchered like cattle by monsters.

The loss of my people in the early days of the apocalypse was immense and beyond imagination. To add more salt to the wound, this only happened to my race only.

Out of the six races in the apocalypse, humans were selected to be the weakest chain here. That wasnt fair! And I swore to change such a situation, even forcibly if needed.

Thats all for now, as I said what I knew, and she added her pieces, it was time to end this here.

Thats Phew, a lot! she gave such a deep sigh that made me grin.

Thats just the beginning.

Beginning?!!! There are more?!!! No way!!!

As if I was carrying a contagious disease, she hurried away from me and went to stand with Angelica.

Sigh! Did she think that by doing that she got herself out from this? Hahaha! Nice try girl.

[Can I ask for something?]

[Hye, do you think I only have you as a customer?]

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[But you dont have anyone as generous as me, right?]

[Not even close!]

I knew that this green nymph lady was just trying to tease me. I was the only customer who could give her bones, and that placed me in such high regard in the eyes of the impacts higher ups.

[I want humans]

[Go look for them in your earth then]

[Why are you acting all funny all sudden? What? Did you close up a good deal already?]

[Im going to, lol]

[Ah, you are seeing me as a fat sheep]

[No way, you are a fat valuable customer]

I couldnt help but laugh when I heard that. [Alright, lets close this deal, shall we?]

[You want humans, and of course you must be talking about those captured and sold as slaves ones, right?]

[Hmm I want that, also I want something else]

[I knew, you wont just come and ask for something easy]

[Come on, as if I dont reward you handsomely after each deal]

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[Thats what I like about you]

[Oh, you like me?]

[Dude, if you dont have a girl, let me in]

[Hahaha, if you are tired of living then come. My girls will warmly welcome you, lol]

[You seem to underestimate the winged nymphs. If I want, no one can butt in or have a saying]

[Ok, ok, its my life that I shall worry about here] I laughed.

[You have to act more aggressive with your girls]

[Im already aggressive enough]

[I can tell]

[You didnt see anything to tell]

[Dude, stop showing me the gold if you plan to not share it with me]

[Hahaha, ok, ok, lets return to business]

[So what is your second special request?]

[I want humans, snatched from other ongoing apocalypses if possible]

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Her sudden pause meant that there were still ongoing apocalypses in the universe with the human race. And so I added my last piece:

[I dont want new apocalypses like mine, I need old apocalypses, ones that are going on for long years]

[You Are aiming higher than what you shall do]

[I know what Im doing]

[Its not the humans you shall worry about, but the races controlling their worlds]

[Let them come, the more the merrier]


[I just faced off with Hectors, and I have to say They are nothing much]

[What are you talking about? Hectors? THE HECTORS?!!!]

[They are nothing]

[Dude, dont brag like you are Hector This is already a famous saying in the entire universe. Hectors are like royalties in the universe, you cant just walk around and speak like this about them]

[I killed three paragons already from them] I didnt know why she was acting so defensive about them, but I had the capital to back my words.


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[They butted in my world without invitation, ended up losing big. They tried many times, and each time they lost. I didnt only kill paragons, I killed their elites, killed many of their forces, and even took lots of treasures out of them]

[What kind of treasure?]

[An artefact grade treasure]



[Do you know that Hectors are one of the most vengeful races in the entire universe?]


[Dude, once you step out from your limited apocalypse stage to the wide universe Damn! Why are you acting like such a trouble magnet?]

[Im not! And its still too early to worry about such a step. I have to first dominate my apocalypse and win the brutal and long fights here]

[You will. After all you are ranked forty-ninth in the universal list of the most highly anticipated rookies in the entire universe]

[Oh, there is such a list? What is it about?] I never thought that such a thing existed.

[There is a grand impact of handling such a list. They monitor every single apocalypse going on, and forms a monthly base list of the most shocking news from all across the universe]

[And my name is there?]

[You are ranked forty-ninth, and that was just the ranking done one week ago. I believe the next ranking you will score higher]

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