I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 456: 456 Going Back To Boston

Many had thick skin that was covered with thick layers of black discs, many had horns, but few had wings, and even few had fins like whales.

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They are here, Hilary stopped the talk with Angelica, looked at the direction of the portal like all of us and muttered in a serious tone, this is way beyond what I expected. That bastard! He used the Rectopires to attack us this time.


What is it?

Are they fierce?

Many questions came asking about these monsters.

They are hybrid monsters, made by combining the genes of dinosaurs and zombies, I said before turning to them as I added, they are vicious, cruel, and blood thirsty like nothing else youd ever see.

An attack suited for a thirtish grade quest or something Damn! He went too far this time, Hilary said in a bitter tone, making me know it was going to be hard.

I knew these monsters werent something easy for my current forces to handle. They were like a plaque, leaving behind eggs in the flesh of those who they feasted upon, making them able to reproduce on a scaring scale.

It was a really tough situation at the moment.

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You will all return back to the capital, I didnt hesitate to make such a decision, Ill go and bring the boys back.

You dont want our help? Hilary asked, and from her tone I felt her honest concern over me.

Dont worry, I shrugged, against me, even paragons will fall.

But they are like locusts fighting them is endless and tiring.

We have no other option, I sighed, you just go back, make sure to plan a good base for my heaven kingdom.

Heaven kingdom?

Whats that, boss?

Is it the name of our kingdom?

You already selected a name? Interesting!

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All gave their opinions about my name, and I simply waved at them. Its a nice name and suits our kingdom. Let me drop you first at the capital. Make the army go towards the nearest big city and station there for now.

Are you sure about it? As I started flying towards the capital, everyone went to organise things with the big army. Hilary stood by my side while watching the ongoing destruction all over the world by these portals and monsters.

You arent capable of facing them yet, I said the bitter truth, if I let you do it, youll lose most of your forces.

What about the human and Bulltor army you got from before?

They might help I paused as I thought about it, but its better for them to come here.

For this? she pointed around, we can at least defend our closest region.

At what cost? I rolled my eyes, dont be stubborn. You know these monsters grow stronger the more they kill and eat the flesh of their opponents.

Thats what makes them fierce.

Dont worry, I have a plan, indeed I wasnt bluffing. If my enemy decided to use such a strong card to get rid of me, I had a way to deal with this.

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Like any disaster in the apocalypse, I would always look for ways to turn these into blessings.

I hope you know what you are doing, we arent that far away from the capital to begin with. As we reached there, I saw lots of monsters stopped by my big shield surrounding the three cities, making it impossible for a single one to trespass.

They kept hammering fiercely against the shield with everything they got. Aquatic monsters even tried to sneak in using lakes and rivers here, but they failed.

My shield It showed its supremacy at such times.

Just station yourselves inside and work on exterminating these monsters, I was going straight for the shield, to be attacked by flying monsters.

They looked exactly like the ones on the ground, yet with big wings. Some had two, some had four, and many had six wings.

But they didnt pose any threat to me. Just a single use of a pulse wave attack was enough to push all of them off my path, letting me pass through the shield of my capital with ease.

Inside things looked hectic! All those in the city were stirred up, stood around as they held their weapons and didnt know what to do.

I stood high in the air, and with my presence I felt like a weird calmness prevailed over the world here.

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You need to start building defences, I turned to the team, built a strong wall to support the shield, towers to attack the monsters from, and a big deep trench to isolate this capital from the rest of the world.

Leave this to me, Hilary showed a rare moment of taking responsibility, but what about you know Him? She struggled to find the right word to speak about the jumper.

Ill have him with me, I didnt trust leaving such mentally ill dude with them in such dire situations. Just watch out for Karoline She seems to be not the Karoline we used to know, in return I warned them about the hidden danger in the city.

If she did anything funny, Ill kill her, out of the blue Hilary said such brutal words, leaving even me speechless for a long moment.

Just be sure she wont make anything stupid, I said to the team, referring actually to my current chick, Hilary, rather than my past girl, Karoline.

They nodded, and I didnt know if they got what I really meant or not.

I didnt have much time to waste here. The entire territory of mine was not only threatened by these swarms of monsters, but the more they were left alone the much bigger and stronger theyd be.

So I landed my chariot and watched my little elite team disembark. Then I took off and went directly outside.

I was welcomed with another wave of flying monsters. This time they seemed to learn their lesson, as they used long ranged air pressured attacks, acting like my dragon breaths.

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