I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 461: 461 Seeing Old Friends Again

[Weird? How so?]

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[There should be no one in control of such a thing Except for]

She paused, and I felt like she was thinking about something unlikely.

[Who is it?] I didnt accept her silence or hesitation. I was curious to know more about the person who was playing a game of cat and mouse with me for many hours now.

[Angels didnt have such authority, not even that bastard]

[Even the higher ups cant?]

[Its indeed a higher up, but not from the angels]

[From Dragons? Selvators? Or perhaps the Hectors?] I stated the big names I was aware of and had a benefit of messing things up for me like this.



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[A much bigger higher up, one who can has access to the system]

[You dont possibly mean] a name popped up in my mind at this moment.

[Its like what you guessed]

Damn! So I wasnt just fighting a normal race, but a system higher up! Thinking about this was really shocking, but when I thought about it, what she said made quite sense.

These portals didnt appear by the work of any race, but from the system. It was part of the quest, and to stop them one had to get access to the system.

Who else would be able to do that?

[But Arent they supposed to be fair and neutral?] This was a point that I didnt get.

[He didnt directly interfere, he is just making little trouble for you. Such a thing wont trigger any alarm in the system, right?]

I knew what she said was true. After all, what this bastard did was to just cut off the source of getting more monsters under control.

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From one side he was acting against me, but from another angle he was just trying to make things balanced. It wasnt supposed for anyone to control monsters, or topple with the quests in such a way as I was doing.

Of course this was my personal strength, but he got an argument at least to defend against any possible accusations.

He Was in the right even when he was doing something wrong.

[Dont think too much about it. After all we, humans, are just new to all this sh*t. Unlike other races here, this is our first apocalypse. For angels, as an example, they managed many worlds and triumphed lots of apocalypses to reach such a status of guides here]

[I Got it] It was bitter to admit such a thing, but what she said was true indeed. We were just nothing in the eyes of those in power.

If I was just starting up and got to know a higher up, what about those old and scary folks of other races? Wouldnt they also have their friends and allies in the system higher up?

Thinking about this made me more wary. This apocalypse It was heading downhill so damn fast!

[Ill keep what Im doing then] but even when I realised how terrifying and authoritative my enemy here was, I didnt flinch.

[You should be, after all only strength matters in this cruel world]

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Strangely enough, she shared the same opinion with me. I thought she was going to make me turn down this path, but she was smarter and much more courageous than I thought.

[Leave the capital and organise the inner territory for me. Ill give orders to the army to come back. From the look of things, you dont need any of them, right?]

[Do it] Indeed that was the case. With the astonishingly large number of monsters under my control right now, securing the entire kingdoms outer borders was a piece of cake for me.

So letting my human army return wasnt a problem. In fact in the last ten or more hours, I dont recall any fight they participated in at all.

As I closed the chat with her, I recalled the two bastards. They havent sent me a single word since their meeting started.

[Hey, whats up?] I sent this to the two, and if I was speaking to a wall not a single answer came back.

Cool Keep me in wait, and Ill show you how youd regret this later on I muttered in rage while closing this chat with them.

Dealing with the monsters in this apocalypse seemed like a piece of cake to me. But I knew I was an exception. For anyone else, dealing with such swarms of fierce monsters would be a nightmare.

I knew theyd come asking for help later on, but I wouldnt agree to help. They left without saying a single word, and left me in the dark for such a long time.

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How long was it? A day? An entire day in the apocalypse passed by already without getting a single word from them.

Go, lets go west, as I was feeling such anger, I decided to vent over these portals and monsters.

The west border of my kingdom wasnt that far away. But I decided to push the border much further. Using the help of monsters and portals here to expand my kingdom just seemed quite appropriate.

After that Id head to the south. Taking lands from these two was also a sort of punishment for them.

When theyd return, theyd find many parts of their territory became mine. If theyd want a replacement, they could just go out there and fight for it.

Only if they gave me proper info about what happened and what all this secrecy was for, then Id return parts of their lands to them.

Of course after paying a corresponding price for that as well.

The fight on the west frontier took almost ten hours. I expanded my territory all the way to control the entirety of Michigan and also Wisconsin. Then starting from there, I went south, cleansing anything and any foe I met.

Just going to Illinois made me meet old friends again. Dragons, Selvators, Berserkers, Illusionists, Succubi, and Hectors were all there fighting brutality against the monsters.

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