I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 507: 507 A Really Hard To Deal With Fe

[I dont know yet, but no one is responding to any message]

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[Let me try Also cant you use your channel? Wont it show you what is happening out there?]

[Good point] I totally missed that. I hurriedly opened my channel and once I did, the notifications came pouring like water outrunning a fallen dam.

[Many gods are expressing their worries over your people]

[They say your people are surrounded by a grand army of monsters and alien race]

[Portals are opened and they gushed lots of forces around your capital, they said that your people have little chance at surviving this]

[The enemy is an alien race that came from another apocalypse according to few gods words]

[Many are complaining that a sealing artefact was used to cloud whats happening there]

[Your ultras are recommending that you need to hurry back!]

Damn! All this sh*it happened while I was away? An alien race? What did that even mean?

Are they like Hectors? I asked, while feeling much colder in this situation. Whoever did this, must have known I was away and targeted my back with fire.

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That wasnt a simple move. Even the Selvators didnt get a glimpse of it.

[They say they saw them before in other worlds, mercenary race that works for a high price to do dirty stuff in the apocalypses]

[The gods who were following your people say that they are using a way to breach the shield covering up your capital]

[Many gods are asking for you to hurry back]

Oh! Mercenaries! That wasnt a new term for me. After all, I left many requests back at Albany city mercenary building to recruit a few of them.

Yet up till now I got zero response from any of them. And now my world was getting invaded in such a way by them. Cool!

A figure appeared in my mind the moment I thought about who was behind such a move. It was that damn hidden person who attacked my forces before using illusion.

That bastard It was so damn hard to fight someone that I didnt even know anything about him!

But that wasnt bad news. Even when I saw the dark screens of my team, I wasnt worried.

After all they all were linked to me by contracts. They were fine. If any died, then their name would turn black.

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So, a mercenary race, a fierce one by the words of my gods, came to visit my capital in such a way? This wasnt on the whim move. No f*cking way.

They came prepared, knew there was a shield to breach, a channel to shield, and a friendship connection to get severed.

All this couldnt be prepared so soon. I thought about the pissed off god that got that monster stripped away from him. But he would never move in such fast steps.

This was the work of that bastard! Trying to burn down my capital while I was busy fighting such a dreadful enemy Indeed he selected a perfect time to do that.

That jerk If he was brave enough he should show me his face. But I knew for sure he wouldnt! After all hiding like this made me more puzzled and left me unable to read through his mind.

Pretty fierce enemy indeed.

[No one is answering back! Thats so weird!] At this moment, the jumper sent this message to me.

[Ill leave this place over to you] I sent again to the jumper, [I want you to move East, connect this place with the lands of Fang]

[That piece of sh*Is it still alive? Do you want me to kill him and control his lands and forces?]

[No] that bastard! I didnt want any bomb to explode in my face at this critical moment. [He is now back to being an ally. Also stay away from any Selvator, we got a deal with them]

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[What deal?]

[Peace treaty] I summed up the deal points with the Selvators without talking much about what made them sign such a contract.

[Damn you, Hye! What did they owe you to force them accept such a deal? Damn fierce! They wont be able to fight back anymore, and will only work to be our followers from now on!]

The jumper might be a jerk, getting on my nerves most of the time, but he was smart enough to read through such a deal.

In just a few moments, he read through my mind and knew what I wanted to do from such a deal.

[Anyway, can you handle things here?] I didnt want to waste my breath over speaking about that deal.

That jerk wasnt here when I risked my life to fight that scary monster and save the world. So I wasnt going to tell him anything about the deal, not for now at least.

[Its a piece of cake But]

[Dont worry about them, Im going right now to help] I knew he paused for the sake of our friends. Even if he was a jerk, he wasnt a senseless jerk.

[I got more monsters here, Ill order them to follow you. Where are you now? Ill make every monster gather at your place now]

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[Im near the southern shore of Texas, at Houston]

[Got it!]

I started to send a general order for all my monsters. As I knew most were fighting right now, so I gave them the order to head to Houston once they finished fighting and killing the enemies in their current locations.

After doing that, I took out my staff and selected a bookmark in it.

[Sorry, the place you selected is currently sealed]

What the f*ck?!! I froze in front of such a message. Did that bastard also seal the area of my capital to prevent me from jumping over there?

Damn! That bastard! He was really meticulous and thought about everything.

But jerk If I was unable to jump over my capital, I could simply jump to my second best city; Albany city.

Lets go to Albany city then, I selected the saved bookmark of Albany, and the next moment a portal appeared in front of me.

Damn! Even attacking here?!! but the moment I got out, I saw a world of chaos and war all around. This city was preserved before, but now it was filled with thick tongues of smoke.

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