I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 526: 526 The Human Groups

We Managed to distribute them according to their preferences and talents, she released such a tiring long sigh, telling me how hard she and Hilary worked.

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Well, Hilary got her reward, but this poor girl here didnt. I hoped one day a suitable man would arrive and appear in her life, making her forget all this exhaustion with lots of cries.

And? I demanded for more explanation that she did later.

We arranged them into real life talents, fighters, special talents, and normal folks groups, she started by saying this before delving deeper into many details of each group.

The real life talents are those who used to work normal professions in their lives before the apocalypse hit their worlds. Ah, as we got to know them better, they lived just mirroring copies of what we used to have before the apocalypse.

Interesting, it seemed the mind thinking of all humans was the same even for those not belonging to Earth. So it ran in our genes, and wasnt an Earth thing. But they seem to have apocalypses much earlier than us, right?

Twenty and thirty years The longest duration we got was fifty, and they were the second generation, she sighed, these are the worst of all. They lived their entire lives as slaves, knew nothing, had zero talent or skill They are the normal folks, the last group..

I see Are they that much?

Almost half of the entire people you brought over, she said as if it was a bad thing. There was nothing bad in having normal people who should just live in peace, marry, and bring us more humans.

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And the rest?

Mostly in the first and third groups, fighters who worked before in big armies and witnessed many battles and those who used to do things before the apocalypse.

Interesting So are we having lots of experienced fighters?

With low stats? And zero cultivation base? They arent like the scary ones you once brought. Damn! Cant you just find more of those you brought before?

I wish I could, this girl was only focusing on fighting. Having weak people wasnt bad. We needed mass, strength in numbers, that was my current concept and state of mind.

So do we have builders? Miners? I asked, and she nodded.

We have a lot of these, carpenters, and even farmers. But the last ones were grouped in separate entities per Hilarys orders. Despite that, none of them seemed enthusiastic about returning to their former job, saying there is no point in trying to plant anything in the apocalypse.

Let them think this way, I promise to give them a scary surprise, I evilly grinned before adding, what about special talents?

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We found scientists, librarians, even people who used to experiment new things in the apocalypse Look, they are a bunch of weird people, thinking this is all just a trial sent by gods to make us repent of our old ways of life. These Are lunatics who used to test new stuff, scary stuff

I didnt get her point clearly, but this was the apocalypse. Apocalypse would ignite sparks in many, and drive others over the edge of insanity.

Like what? I asked with lack of interest.

Like building cities over clouds! Like trying to poison waters, testing new stuff to kill, testing things to make others share what monsters have in physical terms. Damn! I even heard one speaking about implanting monster parts into human bodies. They are lunatics!

Oh! All of this group is like this?!! I asked with surprise. Things like these werent alien to me. I read about such tests before, done exclusively and in deep secrecy under the sponsorship of the ruling kingdom royalties.

I heard that part of what made the past three kingdoms survive was the accomplishments of such folks. They were crazy, that was what records described them. But even craziness if guided in the right direction might become effective.

Of course not! Only a small bunch are like this! The rest were scientists before the apocalypse hit.

Great, I decided, take me to those lunatics then.

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Are you going to kill them?

Stupid girl! We arent killing other humans!

I smacked her head, hopefully she would regain her sanity about these people.

Craziness? What was logical about all this apocalypse around us? Monsters popping out of nowhere, attacking and feasting on us. Scary alien races that invaded our Earth without warning.

And the system came above all to be the crown jewel of all this mess! Damn! Since when have we lived a normal life from the first moment of the apocalypse?

Being crazy alone wasnt good. Being different in a group of normal people living their lives according to fixed rules and routine wasnt good.

Just look at this girl Angelica wasnt the normal type of a human girl that you would meet any day. And yet she didnt see how special these people were.

Crazy folks before the apocalypse were snatched by big nations and were given the chance to let their craziness serve the greediness of others.

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Those who invented mass destruction nuclear weapons were hailed as geniuses, looking at with envy and admiration despite all they did was a crazy thing!

It didnt matter if you were crazy, it mattered how you let your craziness serve and where.

For me, I was going to do exactly what those greedy and crazy leaders of big nations before did. I would give those folks fertile land to let their craziness fruit into things that would change the future of my kingdom.

Go there, she pointed in a certain direction while touching her head, they are gathered there. A group of a few thousand people or so.

Cool, I moved my chariot and flew fast over the heads of many. My chariot was eye catchy, hard to not be present and not look up there to see it.

I passed over the humans down below, hopefully the sight of my chariot would bring more security and sense of power to them.

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