I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 528: 528 Gather Up Farmers

Many even saw with their eyes the grand stretching big fields filled with different and weird looking corps.

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So the next answer was to get seeds from the market to plant. But that didnt also yield any results.

People thought it was the fault of the weird atmosphere here. After all, to plant anything, one had to be precise with how much light and darkness the plant would get, the amount of water, and etc.

But this problem was unsolved. Who could change the nature of the world? None! So for a long time, search stopped there until one day the unknown knowledge was acquired by one kingdom from another race.

I read this kingdom paid a hefty price for that, even promising to fight for that race just like how Selvators ended up serving me.

And by then, people got the answer. It was something no one thought about.

It wasnt the problem of the world, not the problem of seeds It was the way of planting them!

The apocalypse plants needed much denser energy than anything else. Even some records described it as if it was equal to the energy needed to open a cultivation base for any human..

The energy wasnt meant for the corps actually, but for the ground itself. After all, corps grew from developing their roots deeply in the ground, eating away minerals and energy from there.

What we lacked was the nature of Earth itself. The alien worlds that came here and merged with us were all controlled by their races.

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Humans only controlled small pieces of Earth. The amount of energy in our Earth wasnt even close to what other worlds had.

I didnt know what these races did to have such obvious differences.

Anyway, I got this knowledge before coming here as it was stated clearly in many records. So from day one, I started to work and secure this.

And I got something enough to turn half of Earth into apocalyptic friendly fertile land, suitable to grow anything.

Going all out from the start wasnt wise. According to tests done in early years when humans got the knowledge, not all crops yielded the same results.

Some of them didnt even grow an inch! Many took long years to give their harvest. So I knew not all the seeds could be used.

I started looking for the suitable ones to be used, those that could solve lots of problems.

Food wasnt the only problem we had. For example there were crops that would give silk, material used to make clothes.

Others gave rich energy beads like harvest that could be used in making potions and pills.

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Plants were the ground base of industry, and I had to seriously consider what to grow first.

Are you ready? As I was overwhelmed by checking the large list of names in the market, Hilarys weak and sleepy voice came from behind.

I promised you to be here when I do it, I said in defence, if you dont want to, you can return back to bed.

Without you around, bed is boring and cold as lonely nights, she seemed to be a much gentler person after bedtime.

Ahem, from the side, Angelica cleared her throat, attracting the half sleeping chick of mine in her presence.

What? Hilary rolled her eyes in response, seemingly returning slowly to her old self.

Nothing, Angelica shrugged, while her mouth tilted in such a sly way, are we going to start planting vegetables and wheat now?

Wheat? Vegetables? I said in response, dont think like this. We will plant other stuff, similar in use actually, but they arent the same as what you had in mind.

Is that for real?! Angelica said in surprise and doubt, what are we going to grow then?

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First we will start with Lockers, I said as I started purchasing the seeds of this plant in large quantities, they are used in the same way as wheat, grinded and used to make yellow flowers.

Yellow flower? Is that drug or what? Hilary laughed, but I totally ignored her remark.

This flower can be used like wheat, making bread and other food. Also we are going to plant lots of Macaron, a plant that will give beads like harvest, used to add good flavour to any food and can be eaten alone in raw form

I started to speak about the different types of crops in the apocalypse while buying the names I said in large amounts. In fact the basic price of these werent that high, considering the lack of interest for them at this point.

All races here were busy dealing with the apocalypse Well, all but my people.

Right now I got that crazy jumper running around and controlling the southern lands. As for my kingdom, my controlled monsters were roaming and fighting there, securing things here.

So it wasnt that stressful or distressing for us. Except for that jerks incident, we got nothing else to worry about.

Go, gather up the farmers you selected and let them come to my chariot, I said to Angelica while excluding Hilary from this.

What about her? Angelica seemed to complain about the unfair treatment I just showed the two girls.

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Cant you see she isnt fully awake yet? I shook my head in response before adding, go, lets not waste more time. The suns are almost on the brink of coming up. We dont want to miss early light and warmth.

Ok, she didnt get anything from what I said, and I didnt intend to explain myself. She left while Hilary watched me with such curious eyes.

Dont ask, just watch and learn, I said to cut the path on her to ask about anything.

I hope you dont just do some crazy stuff or even worse she paused and when I gave her a questionable gaze, she added, like failing in what you promised.

Do you think Im bluffing?

From a person who saw many apocalypses to someone who came from the future of one, I can tell you growing crops here is impossible.

Not to me, I laughed, just watch and I promise, youll get a huge shock.

Well see she ended this talk by saying this. And I could only smile in silence while leading my chariot towards the big lands outside the imaginary walls I was seeing in my mind surrounding my bustling capital.

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