I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 532: 532 Now... We Need To Wait!

I saw them holding the spears like I instructed. They were ready, and all that was missing now was for the big basin and the bead in its bottom to work its magic.

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Are we Going to wait for much longer?

This wasnt the first time for her to ask such a question to me. I once told her to wait, and starting from there I kept ignoring her.

This didnt stop her it seemed, only getting her much itcher to know what was going to happen. Curiosity was a significant feature of the human race, but in girls It was a true nightmare!

I believe Its ready, after more than one hour, I said while watching the far distance. It was time for Hilary and her boys to start filling the bottles I left behind, and distribute them over the farmers.

It took almost half an hour for the rear ones to get their share. And once everyone got the bottles, I started to act.

A bomb?!! I got out a grenade, one that resembled the grenades I used to use in previous battles..

This one here is little different, I bought this baby with over one hundred million coins alone. It wasnt just a normal grenade, but one that would force out any energy around.

Any grenade would detonate and release a gust of wind, but this baby here who was the size of a human head, would release a gust of energy.

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Get ready to see the magic, I said with a grin before pressing a button on the surface of this grenade before letting it fall in the river.

It fell just at the place of the bead from before. And once it hit water, once it got in contact with the slightly dark red liquid filled with immense energy, it exploded.

The explosion was a silent one, but it released a pillar of red water high in the air, enough to reach the height of my chariot.

My shield worked as usual and prevented a single drop from reaching me or Hilary, but that didnt end there.

The gust of energy exploded from this part of the river and was visible in a faint red way. But as soon as a big arc appeared, it got stopped by a hidden force coming from the two spears I planted before.

They were acting as my control units. So even with the fierce grenade, it couldnt escape the clutches of these two spears.

Then like glutinous and thirsty little beasts, the two spears started to absorb the red wave of energy that extended for two hundred metres in length and fifty in height.

The wave broke into two, forming two thick pillars of red water that went fast and vanished in the two big spears.

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Lets go and watch the good show, I hurriedly controlled my chariot to fly higher and go slowly towards the direction of my boys.

From such a high altitude, I could clearly see everything happening down there. I didnt dare to move until I got that everything was going as planned at the river side.

And all that was left now was the farmers side. Hopefully they would do as I said, or else such a chance would be missed and spoiled.

From this high, I could see many small spots of redness appearing down below.

Without the need to look, I knew each dot came from one farmer spot. Each farmer held two spears, one at top meant to absorb the wave of energy released from the two spears, and the one at bottom was meant to channel it towards the ground.

And the bottles they got would accelerate the spreading process of this energy, letting soil become rich with such energy.

From my side, Hilary stood all silent while watching all this happen. She wasnt that stupid to not link the dots, but she still missed the core theory here.

Why are you using all this to make ground filled with this red energy? This was what she missed, the simple knowledge that would make all the difference.

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We failed at growing anything before because the level of energy wasnt enough I started to simplify the facts and break them down piece by piece.

The more I talked, the brighter the glimmer in her eyes became. Unveiling all the mystery and fog off her eyes by explaining this simple theory made her get what she couldnt before.

So This was why Damn! she sighed, seemingly feeling deep regret for not thinking about such a simple concept before.


Its just Too damn simple! It was all the time in front of my eyes! And I still didnt get it!

Just because you are smart, doesnt mean you can get to know everything, I bragged in front of her, despite knowing for sure I wasnt the one to break down such mystery.

I just was fortunate enough to live in a time where such a problem was solved. I got to read what others struggled so much to get to know, a blessing and a real show of knowledge power.

What now? she returned to look down at the ground, what we shall do now?

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We just need to wait, I shrugged, let the ground get soaked with energy before planting the seeds.

Will this be enough?

It wont, but with the running water of that part I changed, we can keep the energy flow constant, I knew she got the weakness of this tactic. After all, the ground was so damn thirsty for energy.

Using this amount wasnt enough to satisfy its thirst. So we would use the running water river to make sure the energy level wouldnt go down.

As for this, it would be the job of those farmers. Or else why would I seek farmers in the first place? If they wouldnt help here, then they had no value for me over anyone else.

What about The growing time of these seeds? When can we harvest them?

You are so impatient, I laughed before adding, lets hope in less than one month, most of these will grow enough to give harvest.

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