I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 539: 539 Let's Say Hi

From time to time, Hilary sent messages to me. It seemed this girl went way outside the blockage region to keep in touch with me.

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Before this one, I kept telling her to wait and hold on. But this time I knew the danger already passed.

[Im close to controlling the situation] I sent while looking at the fifth series of waves, composed of thirty gigantic tsunami waves, slamming fiercely against my shield and creating faint cracks in it.

But when they came in contact with my tentacles, they began to show obvious signs of weakness. The water was getting devoured as if they touched fire.

For a reason, the speed of my tentacle absorption just got elevated. I wouldnt complain about such a thing. After all this was what I needed most at this moment.

So even thirty mighty tsunami gigantic waves couldnt last more than ten minutes before crashing down to the ocean surface.

This time, I cleared the waves just when the sixth series of waves were getting born at the pillars end.

[Everything under my control] I finally sent this to her, to reassure her about the current situation.

[Great! I always know our valiant lord is capable of doing such miracles, hahaha!].

This chick She never felt this way! Or else why did she come all the way outside the blockage seal to speak with me.

Dont tell me she was worried over my safety! She might not believe in my ability to control the situation, but she knew very well that I had my own ways to survive.

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Even if things got worse, I could simply select any bookmarked place in my staff and jump away whenever I wanted.

I never thought about doing this, of course, but this was the last resort to save my life.

So she wasnt concerned about me. She was just worried about her life. And I couldnt blame her for that.

[Are you sure?] this chick Didnt she trust me at all?!! [You know this is the merging pillar, the one that drives energy from another world!]

[I know, and Im not saying that Im going to crush it. Im not that crazy!]

[Then How do you plan to control it?]

[I already controlled the situation it created, so there is no danger on us for now]

[O Ok!]

Just as I closed the useless talk with her, another came from someone that I didnt hear from for a day or two!

[I got that damn pillar sending unstoppable tsunamis towards me!]

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It was the jumper. And he seemed to hit a fierce rock this time.

[Retreat!] The solution to that dudes situation was much different than what I did here.

[Are you sure?]

[A great part of the land will be lost, I get it. But we cant risk losing you or the mighty army of monsters with you. Fighting this is futile! Just retreat to a safe place and let the waves crush and die down first before doing anything else]


I wasnt worried about that jerk. He was that kind of badass to survive through hell without dying.

As I closed the chat with these two, I started fighting against the waves without pause. The more series of waves coming, the higher the number of waves in each series becomes.

But all were shattered on the face of my techniques and shield. At the end of a fierce six hours of fighting, the waves finally stopped coming and that pillar in the distance dimmed.

It didnt fade away. I knew it would remain here for the next months until the entire merging process would be completed.


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Yet just before I could heave a sigh of relief for all of this to end, that pillar issued another mighty rumble.

This time only a few scattered waves appeared. They werent as big or fierce as the old ones. So I didnt struggle to keep them in check.

Just my vanguard tentacles were enough to smash these waves to shreds. I watched the waves coming one after another, until something started to loom from the distance.

At first it looked like a ray of light appeared there. But soon I realised it wasnt anything else but a new land.

The new land of the alien world that caused all this was already here.

I used my Hawk Eye skill, but it seemed I was too far away from that land. I didnt hurry to go there. After all that pillar was still present, and I wouldnt risk getting attacked by it for any reason.

So I waited, while more waves came during the next few hours. After twelve hours, the merge seemed to stop or slow down, as the waves started to die down.

After two more hours, the waves stopped coming, and the world started to grow silent and calm.

What race is it? I didnt take any clue from the colour of the pillar. I didnt have any relation with that colour and any race here.

I just hoped it would be Selvators. If so, then this piece of land would be technically under my control.

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The land grew in size and expanded to cover hundreds of miles around. I could see a faint green soil expanding everywhere, with many trees growing there.

That land It didnt show any sign of the apocalypse my Earth had since the start.

Yet before I could move my chariot closer, A shining green light appeared, circled the entire land it seemed, and created some sort of a hindering wall.

It was a protective shield, spanning around this piece of land, reaching the height of five hundred metres.

It looked strong from far away. But who said such height was enough to stop me? To stop my chariot?

I estimated that this new piece of land was almost less than one hundred miles away from my kingdom. It wasnt that much of a distance, so I needed to know which race was there.

Lets say hi then, I concluded my second technique, but kept my first running. Whoever Id face, Id be prepared to handle them without risking anything.

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